Do You Remember?


“Marcyy Marc.” I started laughing as Marc danced across his living room.

“can’t touch this….” Marc sang and pulled out his pants so they resembled parachute pants.

“your brothers are…different.” An annoying voice filled the air causing me to look back towards the door. I saw a lanky blonde, the one from the hospital, staring back at me.

“Eww.” Jared said while crinkling his nose.

“shh.” I hit his arm and started giggling.

“oh thank gosh someone who is sane is here.” She laughed as she came to sit by me. “ oh you’re the girl from the hospital.”

“yeah.” I smiled and got up “ I’m tired, Marc” I looked at him as he smiled.

“ohhh yeah. she is in my room tonight.” Marc laughed while picking me up bridal style. “when there is a black sock on the door knob, you guys know not to come in.”

“Yeah, get some Marc!” Eric yelled from the kitchen as Jordan’s face grew serious.

“Eric!” I laughed as Marc smirked and carried me up the steps. He walked me into his room and laid me on his bed.

“stay with me.” I asked as he showed me a black sock.

“I will.” He smirked and placed the sock on the door knob and shut the door. “you know I love you.”

“I love you too Marc.” I smiled as he crawled into bed with me.

“Jordan doesn’t know what he is missing.” Marc smiled and he pulled me into him. his arms were wrapped around my waist, in a friendly manner, and I curled into his body.

“yeah, because he can’t remember.” I sighed as I forced the tears back. Marc played with my hair, quickly causing me to fall asleep.

[[Later that night]]

“Marc where did you go?” I asked while sleepily climbing down the steps and into the dark living room.

“Your fuck buddy went to Kristen’s.” Jordan’s voice traveled from the couch. Kristen was Marc’s real girlfriend, unlike me pretending to be with him.

“Oh.” I sighed and felt my feet fall out from underneath me.

“watch” Jordan caught me in his arms right before I hit the ground.

“Sorry.” I grumbled as he let his arms drop. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”

“So I don’t have to close my eyes.” He was now standing in front of me, although I couldn’t see him.

“why?” I was curious.

“Because every time I close my eyes I see you.” he moved closer, I could feel his stare looking down on me.

“I’m sorry.” I was at a loss for words and I had no clue what he wanted me to say.

“Don’t be.” He whispered while setting his hands on my hips.

“Jordan…” I whispered back while placing my hands on his arms. “Where is that girl?”

“I sent her home after you went to bed with Marc.” His hands were sweaty, as they lay on my hips I could feel his warmth coming through my shirt.

“I didn’t sleep with him.” I confessed trying to make sure he knew I would never do something like that.

“I know.” he moved me closer so our bodies were touching.

“Jordan…” I whispered as he leaned his head down. I could make out some of his features.

“Brianna.” He smiled into my forehead as he kissed it. “Don’t give up on me.”

He tilted his head down and captured my lips in one swift movement. I was overwhelmed by his forwardness. I pulled back a bit as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Jordan.” I whispered into his neck, while kissing it softly. “Don’t leave me.”

“I won’t” he whispered back and picked me up into his arms, bridal style just like Marc did hours before. Jordan placed me on the couch as he curled up next to me. He pulled the blanket over us, as I laid my head on his chest. No matter how much he couldn’t remember, or how many times we fought, we always had one common ground; each other.