Shock Therapy

Chapter Twenty Five (Possibly Twenty Faux in a 1/2

A/N: Well since SOME PEOPLE can't get off their lazy (or grounded) @$$es to update, it seems I, the magnificent V, must hyjack it again. XD

Vitamin Water or fruit punch, that was the question.

I sighed, putting the Vitamin Water back on the shelf. Because, really, I couldn't afford anything but water. Out of a fountain. Still, after the day I'd had, I needed a freaking Hershey bar, and one cannot eat a Hershey bar and then wash it down with something good for you. It's like against the law.

As I went up to the cash register--to give the surly looking register worker the rest of my cash-- I was only slightly startled to feel someone FLINGING THEIR ARMS AROUND MY NECK, making me crash into a chip display.

"V! V! V! V! V!" the owner of the hands screamed excitedly. "Dude, what are you DOING here?"

"Holly?!" I cried in surprise. I glanced around. "Where's everybody else?"

"Um, yeah, about that....." she bit her lip. "Ikindadidn'tnoticewhentheyleftabouttwohoursago."

"You WHAT?"

"Whatever, it's not my fault I have ADHD," Holly said defensively, and stamped her foot; a bag of Cheetos that had fallen off the rack made an ominous crunching sound. Glancing again at the guy at the register, I had a feeling it would not be the one with the rock star salary paying for that shiz. Wonderful.

"So what are YOU doing here, anyway?" Holly wanted to know.

"Buying my sugar fix." Hello, loser check out guy? Do not give me that look. You are too young to wear that look. That is the look your mother gave you when you trashed her house last week throwing an underage kegger. So stop giving me the Evil Eye or I swear I will get her phone number from your manager to tell her and then phone the police, plzkthanx.

"No, dork, I mean HERE here, as in South Carolina. Aren't you supposed to be rotting away at some hole-in-the-wall theater in the Sunshine State?"

Aw, crap. "Um, yeaaaaaaah, bout that," I said awkwardly. "I quit. And then ran away."

"You did WHAT?"

"Okay, do you know how freaking HARD it is to play the Beggar Woman after the freaking movie version of Sweeney Todd came out?!" I ranted, not bothering to keep my voice down. "EVERYONE HATES YOU. EVERYONE. Forget the fact that in the stage version everyone sees that Mrs. Lovett was really a manipulative shrew with psycho Donna Reed issues, in the movie I am the one who robbed them of their perfect-murderer-love-of-awesomeness. I AM THE ONE THAT KEPT JOHNNY DEPP AND HELENA BONHAM CARTER FROM MAKING OUT. I AM THE BLONDE CHICK WHO STOLE FROM THE MAN FROM THE UN-LOVED BRUNETTE AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND. I AM THE ENEMY."

I think Checkout Boy ran away in terror. Yay.

"So," Holly said slowly, "I'm guessing they...booed you?"

"Booing I can deal with," I said in a dignifed voice. "I'm a fledgling actress; it comes with the street cred. It's when people THROW STUFF that I get pissed."

"Wait." Holly was clearly trying not to laugh. " what? Tomatos?"

"Mainly, they threw Playbills. And breathmints. Stuff you'd already have in your purse, you know." I narrowed my eyes. "Ocassionally, though, they'd throw those Harry Potter cards they started to make--"

"Oh my G-"

"Because, you know, I guess they wanted to show that they thought the movie was better, or something, which makes no sense because I mean I love both and the medias are so different--"

"They honestly threw CARDS at you?"

"YES, OKAY?" Could she let it go? It was majorly embarrassing that I couldn't handle this mess. "ALSO TODAY THEY THREW A COPY OF FIGHT CLUB AT ME TO SHOW THEIR SUPPORT OF HELENA''S MRS. LOVETT, AND THEN FINALLY BROKE OUT THE TOMATOS! IT WAS HORRIBLE, AND I FINALLY JUST LOST IT AND WALKED OFFSTAGE, RAN TO MY CAR AND DROVE UNTIL I GOT HERE!" I was crying now. I hate it when I cry in front of other people. It just makes everything more awkward.

"Aw, honey," Holly gave me a pat on the back, which somehow made me start hiccupping. Interesting. "How the crap did you afford the gas to do that?"

"I won an Texico card the other day," I sniffled, dabbing my eyes. "Free tanks for the next six months."

"Beast!" Holly said, impressed. "Hey, so, since you have all that fuel lying around, you think you could drive me to the band's next gig? I mean, nothing says 'eff you day job!' like becoming a groupie. Plus I'm pretty much going to be mocked for this incident for the rest of my life, so you driving me to the concert instead of going on the bus saves me at least six hours of torment, right?"

I cracked a smile. "Sure, why not?"

"Awesome!" She flipped open her phone and speed dialed. A second later she cooed, "Hey, buuuuuuudddies, turn back around- yeah, I know, do it again, loser, I got a ride. No, I am not hitchhiking with hot mountainer guys who were actually circus clowns, that only happened once! I-- no-- NO, relax, I know them." She paused, and then a wicked grin lit up her face.

"It's a surprise.

A/N : They are sorry for not updating, I'm sure. I hope you liked this chapter!


"The one Italian broke the Romanians nose and nobody did anything!!!"

Also, as an aside, I myself FINALLY posted something on Mibba. So if you if you wanted to be an even more loverly person, you could go read that after your done commenting on this story. <3

Much love,