Shock Therapy

Chapter Three

Mel's POV:

I stared at the doorway, completely oblivious to Frank and Shae rolling around on the floor fighting over Skittles. Holly and Elise just stared right along with me.

"Hello?" asked Mark, waving a hand in front of my face right before Holly screamed.

"FUCK! I didn't know she could scream that loud!" yelled Elise, covering her ears. This is the point where I finally lost it. I cracked up laughing, falling to floor and dropping my hat in the process.

"Is she ok?" asked Gerard, poking me, which just made me giggle more.

"Oh, they're like this all the time. There's never a dull moment," said Mark, who doubled as not only the club manager, but our band manager. Shae jumped up from the carpet.

"Oh, she's completely fine, she's just having mood swings 'cause it's 'that time of the month'."

"Ooooh.....kay....." All the guys looked extremely uncomfortable. I immediately stopped laughing and instead reverted to glaring at mybest friend loudmouth bandmate while shoving my hat back on.

"See?" asked Shae, "She was laughing two seconds ago." She then proceeded to jump up and down. Why? I have no idea.

"Well, if someone hadn't eaten all the chocolate this morning I would be in a better mood. You know how I get without chocolate."

"Wait wait wait, she ate the chocolate, too?" asked Mark, "I thought she only ate the Skittles drawer."

"And drank all the coffee," added Holly, glaring at Shae, who had stopped jumping and was hiding behind Frank.

"You have an entire drawer of Skittles??" he asked, awestruck.

"Not anymore we don't. We didn't tell you she found Mel's chocolate stash because we didn't want to over-worry you Mark." explained Elise.

"ANYWAYS," I yelled, cutting off the rest of the conversation, "Why are they here?" I pointed at the members of MCR standing in the doorway, minus Frank, who was still held in place by Shae, who had correctly guessed that we were still not exactly happy with her at the moment.

"Well," began Mark, "I'm very good friends with Brian, their manager, and I sent him your demos like I always do with new bands I've found, and the guys heard it and well, I'll let them tell you."

"We want you to tour with us," stated Ray.

We all stood there for a bit, shocked out of our minds, until Elise squealed andattacked ahem, hugged, Ray. He stared at her for a bit before awkwardly hugging her back until she finally released him from her death grip.

"Pinch me," I said, holding out my arm to Holly. Apparently, she figured I was serious, because she pinched me. Hard.


"Hey, you said to pinch you," she said, shrugging.

"But before we finalize everything, we'd like to get to know you all a little better. We don't want to bring you on tour just to realize we all hate eachother," said Mikey.

"Works for us, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"Well, I have a few ideas of where we could go...," said Shae from behind Frank. Oh sweet Jesus, knowing Shae this would not end well...
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A/N: Okay, it's her turn now. Muahaha. Comments = <3