Do You Remember?


“Hey Mrs. Staal.” I whispered as I walked into Jordan’s room, he was snoring like crazy.

“Brianna! I didn’t think you would be back so soon.” She whispered back.

“I’ve spent every day here for a month; I’m not going to let this keep me away from him.” I whispered back as she stood up.

“I’m going to get some rest, tell him I’ll be back.” she whispered and kissed my head before she walked out of the room

“You spent every day here?” Jordan’s eyes fluttered open.

“Yeah.” I smiled as I sat down next to his bed.

“You’re a really good friend then.” He smiled, making my knees weak.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better, I’m hoping to be out by next week. I’m a little depressed about losing the Stanley Cup Final and not remembering it.” He sighed while resting his head backwards

“Yeah, but do you really want to remember that?” I asked and he laughed.

“I guess not.” He smiled. “Were you really just my friend, cause there is something about you that makes me think we were more?” he asked bluntly

“Well, I was your friend, but I was also your girlfriend for eight months. You had your accident on our eight month anniversary.” I blurted out.

“Wow, I dated you for eight months! Thats a record!” he smiled while I faked one.

“Yeah, so you don’t remember anything?” I asked as he shook his head ‘no’

“I’m sorry, I can’t remember. My mom and brothers were telling me how good of a person you are, and how you spent every day with me. Thank you, Brianna, its Brianna right?” I almost cried at him not remembering my name.

“Yeah it’s Brianna, but you used to call me Bri. Jordan, I can’t imagine how you feel.”

“I feel confused. I mean look at me. I have a beautiful girlfriend that I can’t even remember, I made it all the way to the Stanley Cup Final and I can’t remember anything.” He said drawing a smile out of me.

“Yeah, but the doctor said your memory might come back. Your dad called me last night and said the doctor said you need things to trigger your memory. So I brought some stuff, is that ok?” I asked.

“Yeah I will do anything.” He sat up.

“alright first a picture of Sal’s, we met there.” I pulled out a picture I took of Sal’s just hours before.

“Eww, we met there? That isn’t romantic at all.” He said causing me to laugh “I used to work at Sal’s sometimes with Ace. Do you know Ace?” Jordan asked as I grew disappointed.

“Yeah he is my brother.” I smiled while putting the picture of Sal’s away.

“No way! Oh my gosh, how did he take us dating? Did he try to kill me?” Jordan asked as I laughed.

“He tried once, but he was fine with it.” I hated talking about our relationship in past tense.

“Here is our picture from one of the fairs last summer.” I handed him a strip of pictures. The first one had him kissing my cheek while I made a shocked expression, the second had us making ‘silly’ faces, the third was our scary faces, the fourth was us kissing, and the last one was us giving a regular smile.

“Wow.” He sighed. “I was really happy.” He sat there holding the picture for a minute before he started to cry.

“Jordan, are you ok?” I asked while putting my arm on his shoulder.

“No, Bri I’m sorry I can’t remember you. I can’t remember.” He started to cry as I wrapped my arms around him. “I want to remember so badly. I’m so confused.”

“Shh…Jordan it’s ok. If you don’t remember then we will just have to start over.” I smiled into his forehead.

“You really loved me didn’t you?” he asked as I twisted his blonde hair between my fingers.

“Yeah.” I sighed. “Look Jordan, maybe I’m trying to force this too much. It’s just hard for me to think that you can’t remember these past months.”

“Brianna I’m sorry.” Jordan sighed a he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Shh…” I rang my fingers through his hair again.

“Bri, I promise you I will remember.” He looked up at me with his tear stained blue eyes.

“Jordan, don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I sighed. “Let’s just take it slower, ok?”

“how?” he asked as we pull apart.

“Let’s just be friends, I think that will be best.” It hurt so much as those words escaped my mouth.

“Just friends.” Jordan agreed as we continued to sit there and make jokes, talk and watch TV. The things just friends do. In my heart I knew I could never be ‘just friends’ with Jordan.