Your Turning Me On

Chapter Two

I woke up the next morning with a bad headache. I groaned as i rolled over to see Oli sleeping next to me with his arm around me. I smiled at the sight, he looked so innocent and peaceful. I looked at the clock seeing it was ten in the morning so i decided to get up. I carefully got off the bed trying not to wake Oli, and almost stepped on Curtis and Hannah who were curled up together on the floor. I smiled, they were so cute. I quietly went into the bathroom and took a nice long shower. When I got out i did my morning routine of doing my hair and makeup, brushing my teeth, deodorant and all that fun stuff. I put my outfit on and walked out of my bathroom. Hannah was on my laptop and Curtis and Oli were gone
"Hey"i said, sitting next to her.
"Curtis and Oli went home to go get ready for the day, they said they'd be back in about an hour and to think of something to do today"She said, signing out of the computer
"Ok, well if you want you can go shower and stuff while we wait. Water's still warm"I said
"Yeah I'll do that, think of somethin to do !"She said, running out of the room. Buck ran into my room and jumped on my bed.
"Hey baby"i smiled, hugging him tightly. I lay down with him and thought of what we should all do today. The warm breeze into my room from the window from next to my bed and i closed my eyes.

"Aw little Missy fell asleep"I heard as I opened my eyes. At first all I saw was brown furr, then I looked up to see Oliver and Curtis smiling down at me.
"Oh, shit i fell asleep"I said, looking down at a snoozing Buck. I laughed and kissed his fluffy head and Oli sat down on my bed with his back against the wall, and Curtis sat on my bean bag chair.
"Where's Hannah"Curtis asked
"I think she's getting ready"I said, laying back down.
"Girls"Oli and Curtis scoffed.
"What, a girls gotta look good !"I said defensively and they laughed. Hannah came in as if on que and sat with Curtis
"Ok, so what should we do"
"Don't look at me, I was sleeping"
"Shawn's having a party tonight"Oli said
"So going"I said. Shawn had such good parties. Speaking of parties. My mind went back to last night. I can't believe TJ did that. Actually, I can. He's done it before. God I was so stupid to take him back in the first place. It kind of made me upset to think about him. We were so perfect together.
"You alright Missy"Oli said, moving so he was sitting with his back against the headboard, next to me
"Yeah"I said. Hannah gave me a sympathetic smile, knowing what i was thinking about
"How about we go to the lake"Oli said
"Yeah sure"I said and Curtis and Hannah agreed. I got up and went into my closet, grabbing me and Hannah bathing suits. The zebra one is mine, yellow is Hannah's. We went into the bathroom and changed, putting shorts and tank tops over them and came back out, grabbing towels. Oli and Curtis went to their houses to get their swim shorts. Oli beeped outside in his Mustang when he and Curtis were ready and me and Hannah went out there. We got in the back and C.O.A blared out of the radio. We sped down the street towards the lake. I turned my phone on and i had seven new texts and three missed calls and messages. All from TJ. I deleted everything, not looking at any of them. I sighed and sat back and closed my eyes
"You ok ?"Hannah asked and I smiled
"Alright hun. Talk to me if you need to"She said and I nodded. Oli kept looking back at me in the rear view mirror. About twenty minutes later we got to the lake and parked in the woods. Everyone got out and we started down the trail. We got to the clearing of the lake and it was really pretty. I always loved this place. We took our shorts and shirts off, so we were just in our bathing suits. The guys took their tops off and they had their swim shorts on. I walked over to the cliff and looked down into the water. It was hot out and the water looked so nice.
"Wanna jump ?"Oli said from next to me
"Yea"I smiled. He grabbed my hand in his.
"One, two, three !"He said and we ran, jumping off the cliff and into the water. We resurfaced laughing. the cold water was a shock but it felt good.
"Come on guys !"we yelled up to Curtis and Hannah. They jumped in as well and i laughed as Hannah came up yelling
"Its nice though !"I said
"Yeah, it is"She said and we started swimming out to the rock. We all climbed onto it and sat at the top, looking over the lake.
"This summer's gonna be good"I said
"Yeah, it is"They agreed. We talked about what we should do over the summer and all that fun stuff, deciding to go camping and what not. Eventually we all swam back to shore and dried off.
"It's four thirty"Oli said
"We should probably get back"Hannah said and we all started for Oli's car.
"Shot gun !"I yelled. Curtis swore under his breath, but i could tell he didn't really care cause he'd be in the back with Hannah. We got all got in the car and drove back home, stopping at Burger King for the boys first. We got home and Oli dropped us all off at our houses. Thank god we all lived in the same neighborhood. I got up to my room and took a quick shower to wash the lake water off, and dried my hair, doing my makeup and hair, brushed my teeth, and put on this outfit. I put on some perfume and checked one last time in the mirror, grabbed my phone, and walked over to Oli's house, giving Buck a cookie before I left.
"Honey, I'm home !"I yelled walking in. No one was home besides him anyways.
"Up here"He said, i could here the smile in his voice. I went up to his room and sat on his bed. He walked out all showered and re-dressed. He looked good.
"Hey good lookin"I laughed as he walked in
"Could say the same to you"he smirked as I stood up.
"Thanks Oli"I said as he walked over to me. He stood right infront of me, towering over me.
"I know you've been thinking about TJ today. But you know what love, forget him. He was so lucky to be with you, and he lost his chance."he said, with a serious look on his face
"Thanks"I blushed slightly.
"Guys would kill to be with you"He said quietly, leaning in. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine. And it felt, amazing. He brought his hands into my hair and deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and kissed him back. But this wasn't just any kiss. There was passion. And you can't fake that.
"Hey gu- ohh dayum"Curtis and Hannah said, walking in. We both pulled away. Oli smirked and I blushed
"You guys ready ?"Oli asked
"Yeah, the question is, are you guys ready ?"Curtis laughed and Hannah chuckled, hitting him lightly. I smiled bigger and blushed more. Oli laughed and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the house. I could get used to this...
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I like Alcohol.