Couldn't Help But Wonder

Chapter Sixteen: Brent's POV


This is the last time I'll write in this journal. It reminds me too much of...her.


The funeral was two days later. Kind of early for a funeral, but I didn't argue. I practically cried my eyes out, but that's not the point. We will all miss Chelsea Burrows.

It was November 28. That was the day...

And I was there...I saw it all happen.

It was the pneumonia. The doctors didn't realize how serious it was. And it hadn't shown any amount of seriousness until that day. And it was too late...

Mrs. Burrows tried to tell the doctors something was wrong with her, but they wouldn't listen to her. They assured her everything was fine. And look how it ended.

We held the funeral outside. Surprisingly, it wasn't that cold, considering how cold it had been a week before. But weather wasn't important now.

I held the rose in my left hand, and I walked up to the casket that held her body. The people hid their faces to hide the tears slipping down their cheeks. They watched me silently as I walked towards the casket. No one spoke a word. Not your average funeral.

Chelsea had so many people that loved her...

Who could blame them?

I gripped the red rose in my hand. It contrasted with all the black that was worn that sad day.

I ripped a petal off the flower, and held it in between my fingers...the fingers she held that one amazing day...I fell to my knees on the dirt, and a tear slipped my eye.

“I love you...” I whispered softly, hoping Chelsea could hear me...wherever she was. “I will never love another...” I promised. “Never let anyone take advantage of me again...Never smile the way I smiled at you...ever again. I can promise you this Chelsea Burrows...” I choked on her name. “The only reason I will continue living my for you.”

Another tear slipped down my cheek and landed on her picture. A strong wind blew from behind me, and I let the rose petal slip out of my hand. It spun around, and softly landed on the surface of a small pond towards the left. And it slowly drifted away, nature leading its course.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would come to in the end.
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Thanks for reading! Keep commenting and tell me what you thought! Even though the story is over, if people keep commenting, I might make a sequel!
Beef & Cheese :) <3
^^I dunno.