Lost and Rebirth

Failed Plan

I sat on the bed wondering what to do. I looked around the large room some more and discovered a few more paintings and rather large empty walk in closet. If he was going to make me stay here, I'll need clothes. A plan formed inside my head. I would need my clothes which are at my apartment. I could get him to bring me there, and then, I'll make my escape. If he goes for it, that is.

I walked out of the room and wandered around. I came to find that this maniac was keeping me in a rather large house. I walked up to the next flight of stairs. At the top was an enormous door cracked open just enough for me to peak in. I saw him at a rather small desk for this kind of room. I paused before knocking. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to walk around. Screw that, this lunatic kidnapped me. But before i could knock I heard: "You can come in."

I hesitated. I had't realized that he knew I was at the door. I finally got the nerve to walk through the door. I walked up to his desk silently. For some strange reson I was nervous. He didn't even lift his head from his work. I stood there for an entire minute looking like an inaudible idiot.

"Um... I was hoping to get some of my clothes. I'm going to need clothes to change into," I said in a rush of words.

He looked up with a face that asked: did you just seriuosly say that? "Okay, I'll go get them later."

"Okay, I'll go with you, so you know what to grab."

"I'll just grab everything."

"You don't know where everythig is though."

"It can't be that hard, a dresser and closet," he was being persistent.

"Why can't I go with you?"

"I'm not stupid, Vanessa. You're a smart girl. I'm pretty sure you kow how to escape within your own aprtment."

I stared at him, stunned. He knew my name; how did he know my name? "How do you know my name?"

"I was at the resaurant earlier when they were yelling for you."

"What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Nick."

I had to give him credit: he's not stupid. He's not bad looking either. I still had to find a way to get out of here. "I won't try to escape, promise." I won't try; I wil I thought to myself.

"Oh, right 'cause you'll succed, right?"

"Uh!" is all I could say. I was too flustered.

"Thought so. I'll go get your clothing now."

He walked past me with purpose. I followed behind with failed attempts to let me go. He slammed the door in my face. He locked up behind him. There was no way out. Then, I thought of the windows. I tried every window possible, but all of them were somehow or another shut tight, whether by screws, nails, bars, or something. I'll never escape.

My stomach startled to growl. I haven't eaten since my break yesterday afternoon. I headed for the hidden kithene in this mansion. I found it in the very back of the house of course. I opened the fridge and found some yummy spaghetti and meatballs.

Luckily for him, I was in a good mood and warmed him up a plate and left it in the microwave. I ate and went top sit on the couch. I must have fallen asleep because I jolted up when I heard moaning and cursing coming from the door way. Nick had my clothes in one hand and the other on his ribs. I shot up from the couch to grab my clothes from him and help him to the couch.

"I'm fine. You don't have to help me," he protested.

He was fine just like he didn't kidnap me. I told him to shut up. Luckily for him, I have hurt myslef a lot while doing sports and knew just about evertything there was to know about the human body. He bruised his ribs pretty badly, almost broke them. He had a lot of scrapes and bruises.

I ran over to my bags of clothing. If he went through every drawer, he would have grabbed my bandages by accident. These are jeans. I started mumbling to myself as I went through the bags.

"Shirts, sports wear, shoes, sock and underweard... AHA!!! Bras," I said the latter a lot quieter. "Where is the rib bandage? Ankle, hand,...rib!" I grabbed the rib wrap and ran back over to Nick.

He looked at me inquisitively as I started to lift his shirt and pushed it back down. "What are you doing?" he asked nervously.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Sewing? I'm wrapping your ribs. Stop moving," I snapped. I raised his shirt again and started to wrapping his ribs tightly.

"How do you know how to do this?"

"Girls high school soccer is much more like rugby," I chuckled.

He laughed too. "I thought you played with your feet?"

"Goalie," I answered quickly. I was used to it by now. How you hurt your hand? Soccer. How? Goalie. Oh, haha.

"Oh. You are tall for a girl," he commented.

I snorted at that. I'm five nine. I stand a head talled tha everyone, even guys. Tall for a girl, ha! "You're not that much taller than me."

I had to help him up the stairs to his room. I sat him on his bed and on the way out I, I heard him gasp.

"You okay? You need help?"

He looked embarrass to answer, "Just to get my shirt off. I can do the rest."

I was embarrassed to help him take it off, but I did. "Okay."

He groaned as I helped him get it off. He said thanks. I told him it was no problem and headed downstairs. I went through my things and brought them upsatirs to "my room". I changed and realized I could not leave now. He probably hurt because of me in th efirst place. There goes my plans of leaving.