Shock Therapy

Chapter 16

Shae's POV still

I was, needless to say, bored. After all the Frerard drama, everything had settled down. Which was boring. So I cheered to myself when Mark popped his head through the door again. “Did I mention you guys go on tour in two days?”

“You mean not tomorrow, but the tomorrow after that?” Holly asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Holly. Two days from today would be tomorrow’s tomorrow.”

“You know, that actually makes sense in a really weird way,” Mikey said thoughtfully.

“Of course it does!” I said happily before IT hit me. I looked at my band mates in shock.

It had finally sunk in. “WE’RE GOING ON TOUR!” we shrieked as one before bolting to Melody’s truck to go to our houses and pack.

The My Chem boys followed us carefully; as if afraid we’d spaz again. We all piled into Melody’s truck (I don’t know how we did it either) and Melody pealed out of her driveway going about 80 miles an hour.

When we finally reached me neighborhood, I got out gratefully. “I felt like one of those dead fishies!” I complained.

Frank looked at me funny. “What chu looking at, fool?” I growled.

This, of course, caused Melody to crack up. “Don’t be trying to be gansta, I’ll pop a cap in your ass!”

Ray and Gerard started laughing, but stopped when Melody gave her evil glare. “She will! She’s from Henrico, dude. She’ll mess you UP, son!” I told them, laughing.

Of course now the explanation had to be given. “Melody went to the ghetto school.” I said.

“Yeah, I was the pet white kid,” she said, trying to look sad.

I cracked up, before looking at a very squished (and pissed off) Mark. “How long are we gonna be touring?” I asked.

“A couple of weeks,” he responded, “Maybe longer if it all goes well.”

I stared at him with wide eyes. “I HAVE TO PACK ENOUGH CLOTHES FOR A MONTH IN A DAY!?” I shrieked.

Frank leapt/was shoved out of the truck. “Here, have a midget,” Gerard said before Melody stepped on the brakes and zoomed out of sight.

I sighed. “Okay Frank, welcome to my house…”

He giggled. “’Kay!”

An hour later, I had two shirts and three pairs of jeans packed. “What about this?” I asked Frank, who was laying on my black and grey bedspread with my fat ass cat, Zelda, on his stomach.

I held up and black and red skirt which he looked at for about two seconds. “Perfect,” he mumbled, going back to poking my cat’s nose.

I threw a stuffed animal at him, which made him jump and startle Zelda, who shot out her claws to stay perched on his stomach. “Ow,” he said simply.

“You aren’t helping!” I complained.

He looked at me, tilting his head in confusion. “I am so! I’ve told you what I thought, but then you glare at me and put it back in your drawers!”

“That’s because you just say it all looks good,” I whined.

“So you put it back because I said it looks good?” he asked incredulously.

I sighed. “Guys don’t understand. You have to tell me EXCATLY what you think.”

He nodded and sat up, shoving Zelda off. “Okay, go.”

I held up the same skirt. “It should be shorter,” he said immediately.

I laughed and assumed that could be considered a good thing. I put it in my giant neon orange suitcase, which is impossible to lose otherwise it would have been lost years ago, before holding up a plain black tee-shirt. “It should have our band name on it, but otherwise okay,” he said again.

I rolled my eyes and put it next to the skirt. I held up yet another pair of black skinny jeans. “Can’t go wrong,” was his reply.

I nodded in silent agreement, glad we had finally gotten around to packing. I held up two different belts, one black with silver diamond-shaped studs and the other black with a pink heart-a-gram. He looked at them critically. “I don’t like the pink one,” he said finally.

“Why not?” I pouted.

“Pink just doesn’t seem like you,” he stated.

I grinned. “They didn’t have it in stock in the white,” I confided before tossing it back into my closet.

He laughed. “Do you own anything else pink?”

“A pink camouflage tank top somewhere…” I said, rummaging around to find it.

“Doesn’t matter, we’re on a roll! Next item of clothing to be judged by moi!” he commanded.

I rolled my eyes before pulling out a black and red leather dominatrix type thing. A gift from my insane friend Alexa… Frank stared at it for a second. “Pack that, pack it right now!” he finally yelled.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked, grinning.

He shook his head furiously. “Pack it or I’ll pack it for you.”

I burst out laughing and fell to the ground. “You can’t be serious!”

“That or you wear it now!”

I considered. I had never actually tried it on before. “Turn around,” I told him.

His eyes widened then he spun around so fast I thought he’d fall over. He looked at my wall like it was the best thing ever. I too, turned around and attempted to put on this insane garment my weird-ass friend had given me forever (and a day) ago.

I giggled as I admired myself in my full length mirror. “Wow, I don’t think I would ever wear this.”

Frank turned around and this time he did fall over. From his place on the floor he gave me a thumbs-up. “Like I said, pack it.”

“Oh, but I can’t take the pink belt because it isn’t me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You never know when you need to play the dominatrix card during a tour,” he said, trying to sound wise.

I just cracked up. He got up and walked over to me, squinting at my torso. “No, I think you could pull this off.”

“Off, like… off off?” I teased.

“Well… That too,” he said before doing the one thing that could confuse the hell out of me more then my fucking math homework ever could.

He kissed me. When we broke apart, about thirty seconds later, I looked at him with wide eyes. “What does that mean?” I asked softly.

“It means when I told you all your clothes looked perfect, I was telling the truth, because it all looks good on you. Now would you go out with me?” he asked.

I gaped. He poked my tongue and I bit him instinctively. “OW!”

“Well, sorry! But don’t poke my tongue!” I retorted.

“I do it to Bob’s cats all the time,” he protested.

