Lost and Rebirth


I walked into the alley to throw away the bag in the dumpster. I heard something stir and saw a faint glow of a cigarette. I don’t think whoever it was thought saw him. I turned on my heel and headed back towards the restaurant. The transition of dark and light blinded me. The kitchen was bright as day and outside was pitch black. I nearly ran over one of the other waiters with a tray full of food. He mumbled something incoherent and stalked off with the food.

“Vanessa!” I heard someone yell.

“What?” I screamed.

“Your order is up,” the voice said again.

“Oh, ok, thanks.” I grabbed the large tray of food and headed through the door to the dining area. The couple I was serving was very obnoxious and rude.

“Took long enough,” the lady said under he breath. The man nodded his head in agreement.

“I hope everything is to your satisfaction. Enjoy your dinner,” I said in false politeness. “If anything is wrong, don’t hesitate to tell me.” Before I could take three steps away, the woman called me back. She really didn’t mind not hesitating.

“Excuse me, miss,” she chided, “ my soup is ice cold, and my steak has onions on it. I specifically asked for no onions and for it to be well done. It is rare.”

In reality, she asked for extra onions and for it medium rare, but as they say, the customer is always right. I took the soup and plate away. As I did, I thought of the movie Waiting and what they would have done to her food. I must admit it was a tempting thought. I refrained though and handed over to the cooks to fix.

When that was fixed, I brought it to the lady. It looked like it took every once of her being to day thank you to me.

“Is that all you need? Refills or anything?” I asked politely. They turned down the offer and continued stuffing their face.

I went over to my next table to take their order. These people were a lot nicer. I took their order and headed to the kitchen to turn it in when the mean couple stopped me. They wanted refills, of course. The rest of my evening was like this. I was grateful that they and the other group were my last for tonight.

I went to wash up and change after cleaning. As a rule, all workers had to park in the back, which to get to I had to go through the alley. No employee could exit through the front. I headed towards the direction that the smoker was earlier. I saw no body this time, not that I could see anyway in this darkness.

I had my keys out, ready to leave. Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around quickly trying to punch the person who grabbed ,e, but when I did, all I got was air. I heard a chuckle. I raced ahead, running towards my car. Then I felt something jump on me, knocking me to th3e ground. A small scream escaped from my mouth. I hated that small scream betraying me, for it made the lunatic laugh again, as if he was relishing it.

I turned over onto my back and looked around; again I did not see anyone. I got up and finally got to my car door. It was too much to ask to be able to get into my car. Whoever it was, knocked me unconscious before I could.

I woke up in a somewhat bright room. I looked around and realized I was laying down on something soft- a bed. I got up and walked around the room. I walked over to the light switch and lightened the room further. They had some paintings a recognized and liked. A voice startled me.
“I’m sorry I had to knock you out, but I had a feeling you wouldn’t come willingly.”

“Well you were right. What the hell do you want?”

“I saved you,” he said earnestly.

“Yeah, harassing me then knocking me out is not saving me buddy,” I spat, annoyed.

“I was saving you from your harasser.”

“Why didn’t just go after him instead?”

“It was easier to get to you.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Well, you can let me go now. Thanks,” I said and tried to walk past him. He wouldn’t let me pass.

“You can’t go; whoever it was is still out there.”

“And? He is probably off trying to get some bimbo.” I tried to get pass him again and failed.

“No, he wants you.”

“You can’t know that. Now, let me go.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. It’s easy. You just step to a side and let me pass.”

“Morality keeps me from moving.”

“Morality my ass you skeeve.” I tried to push past him. I failed. I felt his arms wrap around me and fling me towards the bed. I landed with a hmph on the floor instead.

"Sorry, but you have to stay here."

That was the last of our conversation. I didn't know where I was, who he was, or who or what attacked me. I'm so lost.