Shock Therapy

Chapter Seven

~Mel's POV~

Oh dear god, she just HAD to suggest my house. Ah, well, you win some, you lose some. I climbed into the truck with the rest of the Shock Therapy gang while the MCR crew got into their car, except for the fact that Frank, for some odd reason had switched with Mark. Probably because Mark would've gone insane otherwise. Poor guy.

We had been driving for a while now, and I finally pulled off of the interstate and onto one of those really old, fucked up roads that haven't had the lines repainted in about 30 years.

After driving for another fifteen minute, and passing multiple pastures, barn, and the like, Frank began to fidget in his seat.

"Are we being kidnapped?" he asked. I rolled my eyes while the others just laughed.

"No, Melody just lives really far away from the rest of society. She's redneck like that," Holly explained.

"I am NOT redneck," I shot back, rolling my eyes once more.

"HAHA, you so are, you even get a southern accent when you're mad or frustrated," said Elise. I gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter as I glared through the windshield.

I finally pulled up into the (too long) driveway of a small blue house with a handbuilt cattlefence that my dad had put up when I was about eight. As the MCR-Mobile pulled up next to my truck and we all got out, I heard loud barking before I was knocked to the ground by two giant masses of fur licking my face off.

"KAISER! ROMANCE! Get off, you crazy-ass dogs!" I yelled at my two dogs, Kaiser, a full grown English Sheepdog, and Romance, a yellow Lab puppy.

Gerard looked at me funny before asking, "Your dog's name is Romance?"

I swear I turned about fifty shades of red while everyone looked at me.

"WHAT?!" I yelled after a minute of them blinking at me, "I name all my pets after bands."

"Then what's Kaiser come from?" asked Ray.

"Kaiser Chiefs," I replied before grabbing my keys and unlocking the door, only to be met by the family dog, Scruffy, a mixed mutt, but just as lovable as the pure-bred idiots who always managed to wriggle under the fence to come greet me no matter how big they are. Scruffy just stayed inside since she was so old.

The others traipsed in after me, and Elise ran over to pet Scruffy.

"Where are your 'rents? And KJ?" She asked, reffering to my parents and brother, who I shared the house with.

"Camping with Ray and his whole crew," I replied. At the mention of my 'dear' cousin, Shae glared holes in wall while Ray (Toro) looked confused.

"Not you, her demon cousin," clarified Holly.

"He's evil, evil, I tell you, EVIL!!!" Shae screamed, scaring Romance into the kitchen. I laughed as I headed towards the den to go feed my two parakeets, Mars and Sunday. Once again, I was followed by nine other people.

"What is this, follow the leader?" I asked as Mark helped my get the bird feed stuff down (they just HAD to put it on the top shelf).

"Yes," Frank said, as serious as he could muster (aka, not very).

Just then, Mars decided to speak, which my dad and I had taught him and Sunday to do. Cool, he can talk, one might think. No. Mortifying. Why? I had taught them My Chemical Romance lyrics, along with a few other bands,but at the moment, Mars felt like he was in an MCR mood.

"What's the worst that I could say? What's the worst the I could say?" he squawked. I smacked my head for the second time that evening.

"Mars, you stupid stupid bird," I groaned while everyone else laughed at my obvious embarrassment.

"Hey, it's cool, I'm flattered," said Gerard, "Even parakeets like my lyrics!"

Even I laughed at that. Once I got the birds to shut up, we headed back into the kitchen and sat around the table talking and laughing.

"So....what are we gonna do tomorrow?" asked Holly.

"Good question. Any suggestions?" Elise asked.

I had one of those euphoric little light bulb-over-the-head moments.

"Busch. Fucking. Gardens."

Shae's eyes got all round and shiny, kinda reminded me of a goldfish.

"Hell. Fucking. Yeah."

Mark banged his head on the table and kept it there for a minute before picking it up again and repeating the process.

"No....not again...please no..."

"Oh come on, Mark," Holly started, "It wasn't that bad."

Elise looked thoughtful before saying, "Yeah. Yeah it kinda was.," and then laughing.

The MCR guys looked kinda scared. Oh, if only they knew....if only....
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