Princess of all Immortals

By the Deep Pool of Water.

Rivers p.o.v. (point of view)

My name is River and I'm going to tell you the secret that changed my life forever. But first I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself, so you get a good picture of me. My name is River, I was born on the 5th of January and right now I'm 12 years old, nearly 13.

I've got chestnut coloured hair and khaki green eyes. You're probably thinking I've got a kind, generous and loving nature. Well I am kind, it's just I never really had the chance to show that I am. Why haven't I had the chance to show it?

Simple really, I live in Sawbuba orphanage in Brazil (quite near to the tropical rain forest). Sawbuba orphanage isn't a very nice place to live, I should know I have lived there for as long as I can remember. I can sometimes get moody and slightly violent, nature of someone rough,

I know but sometimes you have to be rough and you definitely have to be tough to get through a day at this orphanage. All the people there including the other orphans, who are older than me are always picking on me.

Since I live in the orphanage I obviously don't know my parents, but I do know that I wasn't put in the orphanage, I was found by one of the ladies who worked in the orphanage. When I turned 10 the same lady who found me, told me that she had found me in a woven basket floating on the river, when she was walking.

That's why I was named River. Like a fairy tale, but it is true.

It was a dark night, when I ran away from the orphanage, with no moonlight to light a path in the tropical rain forest where creatures lurked in the darkness.

All I had brought with me was a rucksack, containing a book which told me what fruit in the tropical rain forest I could eat, a torch, a small blanket and my most prized procession a glass ball that when you looked into it showed mermaids swimming and laughing together, somersaulting, their tails all different colours, shimmering in the moon light that bathed in the warm waters.

By now I had reached a massive waterfall its water crashing and making bubbles when it joined the river. I followed the river down until it led me to its end, which was a deep pool surrounded with fireflies.

The soft green glow the fireflies gave off, reflected on the water like a million emeralds! A slight breeze made the trees rustle and the flat glassy surface of the water ripple, for a moment I could've sworn that I had seen a face staring up at me. After a while of searching, I found a nice spot and was just nodding off when,

“River, River....” what was that? I thought! But I ignored the sound telling myself that it was just my imagination running away with me.

It happened again only louder and more urgent. This time I sat up and crawled to the pool where the noise seemed to be coming from. I gasped as I leaned over the edge of the grass bank, I not only saw my own reflection but also three other faces staring up at me.

I glanced behind me to see if someone was standing behind me but there wasn't anybody. Enchanted, I found my hand slipping into the water the rest of my body following until only my head was above water.

Suddenly my legs joined together, and as hard as I tried they would not separate, it was as if someone had wrapped cello tape around my legs. In a panic I waved my hands in the air to attract someone's attention but it was a wasted effort. My legs felt as if they had turned to stone! They dragged my down against my own will.

“Help!” I yelled desperately, “help, hel...” but my cries were in vain. I sank like a pebble that had been tossed into a pond. It was then I noticed three people, or should I say half people, half fish swimming up to me.
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This is my first story on mibba i hope you like if you do message me banners would be nice xoxox

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