Shock Therapy

Chapter 23

~*~Melody's POV~*~

A few days later, we were all sitting around the cramped bus, bored as hell. Sighing, I got up from the couch that currently had six other people on it, and went back to the bunks, and changed into my pajamas, since we obviously weren't getting anywhere anytime soon.

As I walked back into the living room, Shae screamed.

"Oh my God! It's the organic pajamas!"

Mikey looked confused for a moment before getting that annoying smug look on his face and saying ,"How in the hell are they organic? They're pajamas."

Bob glared at him from the other end of the overflowing couch.

"I don't know, why don't you tell us, nerd boy?"

Everyone turned their heads simultaneously, shocked.

"Someone's in a mood..." Mikey mumbled to himself, turning away.

Gerard let out a delayed gasp.

"He's starting to talk!"

Ray rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Only took three years..."

Frank giggled insanely and promptly tumbled headfirst off of the couch, which now stood at a solid five people, only two more than recommended.

"Frank. It's not that funny," said Elise.

"Yes it IS!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at her.

She glared at him before attempting to bite it, causing him to pull back with a yelp.

Mikey and Bob had by now forgotten the whole situation and moved on to the laptop and were currently rampaging around on the internet.

"Oh! Oh! Google something!!!!!!!" yelled Frank.

Gerard looked up from his sketchbook before saying, "Remember Mikey, don't Google yourself," and turning back to his latest drawing.

"I know, that's why we're going to Google you, Gerard!" Frank exclaimed whilst Gerard rolled his eyes.

"No! I'm Googling you, Frank!" Mikey yelled, only getting so far as typing the 'Fr' before having the keyboard hijacked by Frank, who proceeded to type in 'Gerard', forgetting to delete the 'Fr'.

No matches.
Did you mean 'frerard'?

"Heeeeeyyyyyy.......I remember that word....." Bob said, glancing shiftily at the computer.

"What's that first link say, Mikey? Mi....something. HEY. It says.....MIBBA! WE FOUND IT!!!" Frankie cheered.

"Click it, click it," chanted Mikey.

"NO!" screamed Elise, Shae, and I simultaneously before running towards the offending machine.

Shae ripped out the battery while Elise slammed the laptop closed and I tackled Mikey, Frank, and Bob(or attempted to).

"I'll hide it!" screamed Shae before running into the bunk area with the battery in hand.

"Well. That takes care of that, then," I said calmly before walking away and sitting back onto the couch and annoying the hell out of Gerard by watching him draw over his shoulder.

~*~Time lapse: Several days later~*~

Once again, we were sitting around the bus after our first show, doing absolutely nothing, when I happened to glance over to the small table, where Mikey was seated and staring at.....his laptop.

I stalked over to where he was intently scanning a page full of words.

"Mikey....." I seethed.


"How is that on?"


"And what the hell are you looking at?"

I skimmed down the page before registering that he was reading a frerard. Oh. Dear. Jesus.

"SHAE!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"WHAT?!?!" she yelled as she came running in.

"Look at this shit. LOOK AT IT!"

She briefly glanced down at the screen before exclaiming "Oh I this one! did you get the battery?"

"FRANK FOUND IT!" Mikey shouted, covering his head with his arms.

"Frank......" I said, turning around to find him already in the room.

"I DIDN'T DO IT!" he exclaimed.

"What....were you the suitcase?" Shae whispered menacingly.


"She didn't say it was her suitcase...." I said.

Mikey laughed softly, "Dude, I can't believe you fell for that."

Frank smacked himself in the head while Elise walked into the room, and, taking one look at the screen, screamed, "I didn't know she updated!"

Mikey looked at her curiously, "Who updated?"

"Shae..I mean...oh shit."
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha. Shae was here when I wrote this, so it's kind of....joint-authored xD Meh. Not like it matters. NOW COMMENT. No comments makes me sad :[ And makes Shae cry. Which I have to deal with.