Shock Therapy

Chapter 2

{A/N: Woot, it's Shae!! DANCE!!!! Lol I actually got around to do my part of this story soooo........ I'm gonna stfu and you can read...}

~*~ Shae's POV ~*~

I bounded into the club, cackling like a maniac as Mel chased me. I clutched her Fedora hat in my hands and ducked behind Mark, who winced when I jabbed him with my elbow.

"Ow... Watch the new tattoo, dammit!"

I flung the hat back at Mel. "Lemme see!" I demanded, stamping my foot like a two-year old. Yes, I was proud of my maturity, dammit!

"Act your age, not your IQ," Mel snapped, brushing off her hat.

Mark grinned before rolling up his sleeve gently, displaying a bat with a banner stating 'Unleash the fucking bats' underneath. I shrieked.

"My Chem quote! MY CHEM QUOTE!" I laughed.

I heard Mark ask Mel in a small voice, "What did you give her?"

"I woke up and the entire fucking Skittle drawer was empty..."

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! How many bags do you keep in there, like 25?"

"More like.... 50 or so..."

I snatched a random security guard's hat and informed him he would not be getting it back anytime soon. Actually, I believe it was more like "Fuck off, it's mine now!"

Elise and Holly wandered in, also not very chipper.... Losers, like they needed coffee.

"Shae drank all the coffee, that was a brand-fucking-new container!" Elise fumed.

I cackled again, as Mark looked at me, horrified. "How much sugar can she take?!"

"I think she inhales it," Holly commented.

Suddenly the sugar just died. Quite depressing, actually. I immediately plopped onto my drum stool and spun in aimless circles. "My sugar rush like, fucking ran into a wall and nose dived into the pits of fucking HELL..." I lamented, not at all exaggerating.

The rest of the band cracked up and Mark just stared at me. "She serious?" he asked quietly, not quite used to us yet.

"Deadly," I moaned, falling off my chair and waving my feet in the air.

"Anyway," Mark said, shaking his head and looking at Mel, Elise, and Holly, "My friend is gonna be here after you guys start your set, and he says he's bringing a few of his good friends... You guys can't fuck up, because they could really send your career soaring into the fucking SKY!"

Holly stared. "Was that a freaking metaphor?"

Elise smirked. "Shakespeare laughs at your shitty poetry..."

"Don't quote Hot Topic shirts!" Mel snapped.

"No, see, she changed the 'crappy' to 'shitty,' so they can't sue her," I stated, hitting the crash cymbol with my foot.

Mel grinned as she heard the crowd begin to clamor for entertainment. She rammed her hat back onto her head with one hand before running out to say hi.

I remained seated on the floor as the staff picked up my drumset around me and shuffled it onto the stage. Holly and Elise walked on stage tuning their instruments, and I followed, carrying my drum stool on my shoulder. "See you at the end, Mark!"

Melody grinned at the crowd before getting them engaged in what she was saying. I dunno, something about... something. I was busy trying to catch my drumsticks after throwing them into the air.

One bounced of the snare drum, and everyone turned to give me an odd look. I waved.

Melody rolled her eyes and launched into a song called 'Apathy Inc.'

"Do you ever
Wish that you could just let go
Ever wish that you could just be free
Ever wish that you could just be rid of the
Emotional baggage that you've always had to carry alone

Ever wish you could forget it all
Ever wish that it would leave you alone
Ever wish that you could just
Pass by in the street
And become another face in the crowd


Welcome to
Apathy Incorporated
We take
All the pain, the love and hatred
For just the small price
Of the rest of your life

Sit down and
Relax! We'll take care of the rest
And as your feelings slip down the drain
And as your memories fade away
You begin to lose yourself
And you like it.

But as you step outside and as
Your eyes go wide
At the sight of a blood-soaked
Skyline and
All the emotions that flood your mind and
You can't get your money back now.

Welcome to
Apathy Incorporated
We take
All the pain, the love and hatred
For just the small price
Of the rest of your life

Welcome to
Apathy Incorporated
We take
All the pain, the love and hatred
For just the small price
Of the rest of your life!"

I grinned at Mel who had finished headbanging and gave me a wide-eyed look. I looked at her questioningly. She pointed to the front row, mouthing 'There's a guy down there that looks like Bob Bryar!'

And yes, I do read lips. One of the many services I offer. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Everywhere we went, she saw someone who looked like Bob Bryar.

~*~ Fast Forward: End of Set ~*~

I threw myself down on the leather couch, much like the day before. I tossed a drumstick at Mark, who had just walked in the door. He endured it with a grimace. I spied a packet of Skittles and picked out a purple one as Holly and Elise gratefully took the coffee offered by staff.

"SOMEONE drank all ours..." Elise muttered, glaring daggers at me.

I laughed insanely, feeling the sugar pick me up. Melody politely declined the coffee offered, and I shouted, as always, "BLASPHEMY!"

A voice from behind the door floated in. "What's blasphemy?"

A slightly higher pitched voice replied, "The singer girl just said no to frigging COFFEE, and the some other chick was like 'WHAT THE FUCK, NO YOU DI'INT!' I agree, coffee is the shit."

A deep, mellow voice spoke up. "Frankie, coffee is not that amazing, you could live without it."

"Fuck no, I couldn't! Could you live without... cats!?"

"GUYS! Knock on the fucking door so we don't seem like goddamn stalkers!" another, really, REALLY familar voice said.

I stared hard at the door. Mel obviously didn't give a shit, as she had pulled her Fedora hat over her face and fallen asleep. Elise and Holly were arguing over which coffee was better, black or sugar and 'creamy-ified.'

I let Mark get the door, already giggling in my head that I actually expected My Chemical fucking ROMANCE to walk through the door. Just because one was named Frank meant nothing.

So of course, when My Chemical FUCKING Romance did walk in the door, I shrieked, leapt off the couch (sending Skittles flying everywhere), and tripped over the ghetto coffee table before landing face down on Melody.

"Dude, these chicks already kick ass!" Mikey whispered to Frank, who giggled insanely.

Melody jumped up, sending me sprawling. "What the FUCK, Shae!? Piss off, I'm tired as hell, at least you get to sit there on your ASS and play... Holy fuck, is that the real Bob Bryar next to the door?"

"No, it's like that stripper that we got you for your birth-- Ow!" I yelped, clutching at my forehead at which a Skittle had been beamed.

"SKITTLE!" Frank screamed, diving over my head to the pile scattered on the couch.

I joined him, ignoring the other bandmembers. Frankie was my favorite anyways...
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: All songs are made by me and Mel (this song made by Mel, tell her it doesn't suck, she's sure it's fucking awful), unless otherwise noted, so if you fucking steal them, I will send our psychotic, bad-ass friend Rob to eat you like he did the picture of Jimi Hendrix! ::domo: I've no idea if that even works on this site, but if you have a Gaian account, you know DAMN WELL what I mean!}