My Secret Life

Chapter 1

“So, where are we going?”

He quickly shot me a look, which immediately shut me up.

“That you are not allowed to know, Hayden.” He laughed as he shot me another loving grin.

“Uh.” I groaned loudly.

We both stayed quiet the rest of the trip, which in total only took about 20 minutes.

When we finally rolled to a stop, I slowly opened my car door and stepped out. I could tell by his facial expression that he saw how confused I was.

“But why did you bring me here?” I requested as he made his way over to my side.

He didn’t say anything; he just grabbed my hands in his and led me up the walk. Stopping just in front of the front door, he turned to me and waited until I made the first move.

“But… I don’t understand…there’s a sold sign…”

I stopped, my mind having gone completely blank. I noticed that he seemed to be digging in his front pocket for something, so I waited for him to find whatever it was that was so important.

2 seconds later, 2 identical keys were being dangled directly in front of my face.

“You…we weren’t…I…you.” I don’t think my mind could grasp what it was that he was telling me.

Husbands P.O.V.

The look on Hayden’s face when I held those keys up was priceless.

“I know you’re probably wondering what the hell is going on, but just let me talk first. Then you can ask me anything that you want. Ok?” I requested as I took her hands into mine.

Hayden nodded and waited for me continue.

“Well when you called me earlier, I was worried about how I was going to tell you the big news. See, a few days ago I called our realtor and put in an offer for the house, two hours later he called back and said that the owner loved us so much that he excepted our offer right away.”

Hayden took a few moments to digest what I had said before speaking up again.

“So you’re saying that we,” Hayden pointed a finger between the both of us. “Own this house now?”

I nodded again and gave a jovial laugh as she jumped into my arms. I held tight as I swung her around in circles and she cried on my shoulder.

“Hey pretty girl, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked as I set her down onto the ground and took her face into my hands.

“I’m not sad silly.” Hayden sniffed. “God, these are happy tears. I just can’t believe that you did this for me and that we now own our own home.”

I beamed at her and pulled her into my arms for a loving hug that seemed to last forever.

“Want to go inside and see it?”

Hayden nodded and it seemed that I couldn’t open the door fast enough for her. For as soon as I got the door unlocked, Hayden bound into the house completely ruining the surprise that I had planned for her.

See, after I had purchased the house, I got straight to work. I had my family come over and we painted it and furnished it completely.

No personal touches in the home, except one. Our wedding picture which I had hung above the mantel after my family had left. And in my opinion, it’s the only thing that the house really needed. Hayden had looked so amazingly beautiful that day, despite that we didn’t do the traditional weeding.

When I had told them about the house, I told them that I had to get away and that I finally felt like I needed a place of my own. They didn’t know about Hayden, so I couldn’t put any personal touches in the home, lest they find out.

“So, we just put “our” things in here and we can call it home.”

“Oh baby I love you so much. You have just made me the happiest woman in the world.”

Hayden gushed as she clung to me as if her life depended on it. Our little moment however was soon interrupted as Hayden’s cell phone began ringing.

Hayden reluctantly pulled out of my arms and dug through her purse to locate her cell. When she finally found it, she groaned at the name.

“Yes Kyle how may I help you?” Hayden joked as she answered.

“Hayden, change of plans. We are going over to the Jonas’s house to discuss the tour; we’ll be able to meet the boy’s and family then. They said something along the lines of the oldest not being there but it should be ok.”

“Yeah ok can you send me the address? Oh and when I get there, there’s something really important that I need to tell you.”

“Hayden, can’t it wait?” Kyle asked from the other side.

“No, it really can’t.” Hayden sighed as she spoke quietly and shakily.

“Yeah that’s fine. We’ll talk when you get here.”

And with that they both said their goodbyes and Hayden closed her phone.

“Come on, he’s giving me directions and we need to get their soon. Seems like there going to find out about us sooner than we thought.”

The two of us said our last goodbyes to the house and exited. We headed straight to the car and took a look at the directions.

“That shouldn’t be too bad; I can get us there no problem.”

I kept an eye on Hayden the entire trip; she was sitting there huddled in her seat with her head resting against the glass of her window.

“Babe, listen.”

This got her attention, her head turned towards me and I knew that she was listening to everything that I was saying.

“Everything is going to fine; you have nothing to worry about. Now I on the other hand have to worry about your brother and his friends.” I chuckled.

I knew that that would put a smile on her face and I was correct because she gave out a hearty laugh and grabbed my hand in hers.

“You don’t have a thing to worry about either. I can handle the boys, now I on the other hand have your mother to face. We did keep her from attending out wedding.”

I nodded at just how right she was. My mother had always wanted to plan a big wedding for she had no girls of her own. So her not even having a chance to attend my wedding was going to push her over the edge.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Hayden had taken off her necklace and was placing her rings on her finger.

I guess she just knew what to do because she reached over and unclasped my necklace from around my neck. Slowly pulling my rings off of the chain I produced my left hand for her and watched as she slid my purity ring off and replaced it with my wedding band.

She then placed my purity ring around the two now empty necklaces and clasped them around her neck.

“There.” Hayden sighed. “It’s perfect.”

I laughed and grabbed her left hand in my right.

Not even 5 minutes later, we were pulling up in front of the house.

Pulling into an empty spot in the driveway, I placed the car in park and turned off the engine.

I had just made my move to open my car door when I noticed that Hayden had not moved to do the same.

“Come on Pretty girl, you have to get out of the car sometime.” I teased

Hayden nodded her head and let out a heavy sigh.

“Ok, we can do this.”

So without any hesitation we exited the car and met at the hood.

To make sure she actually came along, I grabbed her elbow and made my way up the walk way to the front door.

I gave a small knock to announce our presence before entering the house.

“Hayden, it that’s you we are in the kitchen. Come in and join us.” Kyle’s voice drifted out to us though the hallway.

“Oh, thanks.”

Smiling at Hayden, I winked and led the way to the kitchen.

Waving to everyone as we entered, Mrs. Jonas stood up to greet us.

“Kevin, honey when did you get home?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically took to just that point for me to determine who the husband was going to be....Tough writing it and not really knowing....