My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Ten

“I do not like you.” Alyce said as she and Matt continued trying to beat each other. Amber laughed as she kept her spot behind Matt with Willow curled up on her feet. Matt laughed along with Amber.

“Well I’m sorry Alyce. But I’m good.” Matt told her.

“Alyce you will still be queen. Can’t you let it go?” Amber’s chin rested on Matt’s shoulder. She knew immediately that she shouldn’t have said that as they finished they race and Alyce looked at her.

“Shut up Amber.”

“Okay.” Amber hadn’t realized she had moved one of her feet just enough to wake Willow up until she heard the cat’s complaint. She looked at the cat and say her stretch and yawn before walking over to her. Amber petted the cat who was now looking at Matt.

“Watch out she’s mean.” Alyce laughed as Willow approached Matt.

“Alyce isn’t kidding about this one. She can be mean.” Willow walked over to Matt and crawled into his lap before lying down. Alyce and Amber burst out laughing as Matt just watched her.

“And you two said she is mean.”

“She usually is!” Both the girls stared in disbelief at that cat as Matt laughed at them. After another hour of playing Mario Cart Alyce fell back on the bed.

“I give up! I’m still the queen, but I’m done!” Alyce closed her eyes and placed her arm over them.

“Now that’s not the Alyce I know.” Amber laughed as she poked her friend’s arm.

“Well I’m tired.”

“Do you guys wanna watch some TV then?”

“Sure” Amber grabbed her remote and turned the TV on. They finally settled on something and Amber sat by Matt. His arm wrapped around her shoulder and she once again heard Alyce making fake gagging sounds.

“Shut up Alyce. I’ve lived with you and Kellan for two years.”

“I’m kidding. Take a joke.”

So the three of them watched TV for hours as they talked and laughed without realizing what time it was. Alyce was the first to notice that it was already 3 a.m. when she went to get a glass of water. “Did you two know it is two in the morning?” She asked walking back into Amber’s bedroom.

“No. Crap.” Amber knew that Matt would say that he should go. And she didn’t want that. She hated having to be away from him when they could actually spend time together without worrying about getting caught.

“I think I better go.” Matt looked at Amber and saw her expression sadden. He was going to say something when the blanket landed on his head making them both laugh.

“I sound like I’m a scratched CD, so thanks to the both of you for making me say this again. Sleep in the chair.” Alyce began working on making the futon into her burrow after she turned it into a bed. She looked over her shoulder at Matt. “Sorry but you ain’t getting this bed. I was here first. I claimed it long ago.”

“Please stay?” Amber asked looking at Matt and fake pouting.


“Thank you!” Amber threw her arms around him and gave him a kiss.

“Why does this feel like déjà vu?” Alyce asked as she finished making her burrow of covers and looking at Amber.

“Probably because this is almost the same way this happened last time?”


It was a Monday night and Amber was on the edge of panicking. Her dad had decided the night before, when they got back from Big Bear, that the following night they would have a dinner party. Including inviting the Sanders. All Amber could think about was Matt and Aaron in the same room with her. One she loved, but could never be with. One she hated and was being pushed towards being with.

“Alyce I can’t do this!” She frantically told Alyce over the phone an hour before everyone was supposed to arrive.

“Amber listen to me! I won’t let Aaron torment you tonight. I’ll cover and you can see Matt alone somehow. You can do this! You have to do this!” Alyce wanted to shake Amber’s shoulders like she always did when she was talking sense into her, but a mental shake would have to do.

“You’re right. My dad will know something is up if I don’t.”

“Now you are thinking straight.”

“Thanks Alyce.”

“No problem. Really though if Aaron tries anything stupid I will be there to drag him off and shut him up.”

“Yeah I know. I just freaked out for a minute.”

“I understand. Just calm down.”

“Okay. I’ll see you when you get here okay?”

“I’ll see you in a little bit.” They hung up and Amber sat down on her bed to clear her head for a second. She would have to deal with it. She took several deep breaths before a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. She had to pull herself together in two seconds because it could be her dad or Lisa at the door.

“Come in.” She called and the door cracked open and Lisa’s head popped inside.

“Amber do you have a minute? I need some help.” Lisa held up a necklace with a small clasp, the kind she could never seem to get on.

“Yeah, come on in.” Amber stood up and Lisa walked up to her sister. It took Amber a second or less to get the clasp shut and the necklace was then hanging around her sister’s neck nicely.

“Thanks. I owe you.”

“No problem. It’s just a necklace.” When Lisa left Amber found herself feeling calmer, she didn’t have time to freak out right now. She had less than an hour before the families would start showing up and she had to be normal when they did. So to keep her mind from getting out of control she went to find her mom. Esme could keep her calm.

When Amber found her mom she was in the kitchen finishing on dinner. Helping her mom out would keep her mind off things, she hoped. “Need some help mom?” She asked causing Esme to look up at her.

