Fighting With Evil and in Love With a Winchester?


The names Sara Washburn/ Winchester and I'm 22 years old. I've lived with the Winchesters all my life, and no we're not related. You see my parents were best friends with John but then what ever killed John's wife…ended up killing my parents. Ever since then I've traveled with Sam, Dean, and John Winchester and I call John, Dad. I was only a baby when they died, so Sam and I are the same age . Years passed and Sam decided he wanted to go to college. Boy was Sam and Dad's fight huge. I received a full ride scholarship to Stanford same as Sam did but I knew that Dean was going to follow dad and I didn’t want him to deal with everything by himself. When it came down to the fight, I sided with Sam because I knew it wasn’t fair. This life that we live isn't what a parent would want for their child. When Sam left Dad wouldn’t talk to me for the first week. When I think about College and remember I gave up that scholarship, I sometimes regret my decision.
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tell me what you think so far please!