Couldn't Help But Wonder

Brent Lanser is in love with Chelsea Burrows -- but she doesn't love him back.

Or so he thinks.

Brent is afraid to tell Chelsea how he really feels. Every time he gets the chance, the butterflies form in his stomach, and he can't speak. Chelsea notices Brent has been acting weird lately, and she wants to know why. But when Brent tells Chelsea the truth, she doesn't know how to tell him she doesn't feel that way about him. So she rejects him the hard way.

Suddenly, Chelsea realizes she loves Brent too. But how can she tell him after she just rejected him so hard? Can Chelsea get the guts to tell Brent how she feels before it's too late?


Brent Lanser: In love with Chelsea Burrows. But doesn't know how to tell her. He is struggling trying to stay out of love, but nothing is working. After she breaks his heart, he tries to convince himself that he's over her. But is he really? Is Brent really over Chelsea Burrows?

Chelsea Burrows: Brent's best friend since the sixth grade. And only a friend. But when Brent tells her something that changed her life forever, she has second thoughts. After rejecting him rudely, she doesn't know how to fix the situation. Soon later she becomes ill, and doesn't know how she'll get the chance to tell him. Will Chelsea be able to tell Brent how she really feels?


I own all the characters and the plot line of this story.


I wrote this story in a short amount of time for Language Arts class, but I made it so long that the staple couldn't even get through the papers...O.o
So I decided to separate the story into chapters. hope you like it :)

P.S. The +~+~+~+~+ means the beginning and end of a journal entry :)