Do You Remember?


It’s been three months since I signed the papers for the foundation. It is now called the Goldstone-Staal Memory Loss Foundation. Jordan quickly signed the papers when he knew it was something I cared about. Jordan and I have been working on the foundation together, trying to trigger his memory. These past three months have been filled with psychologist appointments for Jordan and I. Everyone was trying to trigger his memory. We are planning on taking a trip down to see the team and see if that helps.

“Jordy” I continued to make fun of him.

“Yes, BriBri” he found his own little nickname for me.

“Can you just try one more time?” I asked as he quickly shut his eyes and we sat in silence for another ten minutes.

“I’m sorry Bri, it’s just your something new to me.” he sighed while resting his forehead against mine. “if this means anything, I ripped up the nurses’ numbers, Jared watched me. It’s just every one is telling me that I am meant for you; and I can see that, but I’m confused. I mean you know so much about who I was and how I acted and I know nothing. I don’t know how you changed me, but you did. I feel different around you. Brianna, just have faith in me.”

“I will always have faith in you” I sighed and started to close the gap between us, but quickly pulled away.

“why did you pull away?” He moaned as his breath danced across my face.

“because I have an idea.” I quickly pulled him up and led him out through the garage. “shh…” I smirked.

“you are up to no good.” He smirked along with me. I threw a pair of skates at him, and quickly put on mine.

“Come on” I smiled and walked onto the back yard rink. Even though it was April it was still freezing cold. I skated onto the ice, knowing that this was his first time on the ice since his accident.

“Bri, you are a genius.” He smiled and quickly laced his skates and was on the ice behind me.

“well, it’s April and training camp is in September, so I thought we should get started.” I smiled and turned around to face him.

“You are the first girl I have ever dated, that actually cares about my hockey life.” He stopped in front of me.

“I didn’t think we were dating, just friends remember?” I asked and he nodded.

“I remember…” he stopped and looked down at the ice. “Oh my gosh Bri! I remember. I remember the Stanley Cup Finals.” He stated and leaned against the boards with his hands over his head. “I was so sore. Geno was sick and Sid, man he was fighting something. We lost Colby at the deadline, and Hossa, that asshole. If he would have come out and said that he wasn’t interested we could have kept Hall and Ruutu”

“oh my gosh Jordan! How much do you remember?” I asked anxiously.

“just that, I’m sorry.” He frowned and slouched back into the boards.

“that’s ok, we can work with this.” I skated over and put my arms around his waist. “what happened when you thought of it?”

“I was thinking about how much I was falling in love with you.” he looked down as he played with his hands.

“you are?” I asked as I moved his face towards me.

“Yeah…” He smiled as I looked into those eyes of his, the eyes that made me fall in love with him in the first place. “ever since I woke up, you have been there. You never left my side. You turned down a full scholarship at Yale to stay with me. I’m an idiot and can’t remember anything about you, and you are the person I am supposed to be with.”

“Jordan… you aren’t supposed to be with me, you are supposed to want to be with me.”

“I know and I want to be with you.” His eyes read seriousness. “As much as I can’t remember, I don’t have to remember when I’m with you. You make me happy for no reason. Being around you just makes me feel good; I never want to not be around you. I don’t think about other girls, just you. I don’t need to remember you to be in love with you.” once the words left his mouth I attacked his lips. We stood there not caring about remembering, not caring about anything but us. In this moment we were completely enveloped in each other and nothing else.