Shock Therapy

Chapter Twenty-Faux(Hawk)

~*~ The Awesome One Known As Shae's POV ~*~

I slowly turned to grin sheepishly at Frank before darting past him and into the bunk area. I slithered under the covers and curled into the smallest ball possible. I heard a footstep, and tensed up when I heard a slightly feminine giggle. "Frank, don't you dare."

Then in the other room, I heard Mikey start up a chant. "We're gonna go over a bridge! BRIDGE, BRIDGE, BRIDGE!"

I leaped out of the bunk just as Frank pounced. He landed face down on the mattress as I sprinted into the living area to see Mel just about hyperventilating on the sofa. "DAMMIT YOU ARENT ALLOWED TO MOVE!" an outraged Frank called.

I ignored him (LE GASP!) to focus on Melody's fucked up respiratory issues. "Breeeeathe Mel, we aren't even on the bridge yet!" I soothed, while shooting Mikey The Look.

The gasping continued. I rolled my eyes while attemping to shut all the blinds. "Bob, make her breathe! And Mikey, look what you did, look what you FUCKING did! SHE'S BRIDGE-A-PHOBIC!"

"I'mma stay in here, if it's all the same to you! I don't wanna be arrested if Melody dies," Elise called from the 'kitchen.'

Mikey attempted to cower behind a pissed off Frank, while Bob looked between me and Mel, completely confused. Finally he shrugged, grabbed Mel's shoulders, and kissed her.

I swear we all just stopped. Just BOOM, nobody moved. The bus driver almost swerved off the bridge. It was that unexpected.

Melody apparently wasn't expecting it either. Her breathing... well, it didn't worsen. It just kinda stopped. "YOU AREN'T HELPING BOB!" I ranted.

Then Melody breathed... and kissed Bob back. They got lost in Make-Out Land as everybody else considerately went elsewhere. Mikey wouldn't leave his beloved laptop (which was charging in the wall) without a fight. "We're off the bridge now. You can stop."

He got the finger from BOTH of them, as neither wanted to disentangle themselves to bitch him out. "Fine...." he grumbled before wrenching his computer charger out of the wall and following us into the bunks.

We all postioned ourselves in various bunks. There was silence for a few seconds until Ray piped up. "So.... what just happened?"

I opened my mouth to reply, before I realized something. "Where the fuck is Holly? I haven't seen her since the show."

Everyone shrugged. I sighed and rubbed my temples before going back to Melody and Bob's semi-pornographic state. "KEEP THE SCENERY IN THE PANTS!" I shrieked, effectively getting Melody to look up.

She sent me The Look. "We have a situation. Nobody's seen Holly since the show."



"Call her cell phone! She might answer!"

I grabbed my Sidekick and dialed Holly's phone. I burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but sing as the 'Do You Like Waffles?' song began playing as a ringback tone.


Melody perked up and sang the next line. "YEAH WE LIKE WAFFLES!"


This time the whole bus joined in. "YEAH WE LIKE PANCAKES!"


Just as everyone yelled "YEAH WE LIKE FRENCH TOAST!" Holly answered her phone.

".... Is that the only reason you called me? To tell me you liked French Toast? Because that is a waste of my life! That's 13 seconds I can never get back!"

I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see it. "Yeah. Anywhos, where are you?"

"I'm at the truck stop. I can't decide between Doritios or Fritos. Or maybe Cheetos..."

"We left the truck stop like two hours ago!" I wailed.

"No, I can still see the bu- Wait.... Never mind."

"What?" I asked, curious in spite of myself.

"That's the Senior Road Trip bus."

Cue facepalm. "Anyways... We'll pick you up in two hours."

"Why so long?"

"Because we left TWO HOURS ago. And have been driving ever since."


"Yeah... Keep yourself amused a little while longer, okay?"

"Mmhm..." There was a 'click' as she hung up the phone to debate her chip choices.

"Anyways, we gotta turn around."

Frank's eyes widened and he bounded over. "That means we gotta go over the bridge again."

I hugged him for reminding me before grabbing Bob by the collar and attempting to throw him Melody's way. "She's aaaaalllll yours."

He raised an eyebrow, so I lowered my voice. "We gotta go over the B-R....IDGE."

"Oh. 'Kay."

He waltzed... well, as waltz-like as Bob can get anyway, over to where Melody was sitting. He sat next to her and grinned. She grinned back, and they just sat there like two dumbasses. I sighed.

I walked over, then shrieked and pointed at Melody's chin. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! DON'T MOVE MEL, DON'T MOVE! KILL IT BOB!"

He leaned closer as Melody froze. When he was closer, I shoved their faces together and walked back to the bunks laughing. (Not) Surprisingly, neither followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Co-Authored again. Sorta. To listen to Holly's ringback, click here. And the Quote of the Day is:

"I keep it in the closet. The baby, not the syphillis."

If you want to add a quote to our QOTD contest, comment and leave it in your comment. ((By the way, this is totally not a way to get comments... xP)) The prize is.... the respect of your fellow readers and the satisfaction to be able to brag about your dumb conversations. :lmfao