Sequel: Forgotten Lover

Unseen Love

I've lost him

Gerards POV

I sped down the highway to Franks house. When I got there everything had been cleared out and a for sale sign stood tall in the yard in front of the house. I fell to the ground in tears. Where could she have taken him? What is she going to do to my Frankie? I slowly walked back to my car. Where I collapsed into the drivers seat sobbing.

This was it. I will never see Frank again. I’ll never be able to save him from that fucking bitch. I’ve lost him for good this time. I’ve lost my reason for life. The one thing I loved more than anything was in some building right now being beaten to death and I could nothing to help him.I pulled out of the drive way and made my way home.

~Mikeys POV~

Gerard came home crying. What the fuck is wrong? What happened? He’s been gone for a little over thirty minutes. I followed him into his room where he collapsed on his bed. He curled himself into a ball a sobbed.


He didn’t reply.

“Gee? What’s wrong?”

“I-I’ve lost h-him, Mikey”

“Lost who?”

“Frank. He’s gone he’s not living in the same house anymore and I don’t know where he is and right now he’s probably getting the shit kicked out of him by his mom”

“G-Gee, we’ll find him I promise”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Mikey.”

“O-okay, Gee, but we will find him. I don’t care what it takes we will find him”

“He could be halfway across the country now, Mikes. There’s no hope in finding him. I’ve lost the fucking love of my life and I’ll never see him again.”

“Gee…” He cut me off.

“I just want to be alone for a little while to think”


I left him there feeling shitty for leaving him, but knowing he’d get pissed if I would have stayed. I shut the door behind me and sat down on the couch in the living room. Where could Frank be? I mean I have to find him. I can’t just let Gerard wallow over this and besides Gerard has been in love with him forever now. I just hope Frank is okay and him and Gerard can be together and live in peace. I mean Gerard not only took a bullet for this kid but he also killed a guy over him. If that’s not love I don’t know what is.
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