I Can't Stay Away


“Oh my god! Kaylin!” Molly screamed as she ran into Kaylin’s hospital room. “Are you okay?”

Kaylin looked over at her best friend. “Um, my head still hurts, but other than that I feel fine. The doctors just got finished with a few tests, and they should be back with the results soon.”

“What happened?” Molly asked looking between Kaylin and Mason, who was sitting in a chair right next to Kaylin’s bedside.

“I don’t know really. I mean, I’m doing fine, and then I go up to do a McTwist, and the next thing I know, I’m on the ground,” Kaylin explained.

“Her board hit the lip, and I think she landed on her head. When I got there, she looked a little dazed and like she had just woken up. I think she was unconscious for a bit,” Mason elaborated.

“Kaylin!” Molly screamed. “This is why I didn’t want you snowboarding. You knew you were off your line all night, and yet, you still decide it’s a good idea to try the pipe again. You’re lucky you’re not in any worse shape. God, Kay, what would have happened if Mason wasn’t there,” she continued, not lowering her voice at all.

Mason looked down at Kaylin to see her start crying. “Molly,” he scolded.

“What?” Molly asked, irritated. She looked down at Kaylin, and then lowered her voice. “Kay, I’m sorry. Really, I am. I shouldn’t be yelling at you right now. I’m so glad you’re not hurt any worse than you are. But, you know you shouldn’t have been out there.”

“I know,” Kaylin said between her tears. “And I’m sorry. I know it was stupid, but I just wanted to get one run in that was good, you know?”

“Yeah, I know,” Molly said. “Just thank God that Mase was there.”

“I know,” Kaylin agreed. “And Mason, I don’t know if I’ve told you yet or not, but thank you,” she said smiling at him.

“No problem, Kay,” Mason said grabbing her hand, which Molly noticed and smiled at.

All of a sudden, Molly saw Missy run into the room holding two cups of coffee. She noticed her stop and look at Mason, who was still holding Kaylin’s hand, before she continued. “Mase, I got you some coffee,” she smiled at him, while she gave Kaylin a look that clearly said she didn’t like her.

“Thanks,” Mason smiled standing up and giving her a kiss.

“What are you doing here?” Molly asked.

“Mol,” Kaylin warned.

“What? I’m just curious,” Molly said.

“Missy was there when I fell,” Kaylin told her.

“Yeah, she was the one who called 911,” Mason said.

Missy gave Molly a look of disgust before turning to Mason. “Well, I’m going to get going. I have to be at work in a little bit. I’ll see you later,” she said kissing him.

“Bye,” Mason said as Missy walked out of the room.

Molly rolled her eyes as Missy left, and Mason noticed her. “Seriously, Molly, why can’t you just try to get along with her?”

“Mason,” Molly began before she was cut off.

“So, Mason, where does Missy work?” Kaylin interrupted before the two could get into much of an argument.

“She’s a waitress,” Mason answered.

“At Hooters,” Molly added with a smirk.

“Really, Mol?” Mason asked.

“What, Mase? Don’t you realize that you could do so much better?”

“Can you stop with that and just be happy for me for once?” Mason pleaded.

“Mase, if I really thought you’d be happy with her, you know I wouldn’t be like this. But I know for a fact that there is someone better out there for you. And she’s probably right in front of your face.”

Kaylin looked over at Molly with wide eyes. Fortunately, Mason didn’t see her, as Kaylin’s doctor walked in at that time. “Kaylin,” he said smiling at her. “We’ve got your test results back.”

“Okay,” Kaylin said slowly, waiting on him to continue.

“Well, you do have a concussion.”


“But, other than that, you appear to be healthy. You’re wrist is fine.”

“So, does that mean that I can compete this weekend?” Kaylin asked.

“I’m sorry, Kaylin, but no.”

“What?” Kaylin asked.

“Kaylin, you have a concussion. You’ll be out at least one week after the symptoms subside. Right now, you still have a headache, correct?” he asked.

“Yes, but other than that, I feel fine.”

“I’m sorry, Kaylin, but you can’t compete. If you would go out there and hit your head again, a lot more damage could be done, and your career as a snowboarder could be finished.”

“But, you don’t understand, I have to compete this weekend.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t.”

“But,” Kaylin began again.

“Kay, listen to the doctor. He knows what he’s talking about,” Molly interrupted her.

“Okay,” Kaylin said quietly.

“You’ll need to be seen by a doctor sometime next week. As soon as you make an appointment, contact the hospital, and we’ll fax over all of your test results. But until then, you cannot snowboard at all. No competing and no practicing.”

“No practicing either?” Kaylin asked.

“Nope,” the doctor said. “You cannot go back to snowboarding until you are cleared by a doctor. And that won’t be for at least a week.”

“Okay,” Kaylin sighed as she looked at Molly.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes with your discharge papers.”

“Thanks,” she replied as the doctor left the room.

“Guys, what am I going to do? I can’t compete. I can’t even practice,” Kaylin said.

“I’m sorry, Kay, but you can still be there watching. I’m sure ESPN would love to have you commentate or something,” Molly told her.

“Mol, you don’t get it! I need to compete. This is for a spot on the Olympic team,” Kaylin told her.

“Kay, this isn’t the only competition they go to. You can still make the team.”

“Molly! You know this is the big one that they look at. If I’m not competing, then it’s likely I’m not going to make the team. You know how important that is to me.”

“Kaylin, I know, but the doctor said no. I’m sorry.”

“Mase,” Kaylin pleaded.

“Sorry, but I have to agree with the doctor and Mol,” he told her.

“Fine,” Kaylin sighed as the doctor came back in with her discharge papers, allowing her to leave.
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