My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Fifteen

“Whoa back up, so Lisa is actually seeing Aaron? Even though she knows that he wants to get to you?” Alyce asked a few days later as they sat in the living room of the empty house waiting for Matt to arrive. Amber’s parents, Lisa, and Aaron had went out of town for the day.

“Yes. And you know that I wouldn’t care except for the fact that he will ruin her life forever. We both know that. But she won’t listen to me!”

“Okay what is it that you two know about him that I don’t?” Kellan asked finally after weeks of wondering. But there was then a knock at the door.

“Hey Matt!” Amber said as she hugged him.

“Hey Amber.” He gave her a quick kiss and they went into the living room.

“Now back to my question, what is it that you two know that I don’t?” Kellan brought the subject up again.

“Yeah I’d like to know too.” Matt agreed.

“Well Kellan do you remember our old friend Beth? She used to hang out with Amber and I all the time?” Alyce turned to her boyfriend.

“Yeah I remember her. What does she have to do with anything though?”

“What did he do?” Matt asked looking at Amber.

“Well Beth was dating Aaron about six months before his dad screwed up and they moved to Hawaii. She called us crying one night and asked if we’d go over to her house. We thought that he had broken up with her and that is why she was upset. We were wrong.” Alyce paused and Amber picked up the story.

“So we went over. When we got there we were shocked. She was almost covered in blood and she had basically been beaten within an inch of her life. She should have been at the hospital, but she didn’t want to go. She was too embarrassed. Before Aaron beat her, he raped her.”

“That asshole!” Came from Matt and Kellan at the same time.

“And I’m worried that is what he’ll do to Lisa.” Amber added in quietly.

‘That is why Beth moved away. She was trying to get whatever of her life back that she could. Not just because she was tired of California.” Alyce informed them

“Amber has he ever laid a finger on you that way?” Matt asked

“No Matt. After Alyce and I found out what he did we went and gave him a good ass kicking, he knew after that not to even try it.”

“Alyce?” Kellan didn’t need to ask the question out loud, and he really didn’t need to ask it at all since Amber had kind of answered for both of them.

“No. It is like Amber said.”

“Kellan do you have a way to get Aaron away from everyone else?” Matt asked making Alyce and Amber both stare at the boys.

“Yeah I think so. Where do you want to meet at? The asshole needs another ass kicking. And soon.” Kellan understood the unasked question and agreed with Matt.

“Where does he usually hang out?”


“I need to kick his ass alone. No one needs to know that any of us are friends.”

“Who else knows?”

“I’m not exactly sure. I think my dad might.”

“Now I see. I’m not really sure where he hangs out but I’ll try and find out.”

“Thanks man.”

“No problem.”

“I wanna watch!” Amber complained looking at Matt and pouting.

“Okay so watch then.” He laughed. She smiled and kissed him.

“Give it a rest will you? I don’t want to see you two kiss.” Alyce laughed and rolled her eyes, making Amber stick her tongue out at her.

“Alyce for the ten millionth time, I’ve had to live with you and him,” She pointed at Kellan “and all of you twos mushy moments for the past two years.”

“Oh thanks Amber, I’m just a ‘him’ now huh?” Kellan asked with a laugh.

“You know what I mean Kellan. Shut up.”
“Anyway, changing the subject, what exactly are we going to do about Aaron and Lisa to keep her from ruining her life?” Alyce broke in.

“The same thing we usual do? Be violent with him until he surrenders?” Amber shrugged. As far as she knew that was the only real way to deal with him.

“What if we tell Lisa the truth about him?”

“She won’t believe it.”

“True. Maybe we shouldn’t interfere, we might just push her closer to him.”

“Alyce you have a point. Again.”

“I always have a point. And I’m usually right.”

“Why don’t we go to the spot tonight?” Kellan asked out of nowhere. Amber and Alyce looked at each other and grinned like idiots.

“Flashy lights!” They exclaimed laughing.

“I think that is a yes.” Matt laughed

“It is a yes.” Alyce sat back and wrapped her arms around Kellan’s arm. “Good idea.”

“See! I’ve been dealing with you two like this for two years and counting!” Amber pointed at the two of them to prove her point. Alyce rolled her eyes and shook her head.


