Do You Remember?


The week following the night with Jordan was, very interesting. Jordan and I have been in and out of meetings, some with NHL officials, and others with possible employees. We were currently on our way to Pittsburgh so Jordan can see the guys. We were in a cab on our way to the Mellon Arena. I was tired, and worn out. These meetings and plane rides have taken more than a toll on my health.

“Bri” Jordan whispered into my ear and he pulled me close into chest. I was so comfortable just lying on his chest, that I could have fallen fast asleep.

“Yeah?” I asked half asleep.

“We’re here.” He smiled while pushing me off him a bit.

“Ugh.” I moaned as he exited the cab. I got out of the cab as Jordan grabbed our bags. He quickly laced his hand in mine as we made our way through the arena.

We walked into the arena, and every person we saw before getting to the locker room, greeted Jordan with a big hug. I trailed behind Jordan because my feet didn’t feel like functioning. I just wanted sleep, but I knew I couldn’t have that. I had to be here for Jordan, no matter what.

“Staalsy!” a tall brunette with curly hair opened the locker room door and screamed in our faces.

“TK!” Jordan screamed back before they engulfed each other in a hug.

“Man have I missed you. How you feeling?” the man who Jordan addressed as ‘TK’ asked.

“I’m good. I can’t remember some things yet. Like almost all of summer, but I’m working on it.” Jordan smiled as ‘TK’ looked behind Jordan to stare at me. “Oh! I’m sorry. Tyler Kennedy, this is my girlfriend Brianna Goldstone.”

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled while I held out my hand for him to shake. He smiled and shook it lightly.

“Nice to meet you too” He smiled as another tall brunette came behind him.

“TK, who are you talking to…” the man’s eyes bulged as he saw Jordan “Staalsy!”

“Dupuis!” Jordan exclaimed while hugging the shirtless man. “Pascal Dupuis, this is Brianna.” I smiled and shook the man’s hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Pascal smiled as I nodded. We walked into the locker room and Jordan got whisked off into about a million hugs. I sat in the stall that had Jordan’s name over top of it.

“Hey.” Tyler came over and sat next to me.

“Hi.” I smiled in reply.

“What’s wrong? You seem tense.” Tyler smiled.

“It’s just been a long day.” I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked around the room to find Jordan talking to a tall blond.

“I see.” Tyler exhaled “he told me about how he can’t remember you.”

“Oh” I sighed at Tyler’s bluntness.

“Brianna, he is really trying.” Tyler’s face read honesty. “He has called Kris and me almost everyday, and it’s always been about you. I feel like I already know you!”

“Really?” I laughed.

“Let’s see, you move around a lot in your sleep. You love to paint. When you laugh, you nostrils flare just slightly, or so I’ve heard. You turned down Yale to stay by this loser’s side” he pointed towards Jordan. “You can’t go one day with out having something sweet, or you will become so bitchy.”

“Wow.” I sighed as he recited strange things about me.

“I ask Jordan on the phone ‘hey buddy, how you holding up?’ and he replies ‘you have to meet her, she does this, and she does that’. It’s annoying sometimes.” He smiled, making me smile in return.

“Whoa. Who is she?” a tall brunette asked coming towards Tyler and me.

“Don’t even think about it.” Jordan appeared behind the man, causing the man to jump and turn around. He quickly wrapped Jordan in a hug. Once they released, the man put his gaze back on me.

“Ryan, this is Brianna, Brianna this is Ryan Whitney.” I smiled, while standing up and shaking his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled as Ryan nodded and released my hand. I sunk back down on to the bench as Ryan took Jordan into another room. I sighed as I leaded back onto the wall. I remained at the stall for the remainder of the day. At points I slipped in and out of sleep, but I quickly shook the sleep off.

“Babe…” Jordan’s voice filled my ears. “Come on, it’s time to go.”

“ok.” I sighed, not standing up, I didn’t really want to move.

