Do You Remember?


I never really believe in true love at first sight. Of course I believe in ‘puppy love’ at first sight. The kind of ‘puppy love’ that goes hand in hand with lust. I never thought anyone could fall deeply, head-over-heals in love with someone upon first glance. This concept was just too hard to believe, until I saw his eyes.

It was a warm June afternoon. I had just gotten my license three weeks earlier, and was finally allowed to be driving without a guardian 21 or over. I didn’t mind driving with my parents, it was my brother, Ace, who I couldn’t stand. He always yelled, and was way to over protective. He always grabbed the wheel half way through the drive. He was frustrating, always changing my mirrors for me making sure I had them set perfectly. Now, I’m 17, have my license, and don’t have to listen to a word he said. I pulled out of my driveway and was on my way to pick Ace up from work. Apparently, his engine blew or something. Of course I complained, I didn’t want to pick him up. I mean he is a mechanic!

“Brianna! I have to order parts to fix it! Come on, Bri, just this once!” I sighed into the phone.

“fine! Just stop begging, its disgusting.” I laughed.

“I hate you. Click.” Was all I heard as I grabbed my keys off the counter and walked towards the door.

Pulling in to Sal’s Auto Body I saw my brother’s beat up Chevy. That was his one true love. The first day he got it he woke me up at 6 in the morning, screaming about how he now has his freedom. To him, this was his love at first sight.

I got out of the car, and headed for Sal’s front office. Sal’s smelled like brunt rubber and grease. It was gross, almost as gross as Sal. Sal was a big, heavy man. His coal black hair always slicked back, with his blue jumpsuit splattered with grease.

“Hey Bri. What can we do for your car today?” Sal slurred. 2 o’clock in the afternoon and he’s already drunk. There was no way I’d trust him with my car.

“Oh, no. I’m here to pick up Ace.” I smiled, and Sal pointed to the garage.

“Ace! Can we go? Ugh I hate the smell in here.” I complained to the blond, who I assumed was Ace, that was looking under the hood of a shiny red sports car.

“Excuse me?” the blond turned around wiping off his hands.

“oh, I'm sorry I thought you were…” and that’s when I saw them, those piercing blue eyes. They were a beautiful, crystal blue. “…Ace”

“Ace is in the back, can I do something for you?” he asked his voice steady.

“oh no. I’m here to pick him up.” I half smiled. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was round him. My voice started to shake, and my hands sweat. “I’m, ah, his sister.”

“Oh! I’m sorry, I’m an idiot, he told me you were coming.” His eyes lit up with his smile.

“don’t worry about it. I’m Brianna.” I stuck out my hand.

“Jordan Staal” He smiled and took my hand and shook it lightly.

“Oh as in Eric and Marc Staal?” I rambled my sentences just flowed together in a moment of nervousness.

“Yep. They are my brothers” I smiled, and ran my fingers threw my shoulder length brown hair.

“That’s interesting. I, um…” I started until I heard a loud creak from the back door.

“Bri! I didn’t know you were here.” Ace had a tall, muscular build. He’s played hockey since he was 10 and soccer since he was 7. He was wearing a Sal’s auto body jumpsuit that was covered in oil. “I’m ready.” He said walking towards me.

“oh hell no.” I snapped “you can’t possibly think I’d let you in my car with that on.” Jordan laughed at this.


“Don’t ‘Bri...’ me. Get changed.” I demanded as he turned on his heels and went back into the room.

“Neat freak?” Jordan smiled.

“excuse me?” I quoted him.

“are you a neat freak?” he asked again smiling.

“No I’m not, I just don’t like my car looking like a garbage can!” I’ll admit I was offended.

“I didn’t mean to upset you. I like my car clean, too.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“You didn’t upset me.” I lied.

“so, how old are you?” He asked closing the hood of the care he was working on.

“17, I’m a senior at Port High School.”

“oh! Do you know a Jared Staal?” He questioned.

“of course, he’s been my best friend since Freshman year. Are you related?” I asked dumbly. Jared has mentioned his brother but he referred to him as J. Now looking at him, I could see the similarities between Jared and Jordan. They both had gorgeous hair and their bone structure was similar. Although their eyes were different, his being blue, and his a bit more greenish, they looked almost exactly alike.

“really? Wait, are you Bri, the one his girlfriend works at the bakery with?” Mackenzie, Jared girlfriend, and I got our bakery jobs sophomore year. Georgia’s Goodies, was about ten minutes away from school.

