My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Eleven

It was the following afternoon that Amber and Alyce sat in the living room talking to Esme. Willow had taken a spot in between the two of them and was sound asleep. Esme wanted to know exactly what had happened the previous night and so they told her. Then the door opened.

“He is a nightmare that comes back every night!” Amber sighed throwing her head back.

“Worse. At least nightmares go away while you are awake.” Alyce joined her.

“Hi girls. I didn’t know you were home.” Anthony lied. He knew they were, but it would be better if they thought it wasn’t planned to bring Aaron to see them.

“Hello Esme. Hi Amber. Hi Alyce.” Aaron’s voice was enough to wake Willow up.

The cat sprang up and her eyes narrowed to small slits. She hissed then growled. The hair on her tail stood up making it look like a pipe-cleaner and the fur on her back stood on end. She caught sight of Aaron and hissed and growled repeatedly. Amber and Alyce laughed and they could kiss the cat. “What the hell is wrong with her?” Aaron asked jumping back.

“Amber what is wrong with that animal?” Anthony asked looking at Amber who laughed.

“Nothing is wrong with her dad. She’s just a good judge of character.”

“Get her out of here before she hurts Aaron.”

“Yes, get her out of here before she hurts me!” A plan came into Alyce’s head as Aaron agreed and she would have to follow it through.
“Come on Willow. Scared of a little Lynx Siamese cat.” Amber picked the cat up and could feel the hisses and growls rumble through the cat’s body. Alyce followed her and they walked past Aaron. Alyce made a hissing sound and smirked when he jumped back.

In Amber’s room Willow calmed down since she couldn’t see or hear Aaron. “Good Kitty.” Amber petted the cat wishing that Willow would have attacked him.

“You know next time you should drop her. Her claws are razor sharp and she could make him bleed.” Alyce’s mind had a million different ways to cause Aaron pain.


After Alyce left Amber sat on her bed watching TV and thinking. She could have went out to a movie with Lisa but she honestly just wanted to be alone. There was one person that she wanted to see, but she was too tired to go meet Matt.

She could feel herself falling asleep so she just turned all the lights in her room off and got underneath her covers. She nuzzled her head against her pillow and closed her eyes. She had to think of Matt one more time and then she fell asleep.


Matt sat in his room so deep in thought he didn’t even notice that Zacky was now standing in his bedroom door way staring at him. He didn’t notice that Zacky was cussing under his breath about Matt not noticing him. The only thing that mattered was the thoughts he was thinking.

“Matt?” Zacky walked into Matt’s bedroom and waited for his friend to snap out of it. When Matt didn’t Zacky punched him on the arm.

“Damn it. What do you want?” Matt finally realized that Zacky had shown up while he was thinking.

“I don’t know. Just thought I’d come hang out. Are you okay man?”

“Of course I’m okay. Why would you ask that?”

“Well you didn’t even realize that I got here.”

“Oh yeah. I was just uh thinking.”

“About what?”

“None of your business.”

“You were thinking about Amber.”

“That obvious?”



“What about her?”

“Mostly how much I wish we weren’t hiding. And how much I want to hurt that Aaron asshole.”

“What happened last night anyway? When Amber slapped the shit out of him?”

So Matt told Zacky what he knew he had told her and about the comments he had made before she slapped him. This only made him more angry and he realized that he would eventually snap and he would hurt Aaron. It was only a matter of time.


The knock that woke Amber up at 7 in the morning was a strange occurrence on its own. No one ever woke her up, it only put her into a bad mood. And to top it all off it interrupted her dream about Matt. The unknown knocker bagged on the door again. “Oh hold your damn ass! I’m coming!” Amber tossed the covers off and stood up. She pulled the door open and her hands balled into fists.

“Good morning.” Aaron leaned up against the door frame.

“You have two seconds to move before I seriously injure you.”

“You know you don’t mean that.”

“One second.”

“Come on Amber.”

“Screw you.” She forcefully slammed the door and caught his hand, making him howl in pain making her smirk as she walked back to her bed. But the damage was already done and she couldn’t go back to sleep. Amber and Alyce got the day off from the store so she called Alyce to see what she was doing.

“What do you want? It’s 7 in the morning. Let me sleep.”

“Now Alyce is that any way to answer your phone? Aaron woke me up by knocking on my door.”

“What? Did you hurt him?”

“I slammed his hand in the door. I’d been up for about 50 seconds. My brain wasn’t working at full power yet.”

“He better watch it.”

“Why don’t you and Kellan come over? It looks like my dad is leaving Aaron here.”

