Forbidden to Forget

I'm Just A Fading Memory To You

One year later

Hey Rose!
Hope your well honey. I can't believe it's been a year since we spoke. Things have really changed since we last spoke. Sorry that I haven't contacted you since I moved to Italy. I lost my phone on the way here last year, so I changed all my details. I feel really bad.

I have so much to tell you! Well, everything's perfect. I've made a complete change, I thank my mum and dad everyday for moving me here. It's the best choice I ever made. They've moved back to London, what with me passing the full age now! Wish you could've been at my twentieth, rose. It was fucking brilliant! That's where i met Mia and a bunch of friends.

I've got loads of jobs out here too. After the one acting job last year, I quit the business. It gave me too many.. memories y'know. So I worked in a ice-cream parlor for a while, then I started playing the piano during the day for the customers after a while. Then I moved to one of the top bars around here playing piano, guitar, singing... It' amazing. You know I've always wanted to do this. It's really helped me focus on things. Mia's been a real help aswell, she's been getting talent spotters and company interviews around here. She's like my manager, well at least for now.

My apartment is totally awesome! It overlooks this really beautiful canal, Mia painted me a landscape thing of it. I'll send you a picture. I'm also learning Italian. I enrolled in the local college but I couldn't understand a word. So Mia comes round three times a week and we practice. I'm getting really good at it, if I do say so myself.

Your probably wondering why I'm mentioning Mia so much. No I'm not sleeping with her. At least not yet. We've been dating for six months now. Yes, I know what your probably thinking. And no, it's not a rebound. I tried all the rebound stuff when i first came here, then i just got over it. I don't care about
her anymore, just like she doesn't care about me. Don't make judgments please R, i don't need them. I'm happy. Let's leave it at that?

I'll leave you all my details and shit on another piece of paper. Write back R, i miss you hun. I'll send you a plane ticket as soon as i can!

Love Bobby xxx

Dear Nikki,

Yeah I'm okay. I'm so glad mom actually gave you our address out here. I've been refusing to go ahead with this wedding unless my maid of honor is here. Yes my maid of honor is you.

Yes, babe I'm getting married. It's all arranged. A lot's changed since I last saw you. So much. The reason I moved out here was because my mom and dad arranged a marriage for me.

Okay first - my dad. Yeah I know! I'm so psyched to finally be with him again. Seeing him is just amazing, but he's changed. There's something so edgy and pushy about him. Sometimes he really scares me, especially when he starts talking about my future. But i figure that's what a dad's supposed to do right? And mom, well she has been working with dad on a strictly professional basis. I don't get it to be honest.

Second - the guy. Before you ask, no it's not one of the Hindu weddings where i meet the guy on the day. His name is Jackson Rathbone. Kristen Rathbone. Wow, how weird does that seem? I bet you'd be expecting me to freak out right? Well i was at first, but after meeting the guy. I might actually like him, i know that's not enough to get married. Look, babe just don't pass judgments. You'd like him once you meet him. He's in a band called 100 Monkeys. I'll let you two become acquainted when you get here.

So, what else has been happening. Oh yeah, I graduated, I wish you were here. Especially when I celebrated my 18th. Had a meal, was real nice. The house = HUGE! It's so much more. Like everything is dead posh. I feel well out of place. Or at least i did. I've grown to like it.

Oh, another big shocker. I stripped my brown hair. It's blonde again. I wanted a fresh look, well a new one compared to when I was in L.A. I've grown so much, i wish you were here.

Look i have to go, i have a dinner date with Jackson. I've also put in a wedding invitation, please come.

I love you. BFF'S!
Kris xxx
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Ohmy. What's changed in a year?!

Yeah I've time lapsed because it's taken me so long to update.
Comments would be nice.