Status: indefinite hiatus

Consciousness and Confidence

Chapter 2

After about two hours of sitting on the couch I had had enough of being a couch potato and decided to get up and do something. The first thing to do was call my best friend, Jay. Her real name was Jayden, but she didn't really like being called that so everyone just knew her as Jay. She also had a slight reputation for messing around with lots of guys. But, I personally didn't pay attention to it.

Waiting for about three seconds the phone was picked up instantly. "Hello?" a very disgruntled male voice said through the phone. I frowned.

"Hi, is Jay around?" I asked.

"Who's this?" he asked, quickly.

"I'm Ryyan. Who are you?" I replied.

"Ben." His voice sounded as if he didn't trust me. Oh great, this dude probably thought that because of my name, I was a man and that his girl was probably cheating on him with me. I really wish my voice didn't sound so distorted on the phone.

"Well, Ben." I emphasized his name. "Can you run along and get my best friend Jay for me?"

I heard him grunt before handing the phone over to Jay.

"Hello?" her voice said into the phone.

"Hey JayJay." I said, cheery. "What's going on?"

I heard her sigh. "Nothing really. There is a party tonight to kick off summer break. And seeing as how this is your last day real day here in California I think we should definitly party it up."

I smiled into the phone. "Yeah, sure. I'm up for it. I'm just going to tell Matt that I'm sleeping over your house tonight."

"That's fine. You'll probably end up passing out in my car." She laughed. I laughed too.

"Okay, well, I'll be over in about an hour and a half. So, let's say ten." I informed her.

"Bye Ryyan."

"Bye Jay."

I hung the phone back up and went upstairs to go get ready. Apparently, Brian and the guys were practicing at our house tonight because I could hear them in the garage strumming away.

Maybe I should clear something up. Today, is the second day of summer vacation. My mother, being annoying and all, has decided to ship me out to New York City to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin MJ. ALL SUMMER! So pretty much today will be my only day to go to a wonderful Huntington Beach house party and get hammered before being sent away. Matt is not coming with me.

I went upstairs to my room and took a shower, blowdrying and ironing my reddy brown hair. I re-did my makeup, got dressed, put some clothes in a bag and headed for the door. On my way out, I knew I had to tell Matt where I was going.

I opened the garage door and screamed over the music. "I'm going to JayJay's house! I'm going to sleep there!"

The music stopped and Matt looked at me confused. "What?"

"I said 'I'm going to JayJay's. I'm going to sleep there.'"

He nodded. "Alright, just don't do anything bad, okay. We've all heard of JayJay's reputation." Some of the guys snickered in the background. I glared at them.

"I wouldn't do that, Matt. You know me. I'm innocent." I replied. Brian, who had been taking a sip of soda instantly spit it out and started laughing. I glared harder at him.

"That's real funny, Ryyan." he said, between laughs. "You. Innocent." Zacky and Johnny joined in his laughter.

"Do you know something about my sister, Brian?" Matt asked, raising his eyebrows. When Brian opened his mouth to retort, I shot him a look telling him to shut the hell up. He, for once, obliged.

"Not a thing."

"See Matt, he was just trying to push my buttons again." I tried to reason. "Now, I've got to get to JayJay's. See you tomorrow morning, Matt. See the rest of you whenever school starts."

"What do you mean?" Jimmy piped up.

I hadn't told him. "Oh, well, I'm going to stay with my cousin in New York City for the summer."
"You're going to get so smashed at parties there!" he yelled. Matt glared at him.

"She is NOT getting smashed, ever."

At this I looked at the floor in guilt. I was going to get smashed that night. "Well, I must be going now. Bye everyone." I got a chorus of 'goodbye' before shutting the basement door and making my way down the street to Jay's house.

The minute I knocked on her front door, it flew open and Jay grabbed my arm, bringing me to her car. She first took my bag of clothes and threw it in the house, before slamming the front door behind her. "We're going to miss everything." she stated, dragging me to her car.

"No, we're not." I retorted, getting into the car.

We pulled up to the party a few minutes later, and it was definitly in full effect. Drunk people were everywhere!

"Hello, summertime!" I yelled before getting out of the car and making my way into the house.