Will I Be Able to Go Back?

Are Things Looking Up?

My dreams that night were about my family. Me and my little sister walking around the park by our house. Me pushing her on the swing.

"Higher bro higher," she would yell.

"But if i push any harder then you'll swing right up into the clouds and you might get stuck on one."i would tease her.

"Would i really?," she would ask astonished.

"Yes ma'am. And then what would we do without you?," i would exclaim laughing.

The time when the whole family went to Splashway waterpark. I was so sunburned after we left because i wouldn't listen to my mom telling me to put on more of the sunscreen.
I was miserable for the week after that. But she never said i told you so. She would sit by my bed putting on the aloe for me and then sing to me her favorite song.

"You can rest easy tonight everything is going to be alright
I promise. Go to sleep and dream tonight.
everything may not be perfect but at least we tried.
so tonight sweet dreams and sleep tight."

As i woke up i swear i could hear someone singing that song.

I opened my eyes and saw the now familiar basement. Troy was sleeping next to me. His mouth open a little bit and he was drooling.
I couldn't help but laugh. I quickly smothered it when he stirred. But he stayed asleep.
I looked around and saw everybody was asleep.

But it didn't last long. The basement door banged open and down came Rolly and three other men.
The breath caught in my throat as i saw him. I looked at Troy. Not able to mask my terror. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. That alone calmed me down a little bit.
He walked around looking at some of the boys.

He pointed to two of them and the men unchained them and held on to their arms. He got around to me and Troy and saw our hands.

He glared at Troy and then smiled at me. I looked down at the floor. You could hear my chains rattle from my trembling. Rolly pointed at me and one of the men unchained me and grabbed my arm to pull me up.
But i wouldn't let go of Troy. I didn't want to leave him.

"Unless you want to have some more fun i would suggest you let go of your little boyfriend," he whispered in my ear.

i immediately let go. As I and the other two boys were walking up i looked back at Troy and he smiled a small sad smile at me.

We were taken down the hall into the living room at the front of the house. There was a group of guys there sitting on the couch. He made the three of us stand in a line in front of them.

"Heres all the black haired, blue eyed boys we have.," Rolly said.

Their filthy eyes raked over us. I was the only one without a shirt on. I felt disgusting to have them looking at me. My body was still aching and bruised where I had been pushed down the stairs and raped.

"This one looks a little beat up," one said pointing at me.

"I had to break him in the hard way," Rolly said smiling at me.

"I would rather not have damaged goods," the same man said.

The others seemed to nod in agreement.

"Well what about the other two?" Rolly asked.

"This one seems good," he said pointing to the one on my right.

I heard his breath hitch and he started whimpering.

So this is what happens to the other ones i thought.

I looked at the floor. I felt sorry for him. But i was happy i got to go back to the basement. I found that to be pretty sad. I was happy to be chained in the basement. I never would have thought this a week ago.

The men took the boy and me and the other one were led back down. Troy let out a sigh of relief when he saw us. When we were chained back to the wall Rolly left.

"Thank god. I was afraid you would've left and then i would have been all alone." Troy said.

"They told me i was damaged goods," I said bitterly.

"What the hell kind of people do this to people," I said suddenly mad.

"The bad kind. The real bad king. But there going to get whats coming to them someday. Don't forget that," Troy said.

We sat there and talked for a couple of hours and then Johnny came down to take us to the bathroom and give us some food. After that I layed down with my head on Troys leg and he played with my hair.

Making me sleepy. We were silent for a while. And then I reached up and laced my fingers with his.

"This may not be the right place or time but i have to tell you. I think i like you," Troy whispered to me.

I looked up at him and he was looking at the floor. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"I think I like you too," I whispered back, my face bright red i'm sure.

He leaned down and pecked my lips. A wide smile on his face.

I stifled a yawn making him laugh.

"Go to sleep hon," I'll see you when you wake up.

"You promise?" I asked.

"Of course," he said.

I let out a sigh of relief as i drifted off to sleep.
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Hmmmmm. Who knows wats going to happen. :) comments=love people!