I Can't Stay Away


Kaylin walked back to her room, shutting the door behind her and leaning back against it. “How’d your date go?” she heard someone ask.

Kaylin’s eyes immediately shot open, and she saw Molly sitting there on the bed, magazine in hand, staring at Kaylin with interest.

“My god, Molly!” Kaylin yelled. “You scared the hell out of me!”

“Sorry,” Molly apologized. “So tell me about the date with my brother.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be hanging out with your boyfriend?” Kaylin asked, avoiding Molly’s question.

“Oh, he’s around here somewhere,” Molly said as she waved her hand around dismissively. “Back to your date with Mason.”

“It was not a date.”

“Okay, your dinner with Mase. Same difference. How’d it go?” Molly asked.

Kaylin sat down next to her on the bed. “It was great,” she began. “Until Missy showed up screaming at Mason.”

“Missy showed up?”

“Yeah, apparently she thought something was going on with me and Mason, and she got all pissed off and walked out of the restaurant. Mason went after her,” Kaylin explained.

“He just up and left you?”

“No, I told him to go after her.”

“Why would you do that?” Molly asked.

“Because Missy’s his girlfriend and he likes her,” Kaylin said.

“I’m telling you he’s not happy with her.”

“Actually, he is,” Kaylin said. When Molly gave her a confused look, Kaylin elaborated. “I asked him at dinner if he was happy, and he said he was.”

“Kay, I’m telling you, he’d be so much happier if he was with you,” Molly told her. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. “Hmm…maybe that’s David?” Molly suggested.

She got up and walked toward the door. She opened it to reveal Missy standing on the other side, with Mason standing behind her.

“I think you’ve got the wrong room,” Molly said, as she began shutting the door.

“Actually,” Missy said stopping the door with her hand. “I’m looking for Kaylin.”

Molly turned around to look at Kaylin with a quizzical look on her face. Kaylin just shrugged as she stood up to meet Missy halfway. “Kaylin, I came here to apologize,” Missy told her.

“Mason put you up to this, didn’t he?” Molly asked.

“Molly,” Kaylin warned before turning back around to Missy. “Missy, it’s fine, but just so you know, Mason and I were just having dinner.”

“Yeah, I know,” Missy said. “I overreacted, and I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted,” Kaylin said with a smile.

“Missy,” Mason spoke up. “I’ll be right back. Shaun’s asking for his Ipod that he left in my room last night. I’m going to go give it back to him, and I’ll be right back,” he said looking up from the text message he was reading.

“Okay, I’ll be here,” she told him.

As soon as the door shut, Missy turned around to Kaylin. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you and Mase, but I am not going to let you take my boyfriend away from me,” Missy warned.

“I just told you, Mason and I were having dinner. There’s nothing going on with us,” Kaylin told her. She couldn’t figure out where this had come from.

“And, you,” Missy continued, pointing to Molly. “I know you don’t like me, and I don’t like you. But, there is no way I’m letting you talk Mason into breaking up with me.”

“Like you said, I don’t like you,” Molly told her. “And I am going to do everything in my power to make him break up with you. I know that you’re only with him because he’s a snowboarder. You don’t actually like him.”

“You’re right,” Missy admitted. “I’m not with Mase because I like him. I’m with him because he’s a sports star. But you know the beauty of the situation? He’ll never know. Because even if you do try to tell him, I’ll say you’re lying. And he’ll believe me over you,” she said with a smirk.

“You bitch!” Molly yelled as she lunged towards her. Just as she was doing this, Mason came walking through the door.

“Molly, what the hell?” Mason yelled.

“Oh my god, Mason,” Missy said, turning towards him. “I was just telling her how much I like you, and she started yelling at me,” she lied as Mason put his arm around her.

“Molly, you’ve gone too far this time. I know you don’t like Missy, but you need to stop acting like this!” Mason told her.

“But…” Molly began.

“I don’t want to hear it,” Mason said as he turned around and walked out the door.

“Oh my god,” Molly said as Mason slammed the door behind him. “She’s turned my brother against me!” she said in disbelief.

“Don’t worry, Molly,” Kaylin tried comforting her. “He’ll see right through her eventually.”

“The eventually is what’s worrying me. What if he doesn’t figure it out until it’s too late?”
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