Shock Therapy

Chapter Five

Mel's POV:

Wal-Mart.....oh the things we got up to in that place. I giggled a bit to myself as we all piled out of the club and the guys got in their vehicle and the girls and I plus Mark crammed ourselves into my hot pink pick-up truck. Yes, it is hot pink, and yes, it is a pick-up truck. I'm weird, ok?

It was my turn to pick the CD, so I decided to annoy the hell out of everyone by putting in a mixed CD I had made just for that reason: Country and 80's music. And not the good 80's music either, we're talking the really shitty 80's music that all sounds alike.

Holly groaned and Elise smacked her head against the window repeatedly whilst Shae attempted to press the eject button before I slapped her hand away.

"Hey, don't distract her," Mark said to Shae, "And you, eyes on the road."

"Yes, mother."

--Time Lapse--

The MCR-mobile, as it had been named by Holly, pulled up into the parking lot as we were all getting out of the car. I was humming Whiskey Lullaby to myself, but Elise heard and said, "Oh. Dear. GOD, that had to be the most depressing song ever!" So of course, I began to sing the words as loud as humanly possible.

"Wow. That is depressing, I think I wanna cry now," said Mikey as I got through the first verse and the chorus.

"You haven't heard the whole thing yet," said Holly with a wild, manic expression in her eyes, like she was about to snap and go postal, which she probably was.

I stopped singing as we approached the automatic doors. It took us about ten minutes to get inside because Shae and Frank insisted on playing with the motion sensor on the doors. Once we were in the store, all the members of My Chemical Romance looked at us as if to say, "Now what?"

Mark sighed. "I can't believe I let you guys come back here."

"It's because of our magical powers of persuasion," I said

"Yeah, Voldemort over here's got some made persuasion skills, what with the doe eyes and all," said Elise, jerking a thumb in my general direction.

"Well," I said, looking at Shae, "Batman's pretty good at it too."

"Hell yeah, I am. We're like, the dynamic duo of persuasion," she said.

"What the fuck?" asked Holly.

"My thoughts exactly," Gerard said as he looked back and forth between Shae and I, extremely confused.

"Don't ask," said Elise while shaking her head.

"I need new sponge brushes, so I'm off to the arts and crafts section," I said, head off towards the back of the store with everyone else in tow.

"You paint?" asked Gerard.

"Yeah she does, Melody is the artistical one," Shae replied for me.

"Artistical isn't a word, genius," I said, "Besides, I'm not that good anyways, I can't exactly be called artistic."

"Here we go again..." mumbled Holly to Elise.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: w00t, Wal-Mart! Sorry for shortness, but I didn't know what else to write and I couldn't get them kicked out yet. Hokay, Shae's turn. I less than three comments.