Shock Therapy

Chapter 18

Shae’s POV

I giggled evilly to myself in the darkness of Frank’s bunk. I knew nothing about trucks, but I knew they couldn’t run if they were missing half of the equipment from under the hood. And said equipment was now scattered across the highway in front of some crappy gas station. Hence our truck’s ‘break down’ which led to the shared bus.

Frank rolled over and practically squished me. These bunks were TINY! “What are you laughing at?” he mumbled sleepily.

“The truck broke,” I giggled.

He feigned shock. “Really?” he gasped before trying to go back to sleep.

I giggled again before rolling off the bunk. Unfortunately, I forgot Frank had the top one. “What was that?” Melody called from the main living area.

“That was the sound of Shae’s ass hitting the bus’s floor,” Holly said from the bunk under ours.

I glared up at her before bouncing to my feet. “I’m bored,” I announced to nobody.

Frank opened one eye. “What do you want me to do about it?”

“Play with me?” I asked with puppy dog eyes.

He groaned before climbing out of his bunk. “What do you want to do?”

“YAY! Um, let’s play… Um, I don’t know. What should we play?”

“I dunno,” he said, shrugging.

I squinted at him. “This sucks.”

He started to nod before his eyes widened. “Let’s see who can make Gerard swear first!”

I burst out laughing. “Why? Is it hard?”

“No, it’s really easy. That’s why it’s funny,” he said, as if he was stating the obvious.

“Oh okay. Ready… go!” I yelled, dashing into the living area, followed by Frank.

Gerard glanced up from his sketchbook. “Are you guys high?” he asked warily.

“Gerard, I want to have your babies,” I said with a straight face.

His mouth gaped open. “I- What?!”

“No Gerard, I want your babies!” Frank whined, throwing himself into Gerard’s lap.

“WHAT THE FUCK FRANK!?” Gerard screeched, leaping over the dining table and away from Frank, who was doubled up in laughter.

I threw a random object, which happened to be Gerard’s pencil, at him. “You won!” I whined.

Melody gave us a look. “You guys need help.”

“Yep, I know!” I laughed before throwing myself next to her on the couch. “We’re bored.”

She resumed reading some book. “So?”

“So play with us!” I pleaded.

“Why should I?”

“Cause it’s my birthday bitch! PLAY WITH ME!” I yelled.

She gave me yet another funny look. “Oh yeah, it is your birthday… But I can’t play with you, I got stuff to do.”

She put her book down and went to the teeny kitchen, slamming and locking the door so I couldn’t follow her. “Let’s play Guitar Hero!” I shouted randomly, not worried about Melody’s erratic behavior.

“OKAY!” Frank laughed, grabbing the red guitar.

Bastard. I wanted the red one. So I tackled him and wrestled it away. He looked at me with sad eyes so I kissed him. Heh, I love doing that.

He gave me a smile. “Okay, you can have the red one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: Blah, filler chapter. I’ve got no ideas until later so… sorry!}