Shock Therapy

Chapter Nine

--Mel's POV--

I was awoken by the bittersweet smell of coffee. Yes. I like the smell, hate the taste, I'm weird like that, so sue me. I laid in bed for about five seconds before I realized what we were doing today and jumped...ahem...fell, out of bed.

I groaned and trudged into the kitchen in my cookie monster pajama pants and baggy unicorn shirt, plopping myself into a chair at the kitchen table and resting my head on my arms.

"GOOD MORNING, SUNCHINE!!!!!" Holly yelled in my ear.

I mustered up my best deathglare and spat back at her, "Why are you such a morning person?"

"Here," said Mark, handing me a pepsi out of the fridge. After about five minutes of not feeling any more awake, I realized it was caffeine free. That bastard. I glared at him while everyone else laughed.

"I'm guessing she's not a morning person, then?" asked Ray.

"You would be correct, sir," Shae said in a (terrible) British accent. I was awake now; It might've been the sugar from the soda, or it could've been Mikey seeing my shirt and yelling "UNICORN!!!" loudly enough for the people in Europe to be sitting in their houses saying "What the fuck was that?"

"Alright, people, we've wasted enough precious time on a pointless breakfast, so lets get moving!!! Busch fucking Gardens!!!!" yelled Elise.

We all scrambled to go get changed (we all had spare clothes at eachother's houses, just incase) and by the time I had slipped on the bracelets to mach my Pikachu tank, we were out the door and piling into the truck and the MCR mobile. This time Bob and Frank switched with Elise and Holly. Why? I still don't know.

I looked through my cds before pulling out Wolfmother and sticking it in the little slot.

"Not again....." groaned Shae as she banged her head against the window. She reached to turn it off, but I slapped her hand away.

"Nu-uh, my truck, my stereo, my music."

She banged her head aginst the window again.

"Melody, I like Wolfmother just as much as the next person, but you take obsession to a whole new level here, pick something else," said Mark.

"Fine," I pouted before ejecting the cd and replacing it with Muse.

By the time the cd had finished, we were in the parking lot, the MCR mobile close behind.

Once everyone was out of their respective vehicles, I grabbed Shae's hand, and in unison we yelled, "TO THE TRAM!!!" before running off and leaving the rest of the party behind.

By the time they caught up to us, we were in the line bouncing on our feet from the excitement. Naturally, we were in the first seat so we could distract the driver, whom we were on a first name basis with, if only for him to yell at us to shut up.

"Hiiiiiiii tram guy!!!!" I squealed as he pulled up, rolling his eyes at us.

"When I was your age--" he started before Holly cut him off.

"TV's had three channels, there were no video games, and you had to walk five miles uphill in the snow to get to school." We knew this whole speech by heart.

"Just get on the damned tram," he said.

"Yes sir!" we saluted him.

We all clambered onto the plastic bench-like seats.

"Drop us off at the Griffon!!!" shouted Elise.

"They don't make stops, dumbass," I said.

"Well.....they should."

After we finally got to the actual park, the guys (with the exception of Mark, who was used to this) all burst into hysterics.

"You guys are nuts," said Mikey before we all headed towards the ticket booth, except for Shae and I, who had passes.

Once we got through the ticket people, we came across a metal detector. Oh no.

It took approximately 5 minutes for me to remove all my metal, Shae had a lot more, and after about 7 minutes, the exasperated metal detector guy just waved her through. All together, it took everyone about 25 minutes to get through successfully (we had all forgotten a piece of metal at least once).

Elise was the last one through, and after removing all her metal (4 minutes and 27 seconds, a new record), she stepped through the metal detector. Unfortunately, it went off. A burly security guard asked her to step through so he could search her with the wand.

It beeped right around when it reached her chest. She blushed crimson as me, Holly, and Shae glanced at eachother before cracking up. The guys of the group just looked confused.

The security guard raised his eyebrow.

"What?! I have a metal charm on my bra!!" yelled Elise, blushing even darker, if possible.

"Prove it," he said.

At this point, Holly, Shae and I were holding eachother up to keep from collapsing to the ground in hysterics and Elise yanked up her shirt, revealing the tiny metal gun right in the middle of her bra and said, "There. Is that proof enough for ya?" before angrily stomping off after putting her bracelets and whatnot back on. The guard just looked astounded, along with the rest of the males within a ten foot radius of the incident, including the MCR boys.

After that catastrophe was over, we all ran for the skyline transport things that take you from Britain to France to Germany in the park (not the REAL Britain, France and Germany as was once thought by Shae)

Mikey, Ray, Gerard, Frank, and Bob got a car to themselves while us girls shared with Mark.

"Hmmm.....I wonder what that pole's for," said Shae, pointed to the thick black pole that supported the roof of the car.

"I wonder," I repeated before wrapping a leg around it, causing the ride attendent and the rest of the girls to burst out in laughter and Mark to turn his head away and cover his eyes.

The sudden laughter caused MCR to look behind them, and they were promptly met with the sight of Shae shouting at me to "Keep my stripper moves to myself" I swear I saw a few of their jaws drop open a bit.

When we finally got to France and out of the car, We caught up with MCR again.

"Enjoy the scenery, boys?" asked Holly, snickering to herself.

"Sure...." said Mikey hesitantly.

"All I have to say is, keep your scenery in your pants," Gerard said, looking pointedly at me.

"What?" I asked innocently as they all looked at me.

I giggled and skipped off towards the Griffon, the rest of the group in tow.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: WHOO!!!! The chapter Shae and I have been waiting for....maybe not so much you guys, considering you have no idea how many inside jokes/real events are in here, but ok. I'll leave the rest to Shae. Now comment. Or else >.>