Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

I wanted to warn you.

Gerards POV

I carried Frank home at lunch I was not letting him stay there and get hurt again. I’m so sick of everyone wanting to hurt my perfect little Frankie. He’s so sweet like an angel. He never gets mad at his abusers, he even fell in love with one of them. Frank is forgiving and I really don’t understand how he can forgive everyone for what they do to him. He downplays it to you break a bone and he would claim it was just a sprain. Frank doesn’t like getting the attention he gets when he’s hurt he rather everyone ignore it.

I hate chase so much. I really just want him to die and rot in hell. I sat there thinking about him and I got in my car and drove to his house. His parents were never home. I walked up the driveway and to his door before knocking three times. He answer the door and glares at me.

“What the fuck do you want, fag”

“I wanted to warn you”

“Warn me?”


I smirk as I wrap my fingers around his throat and shove him against the wall. I watched him struggle to pull my hands off his throat so he could breath. I watched him until he was ready to pass out before I released him. He fell to the floor gasping for air and I brought my foot up and kicked him in the face. I hear a sickening crunching sound and assumed I broke his nose. I just continued to kick him where ever II could. I smiled and turned to leave.

“Oh and if you tell anyone about this or touché Frank again I will kill you, you low life piece of shit” I left.

I smiled thinking about the boy on the floor nearly unconscious from the pain I inflicted to him. He deserved it, he dissevered it all. I drove back to my house and walked in Frank had fell asleep on the couch. I picked him up and carried him to our room. I covered him up and went into the kitchen to fix diner.
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comments??? I know its kinda shitty but its like past 2 in the morning I'm half asleep lol.
