Basket Case Love

After Billie Joe's dad dies he moves to New Jersey. He is an outcast on the first day, then when kids find out he's a guitarist he's fine.

Enter Gerard Arthur Way.
Sophomoe, depressed, outcast for life. He is really down on the world adn starts on alcohol as his only escapes, Mikey knows; Billie Joe doesnt. He is actually pretty damn smart, if only he could see how wonderful he really is. I know that there aren't really some Billie Joe/Gerard stuff on here, but this had been running in my head for like--ever! I DO NOT OWN GERARD WAY OR BILLIE JOE! This is pure fiction!!
    Billie Joe Moves
  2. Billie and Gerard
    The two officaly meet
  3. "Gerard? Are You OK?"
    Read on.
  4. AFTER SCHOOL Confessions
    Awww, they're in love!
  5. "So what do you wanna do?"
    Gerard and Billie hang around
  6. Killed My Hopes, Called Me Names, Broke My Jaw!
    title from 5th period massacre by LeATHERMOUTH
  7. Sleep
    Gerard wakes up. *ironic Title*
  8. Billie Joe Finds Out
    Gerard tells Billie Joe who beat him up
  9. Back home; Bad Habits Start
  10. The Only Way I Feel Fine...
    ..Is When I Am Out of My Right Mind!
  11. Don't Come Cryin To Me!
    ..but he does anyway!
  12. You are dead to me, Gerard Arthur Way!
    The Fight
  13. The Truth
    Mikey tells all
  14. Welcome to Rehab
    poor Gee
  15. Wake Up! The Party's Over!
    Withdrawl and therapy.
  16. Did Ya Miss Me?
    Billie Joe visits Gee
  17. "Go Away Elliot!"
    Gerard Relapsed--OH NO!
  19. Hospitals Again?!
    The Effects of Relapse on Gee
  20. "Uhm, Billie's Mikey.."
    "...There's something wrong with Gee.."
  21. Cause they All Fall Down?
    Uh-oh, Gerard!
  22. I Can Hear The Bells!
    Gee's drunken rambling
  23. Lifeline
    Inspired by the PAPA ROACH song "Lifeline"
  24. Cocaine Nose...Not so trendy clothes
    Title based on song "Holllywood ***" by Papa Roach
  25. Behave Little Boy,
    You Better Sit Back Down (Title from "Binge" by Papa Roach
  26. Tests Revealed
    Gee's parents are pissed.