“Brianna, you have to get up.” he laughed as Tyler laughed with him. “Fine!” Jordan exclaimed while picking me up in his arms bridal style. I laid my head on his shoulder; the warmth from his body comforted me as I quickly fell asleep.

[[Next Day]]

I woke up while bundled in covers in the hotel room. I looked around, and Jordan was no where to be found. I sat up, ran a hand through my hair, and jumped out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom to get a quick shower and head over to the arena. The arena was right across the street from the hotel, so I could easily find it. Once I was done drying my hair and changing I made my way out of the hotel. The walk to the arena was short, and I flashed the guard the pass that Jordan had sitting on the hotel night stand. I made my way down to the locker room, and not knowing what to do I knocked patiently.

“Yes?” an extremely tall man opened the door.

“Um, I’m looking for Jordan.” I played with my fingers out of nervousness.

“Jordan…Staalsy?” The man asked.

“Yeah, he is my boyfriend and well he wasn’t in the hotel, so I thought he be here.” I looked down.

“Oh. You’re Brianna.” The man smiled. “I’m Hal Gill, nice to meet you. Jordan isn’t here. Hold on, TK!” Hal smiled and called over his shoulder.

“Yeah?” Tyler came running over, and smiled when he saw me.

“Hey Bri, where’s Jordan?” Tyler asked.

“No clue, I thought he would be here.” I sighed in defeat.

“Nope, not here.” Tyler scratched the back of his neck.

“Alright, I’ll just wait at the hotel. Bye Tyler, nice to meet you Mr. Gill” I turned around and walked back the way I came, not looking back for an answer from them. There was no way I was going to sit in a hotel, waiting for Jordan. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.

Pittsburgh was beautiful. The buildings towered over you, and plenty of people were bustling around the city. The people seem to be determined, and what ever they were determined to do, they had to do fast. Everyone was racing around on phones, while in suits drinking their coffee. This was nothing like little Thunder Bay. I sighed deeply and continued to walk through the town. I found a small Italian place that sold mostly pizza, my weakness. I was starving, so I headed in.

“Good afternoon, Beautiful, can I help you?” a tall greasy man asked from behind the counter.

“Um, Pizza and a ice tea would be nice.” I smiled as he showed me to a table. The man quickly returned with a pizza and a tall glass filled to the brim.

“Thank you.” I smiled as he nodded and walked away. I bit into the pizza, taking too much in my mouth. Thank goodness I was the only one in the restaurant. I chomped down as the front door swung open.

“Greg!” a familiar voice screamed to the guy from before. “The usual.”

“I haven’t see you in a long time blondie.” The guy from before replied.

“Yeah, offseason injury.” He admitted. I tried to swallow, but there was too much in my mouth. He looked over, in my direction. “Bri?”

I grumbled something in audible while swallowing my food. “Hey babe.”

“What are you doing here?” Jordan asked while sliding into the both across form me.

“I went looking for you, and I got hungry. You know i love pizza” I smiled while reaching my hand over the table to touch his. “What’s wrong, Jordy?”

“I hate not being able to remember anything. We got new guys on the team and I don’t even know them. They were all talking to me, and talking like they knew me, and I was lost. I feel useless.” He pulled his hand away from my as he covered his face.

“Babe…” I sighed while getting out of my side and going over to his. I placed one hand on his back and the other around his arm. “You will remember, you promised.”

“Brianna, I don’t know if I can keep that promise” He sighed as the man brought out his food and walked away.

“You can.” I assured him as I kissed his cheek. “I love your Jordan.”

“I love you too.” he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. “Bri, if I just wanted to run away from all of this and stay in my house forever and forget everything, would you stay with me?”

“Of course, I’d do anything in the world for you.” I smiled.

“I would do that for you.” he smiled while pressing his lips to my forehead. “Forget with me.” We sat there silently not eating, just staring into each other’s eyes as our food got cold