Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

Gee it's fine

Gerards POV

They left, but not before kicking Frank hard in the back of the head. I slowly sat back up Frankie sprawled out in my lap. That’s when I realized he was unconscious. I panicked my poor baby. I can’t believe this happened to him all because of me. Fuck! I picked him up bridal style and carried him out to my car. I set him in the passenger’s seat and checked to see if he was still breathing, he was. When I got into the driver’s seat prepared to take him to the hospital he started to come around.

“Frank! Frankie! Can you her me, baby?!”

“Mmm…G-Gee are you okay?”

What the hell? He was worried about me. He’s the one that’s was beat into unconsciousness yet he worries about me. Frank Iero you are a mystery.

“I’m fine, baby, are you okay though?”

“Yeah, I think so. My arms like throbbing, but I’ll be okay”

“What’s wrong with you arm?”

“Matt stepped on it and it made a popping sound.” I gave him a worried look ”Whatever it is it’ll be okay. Don’t worry about it Gee.”

“I am worried about it, Frankie. What if he broke your arm?”

“Gee it’s fine”

“Frankie please let me take you to the hospital and have it checked out, please”

“Gerard that’s a waste of money and its nothing really”

“You’re going end of discussion”

I drove Frank to the hospital where they and they said Frank had broken his wrist. His left wrist was now incased with a cast. Frank acted like it didn’t bother him that he got his arm broke, but it was killing me. It was my fault he got hurt. It was my fault he had a broken wrist. If I hadn’t of pissed Chase off and if I knew how to keep my big mouth shut Frank probably wouldn’t have a broken wrist right now.

I just wanted to love him, to give him a new and better life. I think I just fucked his life up even more than before. He needed me and I just let them attack him while trying to save my own skin. I’m a horrible boyfriend and Frank deserves so much better. These thought haunted my mind as I drove Frankie back to my place.

When we got back to my house I help Frank inside and as soon as he was comfortable on the couch I went to the bathroom. I leant back against the door as tears slowly made their way down my face. I slide down the door until I was sitting with my head against my knees and I cried. I’m one of the main reasons Frankie Gets hurt.
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