Do You Remember?


“Jordan, I’m going to get something to drink do you need anything?” I asked, basically to myself, the doctors told us to always as something before we leave the room, just to make sure he isn’t up.

I’ve been at Jordan’s side since his crash one month ago. He is still in a coma, and it scares me to death. I haven’t left his side; I can’t imagine him waking up and me not being there. I was supposed to be preparing for Yale; I got my acceptance letter three weeks ago, but there was no way I could leave him like this. I put Yale, and my future dreams, on hold. I sat in the chair right by his bed, I wouldn’t move. They took off his precautionary cast on his arms and left him with his rib wrapped. The wrapping on his face has been taken off because the cuts are going down. Even though he was all bloody and gross, he was still stunning.

“Never mind.” I sighed slouching back down into my chair next to him.

“Who are you talking to?” Mrs. Staal asked while walking into the room.

“The doctor said to always talk to him, so I am.” I half smiled as she pulled a chair closer to him, sitting across from me.

“Brianna, honey, we need to talk.” Mrs. Staal looked down at Jordan. “Sweetie, you can’t put your life on hold because of this. Your mother told me that you got a scholarship to Yale, you can’t pass that up. Jordan wouldn’t have wanted you to.”

“Mrs. Staal, I can’t imagine the day he wakes up and me not being here.” I faked another smile.

“I know. Your just a stubborn as Jordan is.” She smiled and rubbed his hand.

“I’m going to get something to drink. Do you need anything?” I asked as
Mr. Staal appeared in the door way. Eric, Marc, and Jared all went back to their hockey teams.

“Diet anything would be good.” Mrs. Staal smiled.

“I’m a regular coke kind of guy.” Mr. Staal laughed as I grabbed my purse and headed down the hall.

They were right, every one was right. I did get a full scholarship to Yale, and that was what I worked for my whole life. I just couldn’t bring myself to leave Jordan. I sat there everyday at the hospital, sometimes sleeping over. The nurses found out I wasn’t engaged to him, but they didn’t care. I was here every day, hoping he would wake up. I approached the vending machines and got out two diets and one regular. I quickly made my way back to the room.

“Here you go Mr. Staal.” I handed him his. “Here Mrs. Staal.” I handed hers to her.

“Where is mine?” The voice I have been waiting for finally spoke.

“Oh my gosh, my baby! How do you feel?” Mrs. Staal jumped up and hugged him as Mr. Staal called for the nurse.

“I feel like shit. What happened?” He asked looking at his mom as she explained his accident. “When can I get back on the ice?” I laughed at this and hugged him quickly

“Damn, who is she?” Jordan asked while looking me up and down.

“You don’t remember her?” the stout nurse said while approaching his bed.

“No, who is she?” he was growing mad.

“She is your…” the nurse started but stopped as the doctor came in. the nurse quickly explained how he couldn’t remember me. The tears were quickly forming in my eyes.

“Jordan, what day is it?” The doctor asked.

“May…2nd I think. Yeah, we are in the play offs…oh shit I need to get back.” Jordan was recalling the month before he met me, before they lost the Stanley Cup Final.

“Alright Jordan we are going to do this slowly.” The doctor started. “It is January 24th you’ve been in the hospital for about a month now. You got into a car crash. You might not be able to remember everything, but it should all come back.”

“Should?” I finally spoke up causing every one to look at me.

“Yes, there is a possibility that he wont remember these past months.” The doctor’s words made my tears flow. Mrs. Staal immediately came over and held me.

“I’m sorry.” Jordan felt guilty, you could tell by his voice. He always hated seeing people cry.

“It’s not you, I’m fine. Sorry about that.” I looked up to Mrs. Staal.

“Jordan, Brianna has been your…” Mrs. Staal started but I cut her off.

“You friend since the beginning of summer, that’s all.” I sighed knowing that if he knew we were together it would confuse him more.

“Oh.” Jordan sighed in confusion and laid his head back.

“I’ll be back later.” I sighed and got up from my chair and left the hospital.

After all this time he can’t remember me. All I wanted to do was to hold him like before, and he can’t even remember my name.