Shock Therapy

Chapter Seventeen

~*~Mel's POV~*~

Ow. I calmly put in my sound canceling earphones to get rid of the reverberating YEEEEEESSS!!!!!!! that had originated from the general area of Shae's seat. I turned up I Am Ghost - Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps all the way and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later, covered in airline peanuts.

"What the hell?!" I said. I heard a giggle from the seat a few rows across and up from mine. Apparently, Shae and Frank got bored doing God knows what with each other and decided it'd be funny to see how many peanuts it took before I woke up. Hilarious.

"2351!" Frank pumped his fist in the air triumphantly, "Ray only took 1432! Melody wins!"

"Yippee...," I muttered as Ray glared at Frank and pulled a peanut out of his afro.

I glowered at them before shaking off all the peanuts and going back to sleep. The next time I woke up, we were in Jersey. We had gotten my aunt to drive my truck up, since she was staying there with her sister for a month, so she was there waiting for us at the airport. Once we got all our luggage and whatnot sorted out and got through security and all that jazz, she came rushing up to our little posse, and stared at My Chem and my band mates for a minute before grabbing my hand and asking if I was going Goth again.

"No, Aunt Christina, how many times do I have to tell you? Black nails do not mean someone is Goth, or emo, or the Devil," I stated, completely used to her stereotyping, judgemental ways. But that's just how she shows she cares. I think.

The girls and I dropped off Aunt Christina at her sister's house before catching up with the guys, who were still waiting at the airport because there was a little incident involving Frank refusing to remove all his peircings for the metal detector.

We somehow got everyone into my truck, either in the cab or the bed of it, and dropped the guys off at their respective houses, occasionally kicking someone else out with them to make more room in the inside of the truck. Shae went with Frank (shocking) and Elise went willingly with Ray. Hmm. This was becoming a pattern.

Gerard and Mikey got dropped off at their place, followed by Holly and Mark, and pretty soon it was just me and Bob, and since he lived in Chicago, he had already had his bags packed a week or so ago, leaving them at their manager Brian's house. Basically, we had nothing to do other than drive around.

An awkward silence had settled around us in the truck, and willing to try anything to get rid of the crushing quiet, I popped in Hemispheres, my favorite Rush album.

"I love this band," Bob said....well, mumbled.

"Me, too," I replied, lapsing into silence again. But this time it was a little more bearable..


After being woken up at five A.M. by an overexcited Shae (why did I share a room with her?), we checked out of the hotel we were staying in for the night and headed towards Ray's house, where we were meeting up with the rest of the group to go over to their manager's office so they could get their bus. Us girls would be sharing the truck.

Once we got to Ray's, the guys all piled themselves into the truck bed and we were off. It took a while to get there, because everyone had their own set of directions, and I couldn't follow five at once. We got there eventually, though, where Brian gave us all tour schedules and the guys got situated on the bus. There were six bunks, so Mark would sleep on the couch while Brian got the extra one.

We got everyone organized, double-checked everything we needed to, and pulled out onto the freeway, heading towards Florida this time.

We decided to take shifts of two of us sleeping in the back and two staying awake up front so none of us fell asleep at the wheel. First it was Holly and I up front with Elise and Shae in the back seat, then it was Shae and I in the back, Holly driving, and Elise in the passenger's seat. It continued on in this rotation, and by the time Shae was driving and I was passenger, it was about 2:30 A.M.

"God, Florida is forever away," Shae mumbled sleepily.

"Well, that's only 'cause we started way up in Jersey," I explained.

Just then, the truck lurched forward before screeching to a complete halt. Greeeeaaaatttt.

"Wassgoinon?!" Holly asked, startled out of her nap.

"The truck broke," I groaned, banging my head against the window.

Elise tiredly dug around for her cell phone, probably calling Mark. Still not awake enough to talk, she handed it to me instead right as he picked up, grumbling, "You do realize it's 2:30 in the morning, right?"

"Sorry Mark, the truck broke down."

I heard him sigh long and hard before telling us that he'd gotten the driver to turn around to come get us. Once he hung up, we only had to wait about ten minutes for the bus, since they weren't that far ahead, and Holly used the time to call information for a tow truck.

The bus pulled up alongside us and Mark ushered everyone in.

"I'm going back to sleep, you guys can figure out your own sleeping arrangements," Brian mumbled before heading back to the bunk area.

"Looks like you guys are gonna have to share," Mark said, flopping down onto the sofa thingy and falling asleep once again.

"I call my own bunk," Gerard said, walking back to his bunk and pulling the curtain shut.

"Well, now I guess we'll just have to figure out who's sharing with who," Elise said.

Frank grabbed Shae's hand and pulled her towards his bunk. Once they got in, he stuck his head out of the closed curtain and said, "I'm sharing with Shae, by the way," as if we couldn't figure that out.

"Here's what we'll do," began Ray, "You three each write your name on a bit of paper and we'll put them in Melody's hat and whoever we pull out is who we share with."

Holly shrugged, "That'll work."

We wrote our names and put them in my hat, holding it out to Mikey, Ray, and Bob. Mikey went first.

"Holly," he said.

Next was Ray.


She looked a little too happy at that. Wait.... that meant only Bob and I were left. The other four headed off to their respective sleeping arrangements, leaving us two standing there, staring at out oh-so-interesting shoes.

"So...," he said, trailing off.

"So...," I repeated. This would be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: w00tage, the numbers are back to normal. And HAHA Minus the Bear, watch like only one person gets that xDDDDD I wrote this in Study Hall when I was uber bored. COMMENT OR I'LL......SEND THE FEARSOME MARSHALL AFTER YOU!!!!!! (for people who don't know, i.e. people who aren't Shae, he's the logo guy with the bright yellowy orange fro thing. And I'mma stop writing cause this is one hella long A/N.)