My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Thirteen

Amber felt like everything was perfect for the night. She’d spent time with Matt, had a great time, avoided anything dealing with her dad and Aaron, and had gotten away with it all. Or so she thought.

She thought everyone was in bed so she didn’t bother to hide the way she was feeling. Instead she just went up to her room and turned on the light before jumping back and gasping. This wasn’t supposed to happen. “Lisa! What are you doing?” She asked taking a deep breath.

“Well I was waiting for you.”

“But why? You never wait for me.”

“The better question is why are you so happy? Are you drunk?”

“No Lisa, I am not drunk. I just had fun bowling. Is that a crime?”

“No. I guess I’m actually waiting for you so I could ask you something.”

“Well ask away.” Amber sat her keys on her dresser and removed her necklace, mostly so she could avoid her sister’s gaze. She didn’t like where this was going. Lisa didn’t know, did she?

“Why do you hate Aaron so much?” Amber could have sighed in relief.

“Because he is an asshole.” Amber turned to face her little sister. “No one knows exactly how much better than Alyce and I do. Trust me.”

“Well what ever you say. Night.”

“Night.” As soon as Lisa left her room Amber shut her door and plopped on her bed. For now she and Matt were safe. But what was Lisa’s reason for questioning about Aaron? The fact that her sister was showing any interest in anything dealing with Aaron was frightening to her.

The next day when she parked at the shoe store she saw Mr. Marshell’s car and knew that he was in talking to her dad and Aaron might possibly be with him. So much for another day of avoiding him and the subject of him. She took her normal spot behind the counter and really wished that Alyce didn’t have the day off for a family reunion.

When Mr. Marshell came out of the room her dad used for meetings he smiled and walked towards Amber. “Good morning Amber. How are you this morning?”

Amber politely smiled back. “Good morning Mr. Marshell. I’m fine. How are you?”

“I’m doing good. Well have a good day!”

“You too!” Amber watched as Mr. Marshell left and then sighed in relief that he hadn’t said anything about the current war she was having with Aaron.

“Good morning.” Amber looked over to see her dad walked towards her.


“I want you home for dinner tonight. The Marshells are coming over.”

“Fine. Bye dad.”

“Bye Kiddo.”

That popped Amber’s entire bubble. With a family dinner there was no possible way that she could see Matt before dinner and that probably meant that she wouldn’t be about to see him after dinner either. She quickly cussed under her breath. Damn Aaron, it was all his fault. She knew it was.


Amber sat next to her mom to avoid being anywhere near Aaron, and in turn to avoid the temptation of beating the crap out of him. Lisa next to her and Aaron sat across from her. At least he was across the table instead of next to her.

“So Anthony I was going to ask you, what do you think about the Sanders?” Aaron asked clearing his throat. Amber looked down at her plate. She could have strangled him at that exact moment.

“I don’t mind getting along for now. But it isn’t permanent. Why do you ask?” Anthony responded without taking notice that Amber was no looking down.

“I don’t like them. At all. What do you think Amber?”

Amber’s head snapped up to glare at Aaron. “I don’t mind getting along with them. They seem nice.”

“Nice? Amber do not trust them.” For that moment Aaron and Amber both forgot where they were as they just glared at each other.

“I said they seem nice Aaron, you are not going to change my mind about that. And don’t tell me what to do.” Amber then looked at her dad. “Excuse me.” She then got up and left the table and retreated to her bedroom. She had to get away. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Matt’s number.

“Hey Amber. Is everything alright?” He answered, knowing she was supposed to be having dinner with her family and the Marshells.

“No. Aaron is driving me nuts. I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“I could always beat the shit out of him for you.”

“That would be nice.” Amber plopped back on her bed.

“Just let me find my keys.”

“Matt I was kidding.”

“I wasn’t.”

“I don’t want to break the peace.”

“This really sucks. You know someday soon I am going to get him alone, and when I do he will pay. He will pay so much for bothering you.”

“Can I watch?”

“What ever makes you happy.”

“You’d really kick his ass? For me?”

“In half a heartbeat.”

“That is so…”

“So what?”


“Amber you know that I love you and I would do anything for you.”

