Shock Therapy

Chapter 4

~*~ Shae's POV ~*~

"We should go to Pizza Hut!" I shouted, peeking over Frank's shoulder. Hm, he smelled good....

Elise laughed. "We're not allowed in there anymore, remember?"

I wrinkled up my nose, as Frank craned his neck around to look at me. "Oh yeaaah! It was because I unscrewed the tops of the salt and pepper thingys wasn't it?" I asked, grinning sheepishly.

"No," Holly said, grinning now, too. "I think it was after you called the manager a cow-eating, chicken-killing pig.... I'm not even sure that works..."

"And me and Elise called him a sexist bastard," Mel said, laughing at the memory.

"But he was, he was gonna let Mark stay!" Elise said hotly.

"That's because I didn't fling a pizza at the guy's face!" Mark said, scowling.

My Chem just stared at us, amused, as this arguement ensued. I could feel Frank shaking with supressed laughter. "You guys did all that in PIZZA HUT?" he asked, laughing.

"Bastard didn't have any good vegetarian pizza..." I mumbled in Frank's ear, getting a little closer than was nessecary.

But I mean, it was Frank Iero. If you could be all up on him, wouldn't you jump at the chance

"I KNOW! I hate that..." he whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?" I responded.

"I dunno... Cause the fight's still on," he laughed.

"So... How are you and Jamia?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

He stopped for a second, before replying. "We broke up two weeks ago. We decided we were better off being friends..."

I covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! That was so rude, I shouldn't have brought it up, can you forgive me? I feel so bad, I'm sorry-" I babbled, embarrested as hell.

He looked at me with wide eyes. "It's ok, it's not like we parted on bad terms... We just fell out of love, but we're still friends."

I felt a little better, but I could still feel my red cheeks. I suddenly noticed the room had gone silent and turned to see everyone staring at me, who was blushing, and Frank, who looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Five bucks says she just announced her undying love for him!" Mel shouted.

I groaned and tossed a pillow in her general direction. "No I didn't!" I shouted.

"But don't you have like a billion posters?" Holly asked, clueless.

I glared at her and sat behind the couch. "Fuck off, my life is now over!"

Elise grinned. "Cheer up, emo kid!"

"STOP QUOTING!" Mel screamed. "Anyway, where should we go?"

A thought came to me, and I grinned over the couchback. "I believe Wal-Mart is calling us..."

A cheer of "HELL YEAH" came from my bandmates, and Mark just gave a long suffering sigh.

My Chemical Romance looked utterly confused. Oh, they would find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: ........ Yeah, don't do any of the tricks mentioned because you WILL get kicked out, I have... XD MELODY!! You're up, but don't get them kicked out of Wal-Mart in your turn, cause I wanna write some of my experiances with Wal-Mart security in there, ok?}