“Where are you going so soon?” Anthony asked when Amber walked towards the door that evening. They had all just gotten back so it was time for her to leave.

“I’m going to go hang out with Alyce. Probably go to the mall or a movie or something. Not sure yet.” She shrugged.

“Well have fun.”

“Oh I will. Bye!” Smiling that she hadn’t been asked into a long explanation she drove away from the house and towards the normal meeting spot. She saw Matt, Alyce, and Kellan’s cars all parked out front and knew that Alyce and Kellan were already inside. Matt was waiting for her.

“Kellan I’m serious!” Alyce yelled as soon as Matt and Amber walked in. Kellan was running away from her holding something and laugh. Alyce was chasing after him looking not so happy. Then Amber noticed it was Alyce’s cell phone.

“Why don’t you want me to read your texts? Is there something in here I don’t need to read?” He asked over his shoulder.

“Yes. Its called girl stuff.”

“And you say we act childish Kellan!” Amber yelled making Kellan look at her.

“You two do! So I thought I’d join the fun.”

“Give me my phone!” Alyce had caught up with him and this time she snatched her phone away from him.

“Only you two.” Amber laughed.

“It’s cause we are special.” Alyce replaced her phone into her pocket and went to turn on the stereo. Amber shook her head and grabbed Matt’s arm and they went to sit down. “What are you doing? We are going to bowl! Get your butt up!”

“Fine. Don’t be so pushy!” That night Alyce and Kellan left before Amber and Matt did. So that let the two of them spend sometime together alone.

She had her spot at his side with her head on his shoulder. Matt had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and was gently rubbing her arm. The feel of his hand moving up and down on her arm was very comforting to Amber. She didn’t want to move. “What are you thinking about?” Matt asked after a long silence.

“Just how I don’t want to move.” Amber smiled and closed her eyes after her answer. “What about you?”

“The same, and how I don’t want that asshole anywhere near you. I don’t trust him.”

“Don’t think about him right now. It only makes you mad.” She moved her head so that she could kiss his cheek and then settled her head back onto his shoulder.

“I can’t help it. Knowing what he did and then having him anywhere near you.” He moved his head so that he could partially see her. “But I’ll stop thinking about it.”

“Thank you.” They then fell into another one of their silences. Neither of them felt the need to say anything since they were comfortable and content just being with each other. They had taken to the small hidden room in the back since Alyce had made it like a living room. They hadn’t bothered to turn on the TV and had really only turned one of the lamps on for light.

Amber found herself beginning to get sleepy, but afraid that saying anything would completely ruin the moment she kept her mouth shut. Matt, having the same thoughts, also kept his mouth shut about getting sleepy. So it was only a matter of time before Amber fell asleep followed soon after by Matt.


Amber heard her phone ringing distantly. She didn’t want to wake up, instead she wanted to hold on to the dream of Matt. She was asleep on his shoulder and it seemed like nothing could come between them. They didn’t have to hide. Then somewhere in her mind she realized that she hadn’t gone home. That had to be why her phone was ringing.

She jumped awake and realized that she had been asleep on Matt’s shoulder. The phone was waking him up as well as she grabbed it and flipped it open. “Alyce?”

“Where are you? You parents are worried. I said that we were still bowling and you were in the bathroom!”

“I’m sorry Alyce! We fell asleep. Can you say that I’m staying at your house? I’m not sure that I can wake up enough to drive home.”

“Yeah. Talk until you sound awake and then three way them that way I can talk if they need me to okay?”

“Okay.” When Amber sounded awake she three-way called her parents. Matt was still asleep although he was coming to. She had taken her spot on his shoulder again.

“Hello?” Esme answered followed by Anthony picking up the other handset.

“Hi. Sorry I was in the bathroom. I’m just going to stay at Alyce’s house tonight okay?” This woke Matt up and he just looked at Amber confused as hell. She mouthed out that she’d explain later.

“Can I talk to Alyce about this? Aaron doesn’t believe that you are actually with Alyce and he wants me to clear that up.” Anthony’s question angered Amber. How dare he.

“Yeah here she is.” Alyce waited enough time for Amber to supposedly hand her the phone before speaking.

“Hello?” She asked, sounding oblivious.

“Alyce? Is Amber going to stay with you tonight?” Anthony cut to the chase.

