Do You Remember?


“It’s just not fair.” I cried into Jared’s shoulder. “He can remember everything but me. Am I that easy to forget?”

“Shh…Brianna he will remember you, just give him time.” Jared ran his hand over my hair as I clung on harder. The sobs were deep and in my chest making my whole body move every time I cried.

“I just don’t know if all this is worth it…I mean I remember the old Jordan, but this Jordan is new, and I love this Jordan but it’s different.” I sobbed.

“Bri…he will get better.” He reassured me as the door squeaked causing me to jolt up.

“damn it.” I wiped my tears away as I heard a loud slam. I quickly got up and ran out after him. The ground was cold and wet under my bare feet as I ran to catch up to him.

“Jordan.” I exhaled tiredly, as I breathed in and out.

“What?” he snapped while turning around to face me.

“Jordan, I’m sorry this is just hard for me.” I cried again, as the tears lining my face became cold when the wind wiped at my face.

“Hard for you? oh geez it’s always about you. I can’t remember anything and you want me to feel sorry for you?” he was screaming now. “well, princess, I’m not. So go run and cry to Jared.”

“Jordan.” I stayed calm, hoping he didn’t mean this.

“Brianna, it’s over. I can’t remember you, so it’s time for me to start new. You say everything happens for a reason right? So there is a reason I don’t remember you; we just aren’t meant to be together.” his words sliced through me, causing my whole body to shake. He looked me up and down one more time, before walking back into the house. I was so shocked that I just sunk to the ground. I sat there, tears pouring down, my pants getting soaked from the wet ground, while my body shook under the cold. I cried as a warm blanket was wrapped around my shaking shoulders.

“he didn’t mean that.” Marc smiled down at me, while placing his arms around me to get me on my feet.

“I just need to go home.” I cried as Marc walked me to his car.

[[Fast Forward]]

“Brianna.” A deep voice came from behind me.

“Yeah?” I turned around from my place on my bedroom floor. Scrapbooks, papers, pictures, scissors, and glue crowded the floor in front of me.

“How are you holding up?” Eric asked as he sat on my bed.

“good. I’m just keeping busy.” I smiled, while ignoring the pinging in my chest.

“He is dating a nurse.” Eric was now studying his shoes, not making eye contact with me. I quickly got up, and walked out my bedroom door. Jordan didn’t even have the guts to come see me his self. I was pissed that he did that.

“who is she?” I asked walking into my living room to see Marc and Jared waiting there.

“The blonde ‘Jordy’ nurse, she called him.” Jared confessed.

“I’m sorry Bri” Marc attempted to make this hurt go away.

“Oh well.” I sighed while leaning back into the couch.

Although it hurt like hell to see him do this; he didn’t remember me, so I am nothing to him.