“Sure thing. Give me a while to get up though okay?”

“Okay. I’m going to take a shower first anyway.”

“Lock your door. Pervert is there.”

“Thanks for reminding me Alyce. See you in a bit.”

It was around 9 when Alyce and Kellan showed up. Esme and Lisa had left a few minutes before them and her dad was already at the practice. Aaron hadn’t left which meant her dad had told him that he could hang around the house, probably all day.

Amber really wanted to call Matt but the coast wasn’t clear. She didn’t want Aaron to hear anything since he would run and tell her dad. “Does it matter to you that you aren’t wanted here?” Amber finally asked looking at Aaron.

“Your dad wants me here.”

“He is not home. And I don’t want you here.”

“Don’t care. You’ll grow to love me. It’s not like you’ll have a choice.”

“You know what, bite me.”


“Touch me and die pervert.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Don’t try her dumbass. She’ll hurt you and Alyce will hurt you.” Kellan laughed.

Amber was thinking about locking herself in her bathroom and turning on the shower to block the noise and calling Matt. Maybe she could sneak off to see him for a little bit. She needed to see him and she needed to be as far away from Aaron as the city would allow her. But it didn’t look like either would happen. She wasn’t listening when the fight broke out between Alyce and Aaron, but when it grabbed her attention she couldn’t look away.

“Oh you think you are just so hot and that every girl in the world wants you. Newsflash bucko no one likes you!” Alyce yelled almost at the top of her lungs.

“You know you want me Alyce. Come on. You know you do.”

“Not even in your wildest dreams buddy.”

“Alyce you want to have sex with me.” Aaron reach over and grabbed her arm. Alyce lifted her knee and kneed Aaron in a certain spot which made him howl out in pain.

“What did you just say to my girlfriend?” Kellan’s head popped out of the door way of the kitchen to witness Alyce’s painfully infliction on Aaron.

“I would never have sex with you if you were the last guy on the planet!” Alyce yelled at Aaron. Kellan caught on completely and he completely lost it. He walked over to the front door and opened it before grabbing Aaron and dragging him outside before throwing him down and beginning to beat the crap out of him.

“Go Kellan!” Alyce yelled clapping her hands together.

“Ha ha and so the jackass gets what he deserves!”

Aaron never actually landed a punch on Kellan and what broke up the fight was a car coming into sight. Amber gasped realizing that it was her dad. “Kellan my dad is coming!” Amber shrieked not wanting to find out the outcome of this. But it was already too late.

Her dad’s car came to a stop a few yards from the fight and Anthony jumped out yelling “What is going on here?!” Kellan released Aaron who jumped up to being whining to Anthony.

“He attacked me! That what is going on here!” Aaron yelled.

“You will not talk to my girlfriend like that you twisted pervert!” Kellan was so angry that whatever Anthony had to say was irrelevant to him.

“Stop it! Everyone inside!” They all walked inside and Aaron went to stand by Anthony while Alyce, Amber, and Kellan banded together on the other side of the room. “What is your problem with Aaron?”

“He is a jackass and a pervert.” Alyce answered still angry.
“He had it coming.” Was all Kellan had to say.

“He got off easy.” Amber snickered looking at Aaron.

“Enough! You three will get along with him! Alyce, Kellan you two are banned from coming to this house!” Amber’s jaw dropped as she started at Anthony.

“Then you better ban me too Anthony.” Amber didn’t bother using the word dad because he wasn’t acting like one.

“Excuse me? You are a part of the Davis family Amber. You will live here until the day you get married.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be a part of the Davis family. Maybe I want out of the business. Maybe I hate you.”

“You will not speak like that to me young lady!”

“I am not a child anymore. I am 18 years old.”

“You two, leave!” Anthony pointed at Alyce and Kellan.

“No! They stay. He leaves!” Amber pointed at Aaron.

“I’ll be outside.” Aaron announced leaving.

“Alyce, Kellan leave. Right now!”

“Fine.” Alyce grabbed her keys and Kellan’s arm.

“I’ll be over later guys.” Amber told them. They nodded and walked towards the door. She watched as they got into Alyce car. Aaron was standing behind the car smiling, which set Alyce off even more. She placed the car in reverse and hit him. He was against her car when she floored it to about 20MPH and sent him flying forward.

“Aaron are you alright?!” Anthony asked rushing over to see if he was okay.

“Yeah I’m fine. I think my arm is broken though.”

“We will have to get you to the practice and check it out with some x-rays.” Anthony looked up at Amber. “I don’t want you talking to them.”