“Yes she is. Is that a problem?”

“Of course not! Have fun!” Esme cut in ending the conversation. Amber told her mom goodbye and Esme and Anthony hung up. Amber explained to Alyce what was going on then they hung up.

“What was it?” Matt asked.

“My dad wanting to know where I was.” Amber shrugged.

“I guess I should uh go huh?”

“What? Why?”

“Aren’t you going to Alyce’s house?”

“No. I’m staying here. I’d like it if you did too.”

“Okay.” He smiled. They found a more comfortable position on the sofa where they could both lay down. Amber was so close to him that she could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. She liked being this close to him, and he liked being this close to her.

The next morning when her alarm went off she could have thrown her cell phone into the closest wall. But instead she turned it off and saw a text from Alyce come in.

My parents are gone already. So come over and get cleaned up a bit before you go home so it is believable.

Amber selected reply and typed in her response then sent it.

Ok. Thanks Alyce.

“Morning.” Amber looked over at Matt and smiled as soon as she heard his voice.

“Morning. Did you sleep okay?”

“Are you kidding? Of course I did. Did you?”

“How could I not?” She kissed him quickly and stood up, finding one of the many combs Alyce kept around the place. “But I’m going to have to leave soon.”

“Me too. Do you wanna go out tonight?”

“I’ll see if I can sneak away okay?”

“Sounds good to me.” Amber looked at the clock and sighed. “You have to go?”

“As much as I hate to, yes.”

“Well I will talk to you later and hopefully see you later too.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“Tell me everything. Right now.” Alyce ordered that afternoon as she and Amber walked into Amber’s bedroom.

“There is nothing to tell Alyce. I fell asleep on his shoulder and then we moved so we were lying down. That is it.”

“Fine I believe you. But I can’t believe how hard you fell for this guy. The girl who didn’t want or care about this kind of thing.”

“Shut up Alyce. It wasn’t planned.”

“But my point is that I told you this would happen. Didn’t I? Didn’t I?”

“Yes you did. Now can we drop it?”

“No. I have to say that one sentence I need to say.” Alyce took a deep breath and looked directly at Amber before pointing at her and blowing “I told you so!”

“How long have you been waiting to do that?”

“A while. It’s been hard. Trust me.”


That afternoon Matt was in his room when his dad knocked on the door. “Come in.” Matt didn’t bother to set the guitar aside as he looked up at his dad. “What’s up dad?”

“Well son, I need to talk to you.” Mr. Sanders sat down and looked directly at his son.

“About what?”

“I’ve noticed a change in you lately.” Matt knew this was it. “And I think I know why that is, and I know that you do.”

“What are you talking about? I’m the same as I’ve always been.”
“I know you better than that.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“No it took me a while to catch on, don’t worry. I just know you that well. It’s Amber isn’t it?” Matt took a deep breath and looked at his dad.

“What about her?”

“You are seeing her. Aren’t you?”

“Yeah dad I am. And I’m not going to stop, for any reason. I care about her and she cares about me. Nothing anyone says is going to keep us apart.”

“I wasn’t going to try. You deserve to be happy. But Anthony Davis won’t look at it that way, so I suggest that you don’t let him find out about it.”

“You aren’t going to say anything?”

“No. I don’t want to break the peace. But do keep this in secret for now.” His dad stood up and walked towards the door before looking over his shoulder “And sometime you mom and I want to meet her without everyone one of the families around.”

Matt smiled and reached for his phone when his dad left. That had went incredibly well and he needed to tell Amber. Another person or two on their side was always good. Amber answered her phone quickly. “Hey Matt.”

“Hey Amber. I’ve got good news. My dad knows about us and he doesn’t care. We are safe for now.”

“If this is a joke then-”

“Its not a joke. He just talked to me. And my parents want to meet you sometime. I mean actually meet you.”

“Wow. Really?”

“I’m not lying.”

“Thank God! Now we just have to worry about my side.”

“We will figure it out. Don’t worry about it right now.”

“I vote we get Aaron to the park tonight and kick his ass in celebration!” Alyce yelled making the three of them begin laughing. But it wasn’t a bad idea and they knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again thank you to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes!! Comment please?
♥♪♫Miss Bat Shadows♫♪♥