“But I am not a cat! I am your girlfriend, not a cat.”

He looked confused for a second before grinning and kissing me again. “This will work, as long as I get to wear the pink, and you wear sexy little black outfits like this,” he told me, glancing down at the shirt that started this whole conversation.

I rolled my eyes. What the hell am I getting myself into?

I leaned forward to kiss him, telling myself it was just to make sure I felt something. And not just because he was fucking amazing and I just wanted to do it again, either. Of course not.

Of course, as soon as we started to ‘get into it,’ my bedroom door was flung open. Cackles erupted from my door, as I pulled away, startled, to stare at everyone, minus the bear. {A/N: LOLOLOLOL, MELODY!}

The cackling turned to outright howling as my lovely friends took in my outfit. “And you said I had stripper moves!” Melody gasped.

“Why did you buy THAT!? And where can I get one?” Elise snorted, leaning on the doorframe.

Holly just stared in her creepy way, but she was laughing. The My Chem boys were all laughing insanely, and Ray kept repeating that Bob owed him twenty bucks. Frank just smiled indulgantly before going into my closet and dumping most of what was in there into my suitcase. “We just finished,” he said innocently.

Everyone groaned and went downstairs, excluding me and Frank. He looked at me and wriggled an eyebrow. “Do I get to help pack your underwear too?” he asked.

I laughed. “OUT!”

He pouted before I heard him thumping down the stairs. I shoved everything else I needed into random pockets and hurled my suitcase out the door and down the stairs with me right behind it.

Everyone laughed when I walked in the room. “You aren’t going to change?” Mark asked.

“No, you made me feel bad for the poor shirt,” I cooed to it.

They just shook their heads and Frank looked like he just won the lottery. “You do that,” he told me.

I laughed and we all went back to Melody’s truck which was now filled with multicolored luggage. I threw mine in the back and we all piled back inside.

~*~ Time elapse: Next Day, (snakes) on a plane ~*~

“Where are we going again?” I asked Frank for the fifth time.

“New Jersey!” he told me for the sixth time.

“And why aren’t we driving? It would only take a little while,” I said again.

“Because Mark seems to think we wouldn’t get there until Gerard’s birthday,” Mikey piped up from the seat in front of us.

“Which is only eight shopping days away people!” he called from the aisle over.

My eyes widened, as did everyone else’s. I grabbed a passing airline attendant and addressed her urgently. “What’s today?” I whispered.

“Wednesday…” she said.

I did a mental face palm. “No, the date!”

“April the first, why?”

“Oh MY GOD! IT’S APRIL FOOL’S DAY!” Bob screamed randomly.

We all stared at him. “What? I knew someone was going to say it, and I wanted to be first,” he said, shrugging.

Melody was laughing in the seat next to him. I just rolled my eyes and wondered what I had missed during me and Frank’s packing adventure. Everyone seemed closer… Hm.

Holly, Elise, and Melody suddenly shared an evil look. I paled, and Frank looked at me worridly. “Hide me,” I managed.


“That was terrible,” Ray said in a Simon Cowell-esque way.

“Is it really your birthday?” Frank asked excitedly.

I nodded. “THAT’S AWESOME!” he shrieked.

“I’d rather be born on Halloween,” I told him.

“We should trade,” he said suddenly.

“Can we do that?” I asked him seriously.

“If you can change your name, I don’t see why you can’t change your birthday,” he said.

“This is so anti-climactic,” Melody remarked.

“It was better at that Mexican place Elise worked at, when they made Shae wear a sombrero and sang Feliz Cumpleanos to her,” Holly added.

Elise just cackled. “My boss thought it was hilarious and now he does it to everybody! He said we have to come back to the restaurant though, Shae’s reaction was the best.”

“I didn’t know sombreros could spontaneously combust,” Holly remarked.

The boys just stared. “They shouldn’t,” Mark sighed from his seat somewhere behind us.

“I don’t like sombreros,” I said moodily.

“Obviously,” Bob said.

“HE TALKED AGAIN!” I said excitedly.

Melody threw an airplane peanut at me, and the fight was on!

Ten minutes later we were out of peanuts and even Frank couldn’t make the airplane ladies give us more. I was bored. “Are we there yet?” I pouted.

“We haven’t even started moving yet.”

“…Damn. Any ideas?”

Frank grinned. “Mile High club, anyone?”

“Hmmm,” I said, pretending to think about it.

Everyone gaped at me. “Not this flight,” I managed to say between my giggles.

“What’s the movie?” Melody wondered aloud.

“BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN!” Elise and I squealed, air high-fiving.

Everyone did a face-palm. “Just kidding, it’s Mission Impossible 3. Ew.”

Elise’s eyes got scary big and she pulled out her iPod speakers, which I stole. I plugged in my iPod and started blaring my newest favorite band Escape the Fate.

“Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her back drop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget!”

I sighed. “I love this song!”

Melody looked at me. “And they say I’m a very dark little child…”

Gerard spoke up from where ever he was, I’d given up finding them all. “Escape the Fate, right?”

I squealed in happiness. “SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE!”

“Well, yeah, they’re opening for us too.”

Oh, that noise? Yeah, that would be the sound of me screaming my thanks to the airplane’s tin roof.

Poor Mark. We haven’t even gotten in the air yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: This chapter is (a tad) more on the serious side. But not really. AND you can blame all grammer/punctuation errors on Melody who wanted me to update so bad she wouldn't let me edit) COMMENT MY PEOPLES! And Melody, you touch Escape the Fate and I'll eat you. With a spork. I have plans... *evil laughter*}