“Sure.” When that was done she helped get the dinning room set up and then that only left 30 minutes. She had to occupy her mind until then. She was thinking of distractions when her phone vibrated. She opened it and smiled. It was a text from Matt.

Remind me again why I can’t be incredibly mean to this asshole.

She selected reply to tell him again. The same reason she couldn’t be. It would make things far too obvious.

Because that would make things more obvious?

She closed her phone and slid it back into her pocket. It wouldn’t take long for it to go off, but she didn’t want her dad to walk in and ask. She pulled it out quickly when it went off and flipped it open.

Shit. Well I will see you soon. I love you.

The smile crept across her face and she couldn’t contain it. But her moment was interrupted by the last voice she needed to hear. “Who are you texting sweetheart? You are smiling so wide it is as if you just got the best news in the world.” Amber’s head snapped up to see Anthony standing in front of her.

“Alyce. She is being funny, again.” Amber threw in a laugh for good measures and her dad smiled.

“It’s good to see you smile kiddo.” It was when he did stuff like that when she felt bad for getting so pissed at him. She knew he really did love her, but sometimes her went about showing it in a bad way. She didn’t text Matt back until her dad had left the room.

See you soon. I love you too.

Amber went to wait in the living room. She knew that like always the Sanders would arrive first. Then everyone else would follow. Aaron was the one she didn’t want to see. The other teenagers she liked. Hell Alyce was more like her sister and Kellan had always been friends with them. The others Amber wasn’t that close to, but they didn’t bother her.

She lost track of time and the next thing she remembered was the sound of a car driving up. She looked out the window and knew it was Matt’s family. “The Sanders are here! I’ll get the door!” She yelled.

“We will be right there!” She heard her dad’s response. When there was a knock she jumped up to get it.

“Hello.” She greeted them trying not to look at Matt too much.

“Hello Amber.” Mr. Sanders responded shaking her hand.

“Hello Amber.” Mrs. Sanders actually hugged her.

“Hi Amy.” Amber greeted Matt’s sister who smiled back at her.

“Hey Amber.” She followed her parents inside and Matt walked in front of Amber. She looked at him questioning the incredibly warm greeting from his family and he shrugged his shoulders. He then shook her hand politely and smiled.

“Hi Amber.”

“Hi Matt.” They then went inside and she stood by her parents as everyone talked. Like Always Alyce just walked in and went straight over to Amber. Next was the Bakers. Amber knew who was next and wanted to leave the room. But the knock came and her dad went to the door. Mr. and Mrs. Marshell came in first, then Aaron.

“Oh my gosh, what a scum bag, suck-up, loser!” Alyce whispered in a disgusted tone.

“It had to have been my dad.” Aaron walked up to her and handed her a dozen pink roses.

“Amber.” He smiled.

“Hello Aaron.” Her voice wasn’t nearly as friendly as his was. She glanced at Matt and saw the anger in his beautiful hazel eyes. “I better go put these in some water in my room.” She grabbed Alyce and made a run for the stairs. In her room she took the roses directly to the trashcan and force fully threw them in. “I can’t believe the nerve!”

“Wait until everyone is gone then we will go bowling and we will go burn them somewhere okay?” Alyce suggested. Amber smiled at the thought.

“Okay.” They then went back downstairs to greet the Haners and then Kellan’s family. The Sullivans and Sewards came soon after with the others and they all headed for the dinning room. There was two upsides to where Amber was sitting, and one downside.

The upsides: Matt was sitting on her right again, and Alyce was right across from her. The downside: Aaron was on her left. The adults were caught up in their conversation leaving the teenagers to their own separate ones.

“So Sanders, what do you think of Amber?” Aaron asked making Amber cough as a sip of water caught in her throat. Matt looked at her quickly to make sure she was okay. She nodded a tiny bit and looked at Alyce, who was watched the scene like a bomb was about to explode.

“I think she is very nice, Marshell.” Matt answered not looking at Aaron.

“She is going to be mine someday.” Amber’s hand tightened around her fork in anger.
“Is that so?” Matt looked down at his plate to smirk.

“So Aaron I’ve been thinking about what I said to you Friday. And you being a cheerleader, and I have a question for you. Have you tried out for a squad yet?” Alyce’s question made Amber, Matt, and Kellan cough to conceal their laughs.

“Alyce you are just jealous of me.” This time Alyce laughed openly.

“Me jealous of you? What universe do you live in?”

“I’m warning you Aaron, don’t talk to my girlfriend like that.” Kellan interrupted before Aaron could shoot another mean comment at Alyce. A silence then fell over them after that and they all just ate without speaking. Then Amber’s phone went off. It was from Alyce, which meant Alyce had a plan.

U and me, after dinner, there is something u need to show me in your room. Tell matt that when we go up to your room he has to go to the bathroom.

Amber smiled at Alyce telling her she was a genius. Amber listened and Matt agreed. Amber, Alyce, Matt, and Kellan were the first to finish eating and they all placed their hands under the table. Amber found Matt’s and laced her fingers through his.

