Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

over protective?

Franks POV

It’s been a week since I’ve been to school. Gerard keeps telling me I’m injured to bad to go. It’s just a few stitches and bruises. I convinced him to let me go today though which was really hard. I guess Gerard keeping me home is a his way of showing he loves me. I’m currently dressing my self in some lose blue jeans with holes at the knees and a solid black t-shirt. I slip on my converse and find Gerard waiting for me on the couch. He took me to school and he seemed so reluctant about us going in there.

“Gee, I’ll be fine I promise”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Frankie”

“They can’t hurt me anymore than they already have, Gee. I’m use to it all and most of it
doesn’t bother me do much. I mean I felt weird the past week because no one hit me. The only way they can really hurt me is when they hurt you because you’re with me.”

“Frankie, I hate that you’re so use to being beat and when they hurt me it’s because of my own actions you did nothing to cause this to happen to me.”

I nodded and gave Gerard a worried look. He grabbed my hand and led me into the school. We stopped at our lockers and quickly gathered our books. Gerard took my free hand and walked me to class. It was sweet, but kinda corny I love it though I love everything Gerard does for me. I always have loved him though. He smiled and said he’d see me at lunch. Gerard gave me a quick kiss and left. I smiled and watched him leave when he made it
around the corner I finally went into the classroom.

I sat at the front of the class trying to avoid being around the jocks, but they just filed in and sat behind me. Great, I feel so fucking special. They want to sit with me. I sat there and waited, waited for what they had planned to do to me. Surprisingly the only thing they did was throw a single paper ball at me.

The rest of the day I sat in class waiting for lunch. I just wanted to see Gerard. I wanted to be with the one person in this school who actually cared about me. Well Mikey was a good friend and he’s the reason I’m dating his brother, but right now I want my Gerard. The bell finally rang signaling it was time for lunch.

I rushed out of the classroom wanting to get to Gerard so bad. In my hurry I accidently ran into Chase. SHIT! This is not going to end well. After I told Gerard everything would be okay I was going to prove I could go a day without being beaten up and I made to lunch. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice Chase draw back his fist and hit me. My head snapped to the side as his fist collided with my jaw.

“You fucking faggot you need to watch where you’re going.”

I just nodded knowing that you don’t speak in these situations. He hit me in the stomach and shoved me to the floor. I felt my face make contact with the floor. I slowly rolled over onto my side and felt him kick me in the stomach. A few kicks later and he was gone. I slowly pulled myself into a sitting position when I heard someone scream my name.

“Frankie! Are you okay what happened?”

I looked to my side and saw Gerard kneeling down beside me. I give him a small smile as he helps me up. Why does he care so much about me? Surely I’ve never done anything to deserve someone to care about me like this before. I guess I was just lucky.

“I’m fine Gerard no more than a couple of bruises and a busted nose. What happened was I was in a hurry to get to lunch and I bumped into Chase and he decided to get even.”

“Come on Frankie lets get you cleaned up.”

Gerard led me to the bathrooms and began washing the blood from my face. He kept mumbling to him self about how he would get Chase back for hurting me. Gerard had gotten really over protective lately.
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