Shock Therapy

Chapter 8

Shae's POV

"We have to sleep! NOW! So we can go to Busch fucking Gardens!" I yelled.

"Why is it Busch fucking Gardens?" Gerard asked, confused.

"Cause it sounds more bad-ass! NOW GO TO SLEEP!" I yelled again, louder.


We squealed, Elise groaned, Holly face-palmed, and Mark banged his head on the table again. Just then Gerard coughed. Mel and I blushed. "It's tradition..." I whined, going for the Skittles drawer.

"Forget something, Shae?" Elise asked, when I stopped and stared at the emptiness that should have held Skittles.

I collapsed on the floor, holding my head. "NO!" I fake sobbed, rocking back and forth.

My bandmates laughed before going to put the DVD in. Frank put his hand on my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay," he whispered in my ear, picking me up and carrying me into the other room.

I giggled and licked his face. He dropped me on the couch indignantly. "Ew."

"Oh you know you liked it!" Gerard yelled from examing the DVD's.

Frank just grinned.

~Time Lapse~

"It's weird watching yourself on TV," Mikey remarked.

I was too busy laughing at LOTMS Mikey, who had just said 'yo.' "What is Bob's screen name?" Elise asked, with a glint in her eye.

"Bobsbookofcats, duh," Mikey said.

I noted Melody write it on her hand, and whispered in Frank's ear, "I bet you five bucks Bob and Melody are a couple by the end of the week."

"Deal," he whispered back, making me shiver.

When LOTMS was over, everyone fell about on the floor and claimed a spot. Melody actually slept in her bed, God knows why, and I climbed onto the sofa, followed by both Gerard and Frank.

Guess who didn't mind at all? Yeah, that would be me.
♠ ♠ ♠
{A/N: Blah, filler chapter mostly...}