“Sanders you know I expected something different out of you about Amber.” Aaron was inserting his foot into his mouth and Amber’s patience was wearing thin.

“Like what?” Matt was getting more pissed off with Aaron by the second and it was beginning to show.

“Something about her appearance. You have to have noticed.”

“Shut up Aaron.” Amber said.

“Don’t be like that babe.” Aaron reached to tuck a strand of hair behind Amber’s ear and she flinched from his touch and almost allowed herself to go to Matt for comfort.

“Do not call me babe.” She practically growled through clenched teeth. She felt Matt’s hand tighten and she could tell his anger was growing.

“Face it Amber, once day you will be mine. Wife and all. And you’ll love it.” He whispered in her ear. She couldn’t take it anymore and lifted her left hand, the hand that wasn’t still holding Matt’s, and slapped him so hard that the sound made everyone look.

“You jerk!” Alyce yelled jumping up and pointing at Aaron. She wasn’t sure why Amber had slapped him, but she had to fabricate a story and quickly.

“What is going on?” Anthony asked standing up.

Alyce gave Amber the look that meant to look completely upset, she could handle this one. “Aaron was making dirty jokes about Amber!” Alyce informed Mr. Davis.

“Is this true Aaron?” Anthony turned to Aaron who flew up from his chair.

“Absolutely not!” This made Kellan stand up. He figured that he needed to help Alyce out with the fabrication.

“Are you calling my girlfriend a liar?” He snapped.

“She is lying!”

“No she isn’t!” Amber chocked out joining in.

“I heard him.” Matt’s voice shocked Amber but she didn’t allow herself to show it.

“It must be a misunderstanding. They misheard it Anthony. It’s my fault, I should have spoke more clearly.” Aaron sat back down and Alyce and Amber glared at him.

“Yes, that must be it!” Amber’s dad sat down and the rest of them had no choice. This time Matt let his hand find Ambers. After dessert Amber looked at Alyce.

“Alyce there is something I need to show you.” Alyce stood up with before Amber. Before Amber stood up she leaned closer to Aaron while no one was watching.

“Don’t mess with me Aaron. And I’ll never be yours.” Amber then stood up and she and Alyce headed for her bedroom. It was only a few minutes later when there was a knock. It was Matt.

“What did he tell you?” Matt asked as he took Amber into his arms.

“To face it that one day I’ll be his, wife and all, and I’d love it. I couldn’t stop myself.”

“He is lucky that I couldn’t do anything.”

“Guys come on. Make it quick. Please. Can’t get caught.” Alyce was at the door listening for anyone coming.

“Meet us at the bowling alley tonight at 9.”

“Okay.” Matt kissed Amber before leaving the room.

“Thanks for saving my ass down there Alyce.”
“No problem. He’s lucky where we were.” They headed down stairs and into the large den since that is where everyone was now. Amber and Alyce glared at Aaron as they joined up with Kellan.

“Your boyfriend is having a hard time not hurting Aaron.” He whispered to Amber.

“Funny, I’m having a hard time not doing the same thing.” Alyce and Amber once again glared at Aaron as they said it. He laughed and waved at them.

“Asshole.” Kellan mumbled.

“My dad thinks he is the nicest person in the world. How can he be so blind?” Amber looked at her dad who was talking to Mr. Marshell.

“Because he doesn’t care about the truth. He is hell-bent on having Aaron as a son-in-law.” Amber and Alyce looked at each other and gagged knowing Alyce was right.

“I’ll see you later. We’re leaving.” Matt walked up.

“I’ll see you later.” Amber didn’t want him to leave yet, but at least she knew she’d see him in a few hours.

The Marshells were the last to leave and Alyce and Amber were in Amber’s bathroom pretending to get ready for a movie. That was when there was a knock on Amber’s door. “It’s probably my dad.” Amber went to open the door. Anger boiled inside her the second she saw his face. “What the hell are you doing up here Aaron?”

He looked around her. “I just came to see where you put the roses I brought you and tell you and Alyce goodnight.”

“Oh go jump into the Ocean and stay there. Do the world a favor.” Alyce walked up to Amber’s side and crossed her arms after finishing her comment.

“Only if you come with me.” He looked at Alyce from head to toe.


“So where are the roses Amber?”

“The trash can. Where you should be.”

“Oh you know I could make a good boyfriend, as long as you gave me what I wanted.”

“I’m warning you Aaron, do not mess with me.”

“And I know something is going on that no on knows about. I will find out what it is.”

“Good luck asshole.” Amber slammed the door in his face. Alyce waited until he went downstairs to drag Amber to the corner and say what she had to so he wouldn’t hear.

“He doesn’t realize Matt and Kellan could take him with one hand behind their back and blindfolded does he? And if he pushes it they will.”

“Alyce if he pushes it much more then we will.”

“True. We should wear heels! That way we can poke him!”

“And make him bleed?”

“Well of course!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like this one!!
