Shock Therapy

Chapter 6

Shae's POV

Frank suddenly stopped, and because I was dumb enough to be following close to him, I rammed into his back. "Why'd you stop?" I asked his shoulder.

"CART!" he screeched, launching himself into a wire shopping cart.

I laughed at him and eventually the others retraced their steps, realizing they had left behind the coolest people ever. "Where did you guys go? And why is Frank making race car noises?" Melody demanded.

"He wants to race, but I can't push him..." I sniffed.

Elise gave me an odd look. "And why can't you push him?"

"Cause then he wouldn't have a backseat driver!" I exclaimed, squishing myself into the same cart. "Now push us, dammit!"

The cart was very crowded, but I didn't care, because I was squished together with Frank freaking Iero! Melody giggled and piled into another cart with Elise. Bob got behind their cart and Ray and Gerard grabbed our handle. Holly and Mikey pretended to be the girls in leather bikinis and waved a stapler and we were off!

Gerard and Ray cackled madly as they pelted down the toy aisle. Frank screamed and squeezed my waist, and I laughed. The Bob-Mobile ran into a rack of sunglasses and toppled over. Elise shrieked and Melody just laughed.

Gerard and Ray managed to get us stuck in the cosmetic aisle. "Your cart won't move!" Gerard complained, kicking it.

"Damn... Oh well," Frank said, jumping out and sending me with him.

"Ow...." I pouted, looking up at him.

He grinned and offered me his tattoo-covered hand, which I took. He then hauled me up and we browsed the nail polish. Gerard didn't care for it, so he decided we had to find the others.

"MARCO!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"POLO!" the faint cry came from the other side of the store, so we sprinted in that direction.

"MARCO!" I called out.


"MARCO!" Frank screamed in his adorable screamo voice.

"POL-- ow!"

We had all turned a corner and ran straight into the rest of our group, and Mark was grinning apologetically at the manager, who gave us an evil glare.

"You need to leave," the man ground out.

"And you need a life," Mel said matter-of-factly.

"Or a girlfriend!" Holly said.

"Gerard volunteers!" Mikey said, laughing.

That's when security came to 'help us out the door.'


Ray gave me a look. As soon as we got in the truck, I rolled the window down and screeched out the window. "THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING!"

Frank clapped a hand over my mouth. "You're gonna offend the British people!" he said, trying not to laugh.

I licked his palm ad he made a face. "How long were we in there?" Melody asked Mark, who looked at his clock.

"Three minutes and 43 seconds," he said, shaking his head.

"NEW RECORD!" we all cheered.

"ANYWAY... Where to next?" Gerard asked.

"LET'S GO TO MELODY'S HOUSE!" I screeched.

"Oh dear God..." Melody said, face-palming.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: School started, so meh! Updates might be faster! Or even slower, I'm not sure...School blocked Mibba... But I will find a way to update!! Your turn Mel!}