“yep. That’s me. So you used to go to school whit Ace?” I asked playing with a string coming off my shirt.

“yeah. heard you wanted to go to a major college eh?”

“yeah I want to go to Yale.”

“wow, That’s great!” He smiled.

“ugh, can we go now?” Ace came out in shorts and a white t-shirt.

“yes. It was nice meeting you Jordan.” I smiled.

“you too.” He said as me and Ace walked out of the garage.

The first day I met Jordan was the one memory I hold on to. Ever since that day I fell in love with him. Two weeks after I met Jordan, we started dating. He was the perfect gentleman, and quickly became my first love. We’ve been dating for about 8 months. He was home for the holidays from Pittsburgh, PA which is where he plays in the NHL. The night after our 8 month anniversary Jordan got into a car accident. He was driving home from work when a drunk driver swerved into his lane and the collided head on. Jordan wasn’t wearing a sear belt; he flew through the windshield and landed on top of his hood. That’s where we are right now; Thunder Bay General Hospital. I’m sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting on any word on how he is. I sat between Ace and Mackenzie, both of them in tears. I couldn’t bring my self to cry. My two best friends, Rae and Jaycee sat across from us, along with Jordan’s brothers Eric, Jared, and Marc. they all flew home once they found out. Rae’s brown face was soaked with tears as her hands enveloped her face. Jaycee sat with her blond hair still wet; she was in the shower when she got the news. Marc’s red hair laid flat against his face. Mr. and Mrs. Staal, both sobbing, were holding onto each other.

“Brianna, are you OK?” Rae asked, noticing my looking around.

“I’m nervous.” I sighed, my hand rubbing my head.

“He is going to be fine, he has to be fine.” Jared sobbed; with out even thinking I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held on to him.

“shhh… Jared it’ll be fine.” I reassured her.

“I know, it’s just he’s my brother and he is supposed to be OK all of the time.” he continued to cry.

We sat in silence for the next hour. Only sobs could be heard.

“Mr. and Mrs. Staal?” a doctor came back into the waiting room.

“yes?” Mr. Staal shot up.

“Jordan suffered from a server head trauma, broken ribs. We had to do an immediate surgery to reconstruct his facial damages and his ribs. He is in pretty bad shape. He has been in a coma since he has arrived and has not yet come out of it. He will probably experience some partial amnesia. Which means when he comes out of a coma he might not know why he is here or what happened. We are 70% sure his memory will come back, but there is always that chance that he will not remember.” The doctor finished as Mrs. Staal cried out.

“when can we see him?” Eric asked suddenly.

“Well he is in critical condition and is in intensive care. When he is out of recovery, two people at a time may go in. Family only, please.” The doctor’s words cut like a bunch of knives. ‘family only’ I will not be able to see my boyfriend. The doctor left the room as Mrs. Staal approached me.

“Put this on” she said handing me her wedding ring.

“What?” I asked not taking it.

“Put it on, we’ll say you’re engaged. I know as much as anyone else that you love him. You deserve to see him. Jordan wouldn’t have it any other way.” She half smiled as I slipped on the ring.

Mr. and Mrs. Staal, Eric, Marc, Jared and I, all walked to the intensive care unit (ICU). Since we could only go in two at a time, Mr. and Mrs. Staal went in first, leaving Marc, Eric, Jared and me outside the doors of the ICU.

About a half hour later they returned from the ICU. Tears rolling down their faces simultaneously.

“Guys, it’s bad. He looks terribly.” Mr. Staal chocked on his words.

“Dad, we want to see him.” Marc assured them.

“OK, room 3304.” Mr. Staal led Mrs. Staal to waiting room.

Out of instinct I took Jared’s hand in mine. I needed his strength, and I know he needed mine. We approached his room and he froze, dropping my hand while cupping his mouth.

“I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” he gasped and turned around and headed towards the door.

I took a deep breath and headed into his room. I was greeted by a body wrapped in bandages with blood stains seeping out. I let out a cry at the site of his body. His head was all wrapped leaving just his eyes and mouth open. His arms were in casts resting at his sides and bandages wrapped around his ribs.

“Jordan…” I whispered, moving a chair next to his bed. “Jordan, I’ve seen this in movies and if you really can here me, then hold on. I can’t deal with you like this.” I cried reaching for his bandaged hand. “I love you, Jordan.” I smiled, realizing this was the first time I had spoke those words to him. Through the 8 months of dating, we never said ‘I love you’
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This is my first one that I'm transferring over. It's one of many so bare with me. :]