“I know. I love you too.” It came out as a whisper and Matt knew that it was incase anyone was listening.

“Are you going to go back downstairs?”

“I think I have to. My dad will probably come looking for me, or worse send Aaron to look for me. I’ll call you later.”


“Bye.” Amber closed her phone and went back downstairs.

“Where did you go Amber?” Anthony asked her as soon as she returned to the dining room. Aaron looked at her wanted an explanation too.

“Well let me see, I had to pee. Then I had to wash my hands. So my bathroom.” She sat back down and began to eat the rest of her food. She had decided that after she finished eating she was going to get a stomach ache and have to go upstairs and either vomit or lay down and rest. Anything to get her out of that room.

For the rest of dinner she only added in short statements and finished eating. She then gave enough time for the fake stomach ache to set in, before standing up. “Where are you going sweetie?” Esme asked.

“I’m feeling sick. I’ll be in my room. If you hear me vomiting don’t worry.” And with that she made her escape. Once she was in her room she waited in her bathroom the appropriate amount of time then flushed the toilet and turned on the sink. She had to make this convincing. After that she went into her bedroom and turned on her TV.

Several minutes later she reached for her cell phone and dialed Matt’s number again. It didn’t take him long to answer. “How did you get away?”

“I said that my stomach is upset and I have a stomach ache.”


“Yeah I thought it was. So what are you doing?”

“I was writing a new song actually.”

“Sweet! When can I hear it?”

“As soon as possible. Maybe you came come to our next gig?”

“Keep your fingers crossed. My dad is really trying something now and he is being sneaky about it. Why else would he want me here for a family dinner with the Marshells.”

“Very true. You don’t think he is on to us do you?”

“My dad? Nah, he is too busy right now. He thinks I’m just avoiding being around Aaron. And that works to my advantage.”
“Let’s hope it stays that way.”

“No kidding huh? I wish I could sneak away and see you.”

“Me too. Maybe tomorrow.”

“I hope so.” Then she heard the footsteps. “Someone is coming. I’ve gotta go.”

“Okay bye.”

“Bye.” Amber closed her phone, shoved it under her pillow, laid down, closed her eyes, and laid her arm over her eyes. Then the door opened.

“Oh you can save the sick act for me Amber. Good thinking to get away.” Alyce laughed already knowing that it was an act. Esme knew too, but everyone else believed it.

“Alyce I thought you were someone else!” Amber sat up to hug her best friend.

“Nope it’s just me.”

“How was the family reunion?”

“It was a family reunion. I think I’m going to hang out here tonight if it’s cool with you. My cousins are at my house and I can’t talk to Kellan on the phone at all with them all listening in.”

“Alyce you can always stay here. You know that.”

“Just making sure. So how was dinner?” She joined Amber and they both laid on Amber’s bed staring at the ceiling.

“Well Aaron brought up Matt’s family and I almost lost it.”

“Did you lose it?”

“No I contained myself and then I said I had to pee.”

“Good thinking. When you have no other excuse blame having to pee.”

“Yeah that is what I thought. Except I blamed the pee when I came back. I was so pissed I just had to get out of there when it happened.”

“So if you and Matt have to run away if your dad finds out you should go to Hawaii. Kellan and I will join you.”


“Well of course. Besides Hawaii sounds fun!”

“I don’t think we’d run away Alyce.”

“Well I’m just making a suggestion. That is what I would do.”

“Of course it is. You just wanna go back to Hawaii.”

“Hey, shut up. That was the best vacation of my life I’ll have you know.”

“So you’ve mentioned more than a few times.”

“So how have you talked to Matt this evening?”

“Yeah, I called him the first time Aaron pissed me off, and I then I called him back right before you came over. He threatened to come over here and kick Aaron’s ass for me.”

“How sweet. Give him time and he’ll find a way.”

“Oh I know he will. He said I could watch.”

“Well I’m sure you will watch. I wish that I could watch Kellan kick his ass again.” Both the girls looked at each other and laughed.

“You should hit him with your car again.”

“Nah, I can do better. Let me think.”

“Knock, knock.” Esme’s voice floated through the door.

