A Tainted Revenge

Part 1 the 1980's-chapter 3

Chapter 3
Lauren and Dave ended up on the front porch of Lauren’s house, after sneaking out of their prom early. They both knew that they could not stay there for long. They had an hour at the most. The couple were expected at their friend’s after prom party for a night of fun.

Dave had Lauren pushed up against the newly painted, white rail. He pulled off Lauren’s prom queen crown and threw it on the wicker chair next to them. Dave began to kiss Lauren passionately as he struggled to run his fingers through her overly hairsprayed locks. She shrieked out in pain and then suddenly began to giggle. She pushed him away from her and smoothed out her wrinkled skirt.

Lauren took off Dave’s similar crown and threw it on top of her’s. She grabbed his hand and moved towards the door. “C’mon, Dave! Let’s go inside”. She forced him along with her as she opened the heavy, wooden door and walked inside. In Lauren’s irregular excitement, she forgot to close the door. Dave tried to pull out of her grip to close it, but she held him back. “Just leave it, Dave,” she ordered him. “It doesn’t matter.”

“But someone could walk right in, Lauren. You know what has been going on in this area the past couple of months.” Lauren kept tugging him forwards.

“Then let them come in,” She purred dangerously. Lauren pulled him to her and held him close. “You are strong and will protect me, my love.” She let go of him and started pulling him forwards again. “Let’s go in the living room.”

“You know we are not allowed in there, Lauren.” Dave said while making his body a dead weight so she couldn’t move him. Lauren let go of his hand.

“Fine!” She said in a huff. “I’m going in there and when you feel like ‘rebelling’ with me a little come join me!” Dave watched her walk swiftly away from him. He watched the way her hips moved in that dress and melted. He decided to go after her slowly.
He walked over to the “forbidden room”, as Lauren’s parents liked to call it. It was a purely, white room; white walls, white carpet, white seats, and white tables. He hesitated before walking in to sit next to Lauren on the couch. As soon as he did, Lauren hopped on top of his lap and started kissing his neck. Dave quickly pulled away from her. “Lauren…what are you doing? This isn’t like you at all!” Lauren started kissing him again.

“I am ready to take our love further,” she said in between kisses. She pulled back and looked into his confused, yet eager blue eyes. “Are you?”

Dave licked his lips. “Yes I am.”

“Well in that case I think we should skip the party and spend the night here together.” Lauren slid off his lap and landed on her knees on the soft, carpeted floor. She stood up and slid off her stiletto heels. “I am going to go get us some wine,” she said and ran off leaving him alone on the couch.

As soon as Lauren left the room, she felt a strong, cold breeze hit her back. She shivered from the cold and walked over to the door and shut it. “Stupid cold,” she muttered under her breath and practically ran to the kitchen. She stopped in front of the dark maple wine cabinet. She took down two glass wine glasses and set them down on the cabinet counter and then pulled out a random white wine from the cabinet storage. Using a silver corkscrew, she began to open the wine. Lauren started smelling something rancid, something like death.

All the sudden she heard a piercing scream coming from the living room. Lauren dropped the bottle to the ground, out of fear, causing shards of glass to fly all around the kitchen and the wine pool all over the tile floor. She screamed, “Dave!” and turned to run to him, but was caught by strong, pale hands. Trembling with anxiety, she look up at the invader’s face. The man looked young and was handsome, with dark red hair, but he was odd at the same time. He was a sickly pale, lighter than herself, and had red eyes that gave him an aged appearance. He was simply dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt that showed off his powerful, muscular body.

She was paralyzed with terror in his arms. She could not look away from his crazed gaze, as if he had hypnotized her. “What did you do?” she whispered.

“I killed him,” he whispered back into her ear, with his slight British accent. Tears started poring down Lauren’s face.

“What do you want from me?” she sobbed. “I will give you anything. My parents have a lot of money if that is what you want.” Lauren slipped from his arms down to the floor, her skirt soaked up the wine. She buried her face in her hands. “I just don’t want to die!”

The man knelt down in front of her and placed a hand under her chin. He raised her face to his. He opened his mouth and his already sharp canines extended. Lauren’s tears stopped in fear and she started scooting backwards away from him, and cut up her hands from the broken wine bottle. The man grabbed her and pulled him on top of him. He forced on of her bloody hand up to his lips and licked away the blood. With his immeasurable strength, he pulled Lauren’s body to him, making it so there was no space between them. He put his lips on her neck, causing Lauren to stiffen up with his very unwanted touch. “What are you?” she asked.

“Why I am a vampire,” he whispered, “and, my beauty, I am here to destroy you and the perfect, pitiful life you are living.” Lauren screamed as he stood up and struggled in his arms. He walked with her towards the stairs and up to her room and she began to cry again with the knowledge that none of this could be stopped.

With what felt like hours later, Lauren lay naked on her bed. Her body was covered with bruises, cuts, bites, blood and tears. Although she was in blinding pain, she turned her head to see her rapist getting re-dressed. He sensed her move and he turned to face her. “You are a lucky girl, my beauty,” he said. “I promised your boyfriend I wouldn’t kill you right before I killed him.” He gave an evil smile. “Besides it’s more painful for you too live with this anyways,” and in a blink of an eye he was gone.

With silent tears falling down her face, she started sitting up slowly in her queen sized bed. “Dave,” she croaked and she slid of the bed onto the floor. She crawled to the stairs and slowly went down them, gripping onto the railing so she wouldn’t fall. At the bottom, she stood up, with the support of the rail, and limped as fast as she could to the living room, leaving a trail of blood behind her.

When she reached the living room, she leaned against the entrance archway and saw the originally white room a now crimson red. Filled with adrenalin and rage, she forgot about her pain and ran to the couch. She saw Dave, still dressed in his tux, buried under his own blood from his throat being ripped out. She threw herself on top of his lifeless body and held him to her, covering herself with the gore that remained. Shaking violently, she reached over him to the table. She picked up the phone that was there and dialed out.

“Hello?” Lauren heard a man say on the other line and she yelled and cried into the phone.

“Grandpa! I need you!” and she dropped the phone, giving into the pain, and passed out on top of Dave’s lifeless body