Shock Therapy

Chapter Nineteen

~*~Mel's POV~*~

Muahaha. Shae didn't notice me locking the door, and if she did, she didn't say anything. All the more easier to get started with her surprise party. Which I knew would embarrass her supremely. Which made it all the better. Although, throwing a party on a moving bus was probably not a good idea. But since when have I followed logic?

I had everything I needed in the teensy kitchen to make chocolate-to-the-max brownies, my personal specialty. And also the only thing I knew how to make.

As I got out all the ingredients and began mixing them together, I thought back to earlier this morning.


Bob pointed out where his bunk was (up at the top) and climbed in, giving me the outside. I guess he didn't know about my fear of open edges. Oh well. I'd live.

I'd been asleep for an hour or two, when the bus went over a bump in the road, jolting me awake and sending me almost flying off the edge and onto the floor. I squeaked a bit, bracing myself for the impact of the cold linoleum, but instead I felt a pair of warm arms grab me by my waist and pull me back up.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"No problem," Bob mumbled before resuming his slumber.

He hadn't moved his arms from around my waist, and I wasn't about to say anything.


I was startled out of my memories by everyone rushing in the kitchen, with Gerard in the lead, holding a key that looked suspiciously like the one to the kitchenette. I had only just noticed the incessant beeping of the bus' smoke detector. Shit. I burnt the brownies.

Mikey grabbed an oven mitt and pulled them out of the itty bitty stove thing and threw them onto the stove top.

"What the hell is that?" he panted.

"Eeehh...." I muttered.

"Looks like Cajun to me," giggled Frank. I glared at him before responding.

"They were supposed to be brownies, you know, for your birthday and all. But now not so much."

"Awwww, you made me brownies?" Shae cooed at me.

"And I was gonna throw you a mini surprise party on the bus," I continued, looking at my feet.

"AAWWWWW!!!!!!!" she squealed, "Even though if that plan worked, and I killed you for it, and the fact that I just realized yesterday was my birthday and it's Thursday now, it's still so nice!!!!"

She grabbed me up in a hug and we just kinda stood there for a bit before someone coughed and we released eachother. Everyone began to file out of the kitchen, leaving me to clean up not only the flour out of my hair, but also the kitchenette. Bob was the last one out, but turned as he was about to leave, walked back, and gave me a hug.

"That was really nice of you. Even though it didn't work out too well," he said, turning around and leaving for real this time.

I turned back to scraping dead brownie off the pan, screaming in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Hokay peeps, I needed to get this chapter out of the way so Shae can write in our amazingly amazing pal V, who will then write a chapter for us from HER POV, just a special treat for you guys, cause she's one of the best writer's I know.