“Come in.” Amber called. Esme walked in and laughed at the sight of the girls.

“What are you girls doing?” She asked.

“Thinking of ways to hurt Aaron. It’s going well.”

“Of course it is. So how is the fake stomach ache?”

“It’s getting worse.” Amber laughed and her mom smiled, knowing this would be the excuse to get out of the rest of the evening.

“So mom what do you think about Hawaii?” Alyce sat up and smiled.

“I liked it. Why?”

“Alyce says that if dad ever busts me and Matt that we should run away there and hide.” Amber sat up and looked at her mom.

“Well did you have a backup plan?” Alyce looked at Amber who shook her head no, making Alyce smirk. “Then see. It’s not a bad idea.”

“If he ever busts you two I will stand behind you.” Esme hugged her daughter and Alyce pouted.

“So will I. I feel unloved.” Alyce looked down and pretended to be sad causing Esme to hug her too.

“Thanks. He doesn’t suspect anything does he?” Amber pulled back to look at her mom.

“Not a thing. But I better get back down there.” After Esme left Amber and Alyce flipped through channels looking for something to watch.

“As always there is nothing on.” Amber selected Top Cat and threw the remote down on her bed before looking at Alyce who was deep in thought. “Earth to Alyce?”

“What? I need to go get my backpack. I’ll be back.” Alyce hopped up and ran out of Amber’s room. Amber grabbed her phone and sent a text message.

Sorry Matt. It was Alyce. She is going to stay over here tonight. I’ll call you in the morning though. I’m sorry.

Alyce had just came back and went to change into her pajamas when Amber’s phone went off with a text from Matt.

It’s okay Amber. Don’t worry about it. Have fun hanging out with Alyce. Talk to you in the morning. I love you.

Amber smiled just as Alyce walked out of the bathroom and realized that her best friend was texting Matt. So she just waited for Amber to send her reply. Amber typed in a simple message and hit sent.

I love you too.

“What are you two talking about?” Alyce asked sitting back down next to Amber.

“Nothing really.”

“Sure you aren’t.”
“You know what Alyce? Just shut up.”


Matt knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to go find Aaron and kick his ass. He knew that there was something from the past that the asshole had done that he didn’t know about. He could see it whenever Amber had to deal with him. He would find out what it was.

He looked at the time and realized he was supposed to go meet the guys soon, so he grabbed his keys and went downstairs. “Where are you heading to son?” His dad asked when he walked into the living room.

“I’m going to go hang out with the guys for a while.”

“Have fun.” In his car Matt realized that there was a chance his dad already knew that he was seeing Amber secretly. Matt thought of his dad as one of his best friends. He wanted to tell him the truth, but at the same time he didn’t want to face being told her couldn’t see her anymore.

But it didn’t matter if anyone told him that he couldn’t see her anymore. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing her. It was their lives and he loved her. He knew that she loved him as well. How had he gotten himself in this mess?

That night at the beach all he wanted was to get out of there. He didn’t want to be anywhere near the Davis family or the families on their side. He didn’t want the peace, and he didn’t want to have to deal with being nice to people he had grew up avoiding. He didn’t want any of it.

But all it took was that one night with Amber and he would have given everything to change everything that was keeping them apart. He wanted to change the reasons that the sides hated each other. He wanted to change everyone’s mind about not getting along. He wanted to make the peace permanent. And most of all he just wanted to not have to hide with Amber.

He drove to the normal spot to meet up with the guys and found them all there already. He had lost track of time a little, but they guys never cared if he didn’t show up on time. They really didn’t care if he was getting himself into a mess with secretly seeing Amber. They’d stand behind him through it all.

What else are best friends for after all? “Were you talking to Amber again?” Zacky teased him with a laugh.

“Uh yeah I was. I was also thinking of a way to find Aaron and kick his ass.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like this one! Sorry I didn't get it posted last night! An updates are coming for Broken Glass and Bleeding Hearts, Here With You, and of course another one for this one in the next few days!! Thanks to everyone who is reading and or commenting this!! Thanks to anyone who has subscribed as well!! Comments are awesome!!
