Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

don’t appreciate

Franks POV

Gerard treated me like I was a god last night. He carried me to bed when I had dosed off on the couch. Cooked dinner and brought it to me in bed. He even massaged my back for me even though I told him, he didn’t have to. I have an amazing boyfriend. I had another fight over going to school today. Gerard really thinks I need to rest, but really I need school to distract me. If I’m doing something I don’t want to think of all the negative shit in my life. I mean I deserve it all, but it’s upsetting to think about it.

I drug myself into the school building wishing they’d say school is cancelled for bad weather or something. Instead I had to walk to first period and put up with fucking paper balls being chunked at my head. I sat there and tried to ignore all the shit hitting the back of my head. I was half way to my next class when Chased grabbed my arm and punched me in the face. He hit me multiple times and finally my head hit the floor and my vision blurred. He kicked me in the stomach and that’s when my world went dark.

When I finally came to I was in a small room. My hands were bound by what felt like a rope and I had some kind of clothe stuffed in my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was muffled and no one would here me. I tried to free my arms, but the ropes were so tight. I finally gave up and laid my head back against the wall and somehow I fell asleep.

I was woken up later by a foot connecting with my side. I whimpered lightly and wanted to curl up and protect my small frame. I looked up to see Chase standing over me with that goddamn smirk spread across his face.

“You know, Frank, I don’t really appreciate you having your little faggot come to my house
and attacking me. Nor do I appreciate you turning one of my friends into a faggot.”

“One I didn’t even know he came to your house and two I didn’t turn him into one he was gay all along”

His fist connected with my eye making my head snap backwards and hit the wall.

“You need to watch your mouth, fag”

“Why should I really care there is nothing you can do to me that hasn’t been done before.”

He kicked me in the stomach. When I looked up he had a knife in his hand

“Because I’m not afraid to kill your little fagoty ass” He replied digging the blade into my throat.

He pulled the knife away and smirked as he saw my fearful expression. He used the knife to cut my shirt off before leavin random cuts across my torso. I whimper and try to shrink back against the wall even though my feeble attempts to get away from the knife are useless. He finally left when my chest was covered in my own blood.
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