Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

Oh my gawd

************************************Second update today ****************************************

Franks POV

How did Gerard remember that part of last night? He didn’t remember hitting but he remembered that. He remembered taking the one part of me that was still innocent away. Was he just the slightest bit sober at the time? Wait no he wasn’t he could barely hold himself up. Tears began to pour from my eyes. I fell to the floor sobbing not caring who seen me, not caring what happened. My whole body ached, but that wasn’t what hurt me it was my heart that was breaking.

I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. Then I realized something I was only hurting Gerard by staying here with him. I cautiously made my way into his room to gather my stuff I grabbed my still packed bag and slung it over my shoulder. It felt heavier this time or maybe I’m just being crazy probably the later of the two choices. I made my way to the kitchen where I scratched out a note for Gerard and left it on the table. I left as I walked out the doors tears flooded down my face once again, but this time I knew I was doing what was right for Gerard. I knew I was only doing him good by getting out of his life forever. The only problem now is the little fact that I have nowhere to go.

I walked around town a little while and as it got dark I found myself at the park slowly swaying on the swings. I sat there forever before I got tired and curled up on the ground and went to sleep. I guess this was my life from now on. Not long after I fell asleep did it start to rain. I cursed and sat up. Why does life hate me so much? I decided there was no point in moving so I sat there and let the rain fall on me. It got harder and harder, but I kind of enjoyed the feeling of it falling on me.

Gerards POV

I finally came out of the bathroom a few hours later. I looked in the living room and my room for Frank, but he was no where around. Then I thought maybe he is still in the kitchen. I walked in there and he wasn’t there either. I saw a note on the table and thought Mikey probably left. I picked it up and what I read was something I never wanted to see in my life.

Dear Gerard,

I know this morning and yesterday was pretty shit for you. I’m sorry about all the trouble I caused you though. I wish I could change everything I did. I knew you shouldn’t have had anything to do with me and I knew if you did I’d be your down fall. I miss you picking on me at school at least back then you were happy and had good friends and no one tried to hurt you. I wish I could fix all the problems I caused for you, but I’m not capable to do that. I’m the worst thing that ever happened to you and I’m sorry. You shouldn’t feel bad about what happened yesterday I deserved it all after what I’ve done to you. I do love you and that’s why I left so I won’t hurt you anymore. Gerard you’re the only person in this world I care about and I love you. I hope life is good to you Gerard you deserve only the best.


He did not just say that. Oh my gawd my Frankie is out there on the streets in this weather. Fuck! Why the hell did I have to act like such a fucking drama queen. Tears fell down my face as I ran around the house getting dressed in whatever I found and pulling my shoes on. I ran out to my car and began searching the streets for Frank. My vision was blurred, but I wasn’t giving up until I found him.

I stopped at a park this is the last possible place he could be unless he left town. I walked around the park and found him curled into a ball, shivering by the swing set. The sight was heart breaking. I cried as I ran to his side. I pulled his shivering form against me and wrapped my jacket around his shivering form. I carried him back to my car and turned the heat on high. He never stop shivering as his whole body jerked that’s what worried me. He hasn’t woken up since I found him. I was worried. I started to shake his still form and he stirred. I smiled and pulled him against my chest.

“Thank gawd your okay, Frankie. I was worried sick about you never ever leave like that again please. I never want you on these streets. I’d pay to put you in an apartment just never try something that stupid again. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore.” I rambled out as tears clouded my vision and slide down my face. Frank nodded against my chest and hugged me lightly.

“Why do you care about me Gerard? I fuck up everything I touch.”

“No you don’t Frankie. You make so many things perfect, you’ve made my life perfect.” I said
with a small smile.

“I-I love you, G-Gerard”

“I love you to Frank so fucking much”

He smiled and I let go of him so I could drive us home. He instantly fell back asleep. I carried him into our room and wrapped him in multiple blankets trying to get him warm. He was still shivering the poor thing. I felt so guilty about all of this. I swear I will make this up to him and I’ll spend my whole life trying to.
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