I Can't Stay Away

Are You Happy Now

“Hey,” Molly said walking up to Kaylin, who had been sitting at the top of the superpipe watching the others do their runs. Kaylin looked up at Molly, and she continued. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much,” Kaylin told her.

“What’s wrong?” Molly asked sitting down next to her. “And don’t say it’s because you’re upset that you missed your chance at the Olympics. We both know that you haven’t, and we both know that’s not all that’s upsetting you.”

“It’s nothing,” Kaylin told her as she watched Kelly take her run.

“Kay, seriously what’s wrong? Are you upset that David’s here?” Molly asked. “I mean you’ve been acting weird since I told you he was coming.”

“It’s not David. I really like him,” Kaylin said honestly. She had met him earlier when he had first arrived. He was really nice, and he seemed to be completely taken with Molly. “I think you two are perfect for each other.”

“Then what is it?” Molly asked.

Kaylin tried to think of something to tell Molly. She wasn’t about to tell her that she was upset that she was spending time with her boyfriend. What kind of friend would she have been if she told her that? “It’s Mason,” Kaylin blurted out.

“What did Mason do? I’ll kill him,” Molly told her.

Kaylin laughed at her best friend. “He didn’t do anything,” Kaylin told her. “In fact, we’re going to dinner tonight.”

“Just the two of you?” Molly questioned.

“Yeah,” Kaylin nodded.

“Oh my god!” Molly squealed. “You’re going on a date with my brother!”

“Um…no, it’s not a date. In case you forgot, he has a girlfriend,” Kaylin reminded her.

“Don’t mention her,” Molly muttered. “But, seriously, after tonight, I’m sure he’s going to forget all about her and all of his attention will be focused on you!”

“Shut up, Molly!” Kaylin said as she saw David finish talking to Mason. “Go keep your boyfriend company!”

“Okay,” Molly said as she stood up and walked over to David.

“Did you have a nice chat with Molly?” Mason asked walking over to Kaylin and sitting down where Molly had just left.

“Huh?” Kaylin asked. “Oh, yeah.”

“Did you tell her what was on your mind?”

“No,” Kaylin admitted. “I mean how was I supposed to tell her that I didn’t want her to hang out with her boyfriend? I can’t do that,” she told him.

“Okay, I understand. Are you ready to go to dinner?” he asked.

Kaylin looked down at her watch and saw it was 6:30. “Oh, I didn’t even realize it was so late,” she told him. “But, yeah, I’m ready.”

“Where are we going?” Kaylin asked twenty minutes later as she followed Mason through the snow.

“Just a little farther,” Mason told her. Five minutes later, he turned around to her. “There we go,” he said pointing up ahead.

“Mase, there’s no way we’re getting in there right now. It’s prime dinner time, and that’s the most popular restaurant here,” Kaylin told him.

“And that’s why you get a reservation,” Mason said as he pulled her towards the restaurant.

Ten minutes later, the waiter walked away after taking their orders. “So, tell me about Switzerland,” Mason said.

“Hmm…Switzerland,” Kaylin began. “It was amazing and terrible all at the same time.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I loved it. I got to snowboard every day, and it was gorgeous there. But at the same time, I missed everyone here,” she said with a smile.

Mason laughed a little. “I get it,” he told her.

“So, how did you meet Missy?” Kaylin asked, changing subjects.

“Um, she was at one of the events a couple of months ago. We started talking, and I finally asked her out,” Mason explained.

“Are you happy?” Kaylin asked, not knowing whether or not she wanted to hear the answer.

“Molly put you up to this, didn’t she?” Mason asked, angry at his sister.

“No, I swear,” Kaylin said quickly. “I was just wondering. I mean Molly swears that you’re not happy. I guess I wanted to hear the answer from you.”

“Yes, I’m happy,” Mason said.

“Good,” Kaylin said with a small smile, while on the inside, she felt her heart break a little bit.

“What about you?” Mason asked.

“What do you mean?” Kaylin asked. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“I meant in general. Are you happy?”

Before she could answer, she heard someone from behind them say, “What’s going on here?”

Kaylin turned around and saw Missy standing there with her hands on her hips.

“Missy, we’re just having dinner,” Mason told her.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” she said spinning around and walking out the door.

“Missy,” Mason called after her, while looking at Kaylin.

“Go,” Kaylin told him.

“Thanks,” he said standing up. “I’m sorry. We’ll reschedule.”

“Yeah,” Kaylin said to herself as Mason ran after his girlfriend.
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