I Can't Stay Away


Kaylin Pennington made her way down the hotel’s hallway trying to find her room. All of a sudden, she heard someone yell at the top of their lungs, “Kaylin Pennington!” Kaylin spun around, already knowing who the voice belonged to.

“Mol! Hey, how are you?” Kaylin asked as she saw her best friend, Molly Aguirre, running up to her.

“I’m great! I can’t believe you’re here! You’ve been gone for what? Five months now?” Molly asked.

“Yeah, it’s been about five months,” Kaylin replied. She had been living in Switzerland for the last five months for snowboarding. Her sponsors had wanted her to go there for a little while and compete there.

“I can’t believe you’re finally back. I’ve missed you,” Molly said.

“I’ve missed you, too,” Kaylin said smiling.

“Oh, let me help you. Which room is yours?” Molly asked as she saw Kaylin struggling with her bags.

“This one,” Kaylin said pointing to the door that they were standing in front of.

“Oh, cool, we’re sharing a room,” Molly said as she pulled out her key and opened their door. “So, have you seen anyone else?” she asked as she grabbed one of Kaylin’s bags and tossed it into the room.

“Uh, just Kelly,” Kaylin said, referring to Kelly Clark.

“So, you haven’t seen Mason yet?” Molly asked. She knew that Kaylin had had a crush on her brother for a while, and she always teased her about it.

“Nope,” Kaylin said.

“Well, just to warn you, he’s got a new girlfriend,” Molly said as she shot a sideward glance toward Kaylin.

“Okay,” Kaylin said nonchalantly. “It’s not like it’s a big deal. I mean it’s not like we’re dating or anything.”

“Yeah, but still, I hate this girl.”

“You can’t hate her.”

“No, I do. Her name is Missy and she’s totally with him because he’s a snowboarder, not because she likes him,” Molly explained as Kaylin began unpacking her suitcases.

“Mol, you always hate whoever Mason’s dating,” Kaylin told her.

“Yeah, that’s because he always picks the wrong girl. Why can’t you and him just go out already? You two are right for each other.”

“Okay, we’re now going to get off the subject of me, and we’re going to switch to the topic of your love life,” Kaylin said.

“Whatever do you mean?” Molly asked with a smile.

“Oh, come on. I’m gone for five months, and I get back and you’re just magically dating your celebrity crush? Why did I not know about this until I got back here? Why didn’t you call me and tell me?” Kaylin asked her. She had seen in a magazine that she read on the plane that her best friend was dating New York Mets third baseman, David Wright, who she had always had the biggest crush on.

“Well, I guess we just started seeing each other, and we never really talked about being in an exclusive relationship, and it just kind of happened,” Molly said, trying to figure out what to say in order to get in the least trouble from her friend.

“Mol, I’m not mad,” Kaylin said laughing. “In fact, I’m really happy for you,” she said smiling. “But I do want the details on how you two got together.”

“Do you have some time?” Molly asked.

“Yep. I’ve got all the time in the world for you,” she said smiling. “I’m just going to hit the slopes afterward, maybe try the superpipe.”

“Okay, well, you know that I’ve had a crush on him for the longest time, right?” Molly began.

“Of course. I think everyone knew you had a crush on him.”

“Anyways, when Kelly, Shaun, Mase, and I were on Ellen, she was asking everyone questions. When she came to me, she asked me who my celeb crush was. I told her David Wright, like I’ve said a million times before. And then she said something about having already heard that, and he just comes walking out on stage.”

“Oh my god! Did you freak out?” Kaylin asked as she situated herself on one of the beds.

“I just sat there speechless, staring at him. That was until Mason elbows me, and I just stick out my hand and introduce myself.”

“Okay, so that’s how you met him, but how did you start dating?”

“Well, we started talking afterwards backstage, and we exchanged numbers. I figured it wasn’t really a big deal. He went back to playing with the Mets and I went back to practice. And then, a few weeks later, he called me up and asked if I wanted to go to dinner.”

“So, how’s the relationship working with him being in New York and you out here?” Kaylin asked.

“It’s been okay,” Molly admitted. “I mean it’s been a little hard, but it isn’t so bad since he plays in the summer, and I mainly snowboard in the winter. He’s actually coming here for the competition.”

“Ooh, he is? When? I want to meet him,” Kaylin said, excitedly.

“Calm down, Kay. You’ll definitely get to meet him. I think he’s ready to meet my best friend that I talk about all the time, anyways,” Molly said with a smile.

“So, what does Mason think about him?” Kaylin asked. Even though Mason was the younger brother, he was still protective of his sister, and he always watched out for her.

“They seem to get along,” Molly said. “I mean they haven’t hung out or anything, but he seems to like him.”

“Well, that’s good,” Kaylin said. “You feel like going out there now?” she asked, pointing out the window, as she grabbed her snowboard that was lying in the room.

“Of course, let’s go,” Molly replied jumping up and running toward the door.
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Let me know what you think, and if I should continue with it or not :)