“Too bad. You might as well ban me from the house because I don’t plan on being around here much longer anyway. Not when you are acting like this.” Amber ran up to her room to get her keys and cell phone before leaving.
“It was so great to see Aaron get the crap beat out of him!” Amber stated later that afternoon as she stood with Alyce and Kellan in Kellan’s garage.

“I know. Thank you.” Alyce hugged Kellan again.

“He is not going to take to you like that.” Kellan kissed Alyce’s cheek and Amber found herself wanting to see Matt even more. They were meeting at the bowling alley that night and they would probably go to a movie from there.

“Nice move with the car by the way Alyce.” Amber laughed thinking of the scene again.

“I couldn’t help it. He just made me so mad. Uh Amber?”


“You better go. You are meeting Matt soon.”

“Thanks Alyce! See you guys later!”

Amber didn’t feel like going inside at the bowling alley so instead she just waited outside until Matt showed up. Before they left she split her guts to him about everything that had happened. “I’m glad Kellan kicked his ass.” Matt said simply making Amber laugh.

“Me too. So you still wanna go see a movie?”

“If that works for you.”

“It does.” They got something to eat before going to the movie and they finally ended up at the beach. Amber was a little more than sad when they realized they should probably head home. Amber didn’t want to go home but she didn’t feel like running away either. She had done nothing wrong.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Matt asked hopefully as they said goodnight.

“Yeah. I’ll sneak away after I get off from the store.”


“I better go. Night Matt.”

“Night Amber.” He kissed her quickly. “I love you.”

“Night Matt. I love you too.”

When Amber got home she realized the house was completely silent so she snuck up to her bedroom and turned on the light. She had just changed into her pajamas when she saw a note on her bed. It was from her mom.

I talked to (okay yelled at) your dad. He finally admitted I was right and is having Alyce and Kellan over for dinner with us tomorrow night. The downside is Aaron will be there. Tomorrow I want to know everything that happened. Hope you had fun with Matt!
I love you

Amber sat the note down and turned off the light. She needed sleep. It had been a long day and she could feel how tired she had become. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep and when she did she didn’t have any dreams.


Esme, Anthony, and Lisa left the room leaving Alyce, Kellan, and Amber sitting across from Aaron. Anthony wanted them to “talk out” their differences. Instead of doing that they just stared.

“You were warned.” Kellan broke the silence.

“I’ll say whatever I want to who ever I want.”

“And when you say anything like that to my girlfriend you will pay for it. Understood?”

“Basically Aaron we are done putting up with you.” Alyce added in.

“And everyone knows it. So bring on the war. We are ready. And you are outnumbered.” Amber smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“What are the three of you hiding?” Aaron glanced from one of them to the next and then at the next.

“Nothing.” They answered him in unison.

“That is a lie.”

“Aaron I have something for you.” Alyce reached under the chair and pulled out the content of the bag, tossing the two pom-poms at him.

“Ha ha, very funny Alyce.” He sat them down on the table as Amber laughed and watched as Alyce openly smirked. They knew it was getting to him.

“Back off Aaron, you aren’t going to change anything. So don’t waste your time.” Amber sat back in the dinning room chair and glared.

“Oh I will find out. Remember your dad wants you to be with me. He’ll get his way. And that means I’ll get my way, one way or another.”

“I’m not scared of you, coward. And I’m not scared by your excuses of threats.”

“You should be.”

“Well I’m not. You are the one who is scared anyway.”

“Aaron remember something. I don’t need to know what you do to piss Amber off but I will have a story against you.” Alyce added in calmly.

“And I will stand beside both of them.” Kellan said seriously.

“So you are outnumbered. Surrender coward.” Amber placed her palms on the table, stood up and leaned over. Aaron did the same.

“Never. I will win.”

“Don’t count on it.”

“You don’t stand a chance.”

“Do you wanna bet on that one?”

“As a matter of fact yes I do. You are just afraid that I’m right. Because you know I am.”

“I wasn’t afraid of you when you left. I didn’t like you when you left. And nothing has changed since the time you left and the time you came back. So you better get used to it.” The two just stared at each other for several moments before Amber balled her hand into a fist and punched his arm.


“This means war Aaron.”

“Yes it does.”

“You are going down. You do not stand a chance.”


“Watch your back. Welcome to hell.” Amber straightened herself out and walked out of the dinning room followed by Alyce and Kellan. They knew that things were about to get crazy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just wanted to let you guys know that the next one should be a lot funnier since this one was kind of serious. Also what do you guys think of the characters? Please comment!! Thanks!!
