Beautiful Insanity

Beautiful Insanity (2)

(Katie’s POV. This is before she starts seeing things, we’ll get there. No worries.)



I rolled over and shut the alarm off hastily. The stupid noise was driving me crazy. I slowly sat up and yawned.

School time.

I stood up and stumbled over to my desk to turn on my iHome. The familiar coaxings of Cute Is What We Aim For’s Curse of Curves came blaring out of the speakers. I turned it down so it wouldn’t wake my parents up.

Walking over to my dresser, I sang along.

“I want someone provocative and talkative.
But it’s so hard when you’re shallow as a shower.
And from what I’ve heard with skin, you’ll win.”

I picked out a dark washed pair of skinny jeans and a soft purple v-neck t-shirt.

“And her bone structure screams
‘Touch her! Touch her!’
And she’s got the curse of curves.
So with this combination of my gift with one-liners
And my way,
My way with words.”

I strolled into the bathroom for a shower. I quickly stripped down and hopped into the steaming water. Letting the hot water help me relax I continued singing.

“I want someone provocative and talkative.
But it’s so hard when you’re shallow as a shower.
And from what I’ve heard with skin, you’ll win.”

When I finished the shower, I shut it off and wrapped a towel around myself. I quickly blow-dried my long dark brown hair so it settled perfectly around my face. I put on mascara and a little liquid eyeliner, keeping it simple.

I got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

“Morning, Momma”

“Morning, sweetheart.”

“Is Daddy already at work?”

“Yep, he had to go in really early for some meeting.”


This was the normal routine; my life was very predictable. Dad left early, Mom stayed home and wrote, and I went to school in my car, a yellow Mini Cooper that Mom and Dad bought me when I got my license. We had money and I got whatever I wanted to make up for my parents’ constant absence. They had meetings and conferences. I don’t really mind, because it means I get the house.

And everyone knows I’m famous for my parties.